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  1. L

    Linux = Lag

    Well I don't think checking them all is really going to hurt now is it.
  2. L

    Linux = Lag

    My advice would be find the logs for Apache and see what it is doing.
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    Linux = Lag

    How much upload bandwidth do you have? It could be as simple as someone hammering your site which would lag everything out. I would disable apache on the Fedora machine and see if the lag stops.
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    Black desktop case with LCD
  5. L

    Linux on a Small form Factor PC

    Hehe, it took a good day and a half to compile OpenOffice. I use to run an Epia 800. Now that was a test of patience. I did avi to VCD video conversions and for an entire film it would be nearly an entire day of 100% CPU usage.
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    Linux on a Small form Factor PC

    I running Gentoo on an Epia M10000 and it is working quite well.
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    Black desktop case with LCD

    I bought a cheap desktop case for my Epia and crammed an LCD that my friend bought me into the front of it. It is one of the most solid cases I have ever used. You can find out a little bit more about the mod here:
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    Broke out Quake I last night.

    I played through Quake 1 and some of the mission packs recently and it was a real blast. Just simple good gameplay.
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    There a book/story/movie about FFVII that I can read b4 watchin FFVII Advent Children

    Not sure whether this breaks forum rules (apologies if it does) but I believe the FMVs from Final Fantasy VII are available on certain peer to peer networks. It's nice to hear of someone's parent actually taking an interest in something like this. Also Final Fantasy VII rocks my socks.
  10. L

    Half Life 2 --- Not that great... ...for what I expected!

    I find that how the plot of Half Life games is given is very different to most games. Yes you do get your main objectives shouted at you and if you just blast through sticking to them then the plot can seem a bit shallow. But I find that if you slow down and spend some time just wandering around...
  11. L

    Eat your heart out Vivendi

    Doesn't anyone find it ironic that the box cover used has the words Vivendi Universal on the spine of it? I don't think I will buy Half Life 2. There's something about buying a game, installing it and then not being able to play it till the game company says you can that just doesn't feel right.
  12. L

    Steam is the devil ...

    What make and model is your network card? Do you have any instability when doing other network intensive tasks?
  13. L

    Counter-Strike: Source Skip

    Try bringing down the console and typing this: cl_smooth 0
  14. L

    Emulation Software Detected!

    I just made a copy of Final Fantasy 7 for the Playstation. My reason is I want to keep my original in mint condition.
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    Counter-Strike Cartoons

    Those were both extremely funny, especially the second one.
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    Emulation Software Detected! Thought it might be relevant to this thread.
  17. L

    Emulation Software Detected!

    I'd take the game back, get a refund and avoid buying games like that in the future. Vote with your dollars people because they make a whole lot more difference than your electoral votes and opinions.
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    Best PC flying game

    What combat aviation games do people recommend for LANs?
  19. L

    holy moley! don't ask how i got it...but i got it!

    Trade you my copy of Half Life 2 for your copy of Doom 3?
  20. L

    About Red VS Blue Season 2 (a Halo based comedy series)

    I just searched on the edonkey network for "rvb" and just dowloaded all the files it came back with, got all of season 1 and all of season 2 that has been so far released.
  21. L

    Valve taking legal action against cheat sites.

    Does anyone know if this is true? I'd have thought that the advertising on a box for a game would have to loosely resemble the game inside the box. So if you bought a retail version of Counter Strike and they forced an update on you that changed the game in a large way and it no longer resembled...
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    Valve taking legal action against cheat sites.

    The action will probably reduce the number of cheaters. I just don't agree with their methods.
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    Valve taking legal action against cheat sites. How does everyone feel about this? I'm personally against it. I dislike cheaters in games but I dislike companies that throw their legal weight at problems more.
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    New Monolith In Game Video - F.E.A.R.

    Neither, 3DFX.
  25. L

    New Monolith In Game Video - F.E.A.R.

    The scariest bit for me was as the lift went down you catch a glimpse of the girl in corner of the lift between the lights flickering on and off. Made me jump.
  26. L

    New Monolith In Game Video - F.E.A.R.

    Just finished watching the demo. Looks very good although I feel they have given too much away in the demo already. I would have left off the last scene. Other than that it looks ace.
  27. L

    finally doom 3 arrives!!!!

    I come for the intelligent debate, I stay for the Duke Nukem Forever jokes.
  28. L

    HL2, Not Until August.........

    Rather than boycot Half Life 2 because Valve have no idea when it will be done I'd boycot them for treating gamers shabbily.
  29. L

    SNES game suggestions?

    I started playing Chrono Trigger about a week a go and I've almost completed it. It's an awesome game. Once I've finished it I'll probably start trying out a few of the other SNES RPGs.
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    Video game makers sue game backup software company

    This is what capitalism gets you, large corporations removing the rights of individual citizens. Now communism, there's a political structure that's guaranteed to work.
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    Parental PS2 Punishment or why PC's are better

    Exactly the same situation in my house. So I learnt very fast not to get caught.
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    Parental PS2 Punishment or why PC's are better

    That's right, respect your parents even if they do write all in caps (apart from possession for some reason) and can't spell.
  33. L

    PC Co-op Games?

    Serious Sam, Doom, Diablo 2, Sven Co-op ( There's probably more but that's all I can think of off hand.
  34. L

    Valve Have ZERo Respect For Us Gamers :(

    I must admit Valve do seem to be jerking people around. The lack of a linux port of half life despite lord knows how many petitions. The whole fiasco that was steam. It felt like being back in the days of the first colour TV. Me and my 3 brothers would all try to get connected to a games of CS...
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    Anyone been too scared to play a scary gaame or wet in your pants from playing one

    When I was about 11 - 12 the doom series would creep me out. Then when I was a few years older it was Silent Hill on the playstation. I played that game so much but it was just so damn scary even after completing it a few times. I played a bit of Alien vs Predator recently and that scared me a...
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    All I play is online multiplayer...

    I second that.
  37. L

    Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow LAN

    Thank you to everyone that's been helpful. I've ordered a copy and it should be with me in a few days. I had to jump through merry hoops getting Raven Shield to work on my LAN with only one copy. That's mainly why I asked since it seems more games are moving that way. Long gone are the days of...
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    Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow LAN

    I asked around on some other forums and according to them you can have LAN games of Pandora Tomorrow using only one copy of the game.
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    Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow LAN

    If we have to buy a copy each then we'll buy a copy each, if we don't we won't. I'm not looking for a debate on whether it's morally right or not just a technical answer.
  40. L

    installing ftp on smoothwall v.2

    From what I remember smoothwall actually advise against installing any other programs on the router machine and instead suggest setting up another machine to act as whatever sort of server you want. To get files onto it I believe you can use a program called scp but I'm not entirely sure.