Eat your heart out Vivendi


Mar 8, 2004
I dunno about you guys, but I have grown an extreme hatred towards HL2's publisher, Vivendi. After reading gamespots HL2 backstory article, I grew even more angrier of that fact that Vivendi seems to be acting like a spoiled brat in this whole ordeal. Now we have retail versions being sold in Best Buys everywhere, but Vivendi once again throws a tantrum fit and won't allow Valve to release Steam early because as well all know, you can't play it until its activated.

Not only that, but after looking into the HL2 packages more, I couldn't believe I was gonna spend $90 on a retail CE that gave me 1: DVD HL2 copy. 2: A shirt and 3: A SAMPLER HL2 strategy book!

Thats it!!!!??? Wow, if nothing else, felt I had just been butt raped in a back alley. I was very hesitant about the whole Steam ordeal as I was simpy used to having fully proffesionally made stamped physical copies of my games, and not something downloaded over the internet. But after I looked into what I was gonna get for Steams Gold package for the same price, I gave Vivendi the bird, cancelled my reservation and bought the Steam Gold package.

Not only was that a MUCH better deal, I was very suprised to hear Valve had included a very nice backup utility for all the Steam games downloaded! I gave it a try last nice, and i coudln't believe how easy it was, I had my entire Steam game collection backed up in about 20mins. After some digging around, I found a very nice website to make some art for my own DVD case for the game. Did someone say retail? Whats that? :D

After reading Vivendi's BS lawsuit, im so glade that a major portion of my money from Steam will be going DIRECTLY to the very hardworking boys of Valve and not those publisher assholes.

For downloads to make your own CD and DVD covers, go here
HL2 DVD and CD covers

I encourage everyone to read Gamespots full length interview, from beginning to end about the HL2 saga. After I was done, I felt bad I was so angry at Valve, when instead I was more angry at that fucktard in Germany who stole the code and had enough nerve to think he was just doing valve a favor. That the whole vivendi part make me fully change my mind about giving them a dime of my money and instead wanted more of it to go to those extremely hard working folks at Valve.

If your a Half Life fan in any shape or form, Read this:
Half Life 2. A saga of dreams


I'm also curious to know where to find this picture because i will order it from Steam instead of putting money into Vivendi pockets (it is not the first time they fucked something).
ah! quick! how can i cancel my order from I'm looking all over for it, but I can't find any way to cancel. *sigh*
What is this backup thing you speak of? And please give links to where you found the artwork if you ould. Thx.
I would use the backup utility in a heartbeat if I had a DVD burner. Might invest in one.
Thanks IceWind, after your speech I have finally built up enough steam to cancel my Vinvedi collector's edition order and go for the steam silver package. I thank you for showing me the light.
Thank You
Yes those damn publisher assholes. How dare they pay Valve to make a game and expect something in return for their investment?
Darten said:
Yes those damn publisher assholes. How dare they pay Valve to make a game and expect something in return for their investment?
Actually, according to Valve, all of the 40 million that has gone towards HL2 has been payed in house.
Wow.. Icewind totally gets it.. and made a nice package of his own to boot. Kudos to you man. I did the same exact thing after buying the silver package, only I used a marker to write HL2 on my DVD.. :D

And then we have somebody like Darten come along who says something completely wrong. Sure, he's dead wrong, but he said it with such conviction.
I emplore all of you to read gamestops HL2 article that I have provided, and then decide for yourself if you want Vivendi to profit from this, or show them what happens when they piss of gamers and screw with one of the best game makers of all time and probably the most demanded game of all time.
Holy cow! You guys have convinced me to buy my copy through Steam! :eek: Especially now that I can back up my installs and not lose them after a format. :D
Odie812 said:
I'll pay you to make me one :)

Lol, do what I did bud. Spend $10 at Wal-Mart for a CD label creator, go to the link I posted, print our your favorite image, back up your Steam downloaded games, slap it all together an wallah!
I did the same thing. Only I cancelled my pre-order with EB and bought the bronze package, as I am a eye-candy whore and don't care for the older games, even if they are remade using the Source engine. I know that doesn't make sence, but it does to me. Sorry.

Anyway, yeah....that is what I did. I printed out the cover and then printed on a silver dvd that looks pretty cool....retail shmeetail!

I read that gamespot article last night, Its definatly worth the read.
And has changed my mind about buying it retail.
Now to go order off steam...
Thanks for the links guys. I'll definitely be backing the files up to DVD and making it look nice. :)
What's a good CD/DVD label creator ?

I see Memorex/Verbatim/Avery often... but they seem crappy. Anything good?
Well, Valve has my money via Steam. Was much faster than waiting for the Mosul shops to get a copy and then having to go in with M4s blazing just to pick it up. ;)
Someone want to print off the covers/labels for me? I don't have a color printer. :(
At last something positive about HL2.

I've always been a big fan of excluding publishers and if that means the developers getting over 4 times the money from the game I'm all for it.

My main reason for liking steam though is that I don't have to take a trip into town to get the games :)
well, I agree on not liking Vivendi.... as they are the reason that Bill Roper decided to leave Blizzard. He & the game creaters were being pressured and influenced too much by CEOs.

Anyhow, I would really like to purchase from Steam, but I am only on dialup. I've searched the HL2 forums and haven't found an option to pay an extra fee for the discs to be mailed. Is there any way possible to purchase through steam and obtain discs?

The whole steam idea is good, but not for us poor blokes who don't have broadband available
If it wasn't for the fucktard in Germany, people would probably think HL2 was delayed for 14 months because Valve wanted to make the game as perfect as opposed to blatantly lying about the release date in a lame attempt to build hype.

p.s. Half-Life 2 benchmark what?
Both Valve and Vivendi are full of $hit. It's just a stupid video game like any other, but both sides are hyping it beyond belief. Where you buy it? It makes no difference. Either way you buy into the big brother garbage of Stream and product activation. Supporting the little man my ass. :rolleyes:
iZero said:
Both Valve and Vivendi are full of $hit. It's just a stupid video game like any other, but both sides are hyping it beyond belief. Where you buy it? It makes no difference. Either way you buy into the big brother garbage of Stream and product activation. Supporting the little man my ass. :rolleyes:

Yeah, as much as id like to "hate the evil publishers in France" and "love the little friendly american game company" the bottom line is I still hate steam, and I still hate product activation and I dont like the idea of giving some $50+ for a game, and then hope they allow me to use it, and then hope someday my key isn't stolen

no thanks
iZero said:
Both Valve and Vivendi are full of $hit. It's just a stupid video game like any other, but both sides are hyping it beyond belief. Where you buy it? It makes no difference. Either way you buy into the big brother garbage of Stream and product activation. Supporting the little man my ass. :rolleyes:

Big Brother garbage .... umm paranoid much.
Its just a different way to try and curb some of the piracy that runs rampant through the video game industry. Granted it probably wont help all that much ... but at least they are trying something.

Product activation is nothing new ... just because they do it over steam people start to cry ? well how did you activate the OS you are using ... or download any of the software updates for any program you use ...

Valve made the game ... regardless if it was vivendi or valve that decided on this new form of copy protection .. thats the way they set it up ... thats the way its going to be ..... deal with it.
bonkrowave said:
Big Brother garbage .... umm paranoid much.
Its just a different way to try and curb some of the piracy that runs rampant through the video game industry. Granted it probably wont help all that much ... but at least they are trying something.
What they are *trying* will not stop the pirates and only annoys the legit buyers

Product activation is nothing new ... just because they do it over steam people start to cry ? well how did you activate the OS you are using ... or download any of the software updates for any program you use ...

Lots of OS dont require activation, or do you only use what B. Gates wants you too? None of the software I use requires activation...I dont mind paying for it, but ill be damned if im going to need someone else permission to use something I bought. The good thing theres always alternatives...dont wanna reigster XP? use 2K or linux. For every software application out there that requires activation theres always an alternative that doesn't

Valve made the game ... regardless if it was vivendi or valve that decided on this new form of copy protection .. thats the way they set it up ... thats the way its going to be ..... deal with it.
they can deal with it when i dont buy it. of course there will be millions of fans who will buy it anyways, and just "Deal with it"
IceWind said:
I dunno about you guys, but I have grown an extreme hatred towards HL2's publisher, Vivendi. After reading gamespots HL2 backstory article, I grew even more angrier of that fact that Vivendi seems to be acting like a spoiled brat in this whole ordeal. Now we have retail versions being sold in Best Buys everywhere, but Vivendi once again throws a tantrum fit and won't allow Valve to release Steam early because as well all know, you can't play it until its activated.

Not only that, but after looking into the HL2 packages more, I couldn't believe I was gonna spend $90 on a retail CE that gave me 1: DVD HL2 copy. 2: A shirt and 3: A SAMPLER HL2 strategy book!

Thats it!!!!??? Wow, if nothing else, felt I had just been butt raped in a back alley. I was very hesitant about the whole Steam ordeal as I was simpy used to having fully proffesionally made stamped physical copies of my games, and not something downloaded over the internet. But after I looked into what I was gonna get for Steams Gold package for the same price, I gave Vivendi the bird, cancelled my reservation and bought the Steam Gold package.

Not only was that a MUCH better deal, I was very suprised to hear Valve had included a very nice backup utility for all the Steam games downloaded! I gave it a try last nice, and i coudln't believe how easy it was, I had my entire Steam game collection backed up in about 20mins. After some digging around, I found a very nice website to make some art for my own DVD case for the game. Did someone say retail? Whats that? :D

After reading Vivendi's BS lawsuit, im so glade that a major portion of my money from Steam will be going DIRECTLY to the very hardworking boys of Valve and not those publisher assholes.

For downloads to make your own CD and DVD covers, go here
HL2 DVD and CD covers

I encourage everyone to read Gamespots full length interview, from beginning to end about the HL2 saga. After I was done, I felt bad I was so angry at Valve, when instead I was more angry at that fucktard in Germany who stole the code and had enough nerve to think he was just doing valve a favor. That the whole vivendi part make me fully change my mind about giving them a dime of my money and instead wanted more of it to go to those extremely hard working folks at Valve.

If your a Half Life fan in any shape or form, Read this:
Half Life 2. A saga of dreams


Doesn't anyone find it ironic that the box cover used has the words Vivendi Universal on the spine of it?
I don't think I will buy Half Life 2. There's something about buying a game, installing it and then not being able to play it till the game company says you can that just doesn't feel right.
IceWind, What kind of paper did you use to make your cover? I used regular paper but it does not look very good for some reason. I can tell it is paper, I guess I need glossy.
Its Kodak Everyday Photopaper. I knew that regular paper was gonna look like shit, so I bought a fresh pack of photo paper at walmart for $5.
Yeah, use photo paper it looks better.

Here are mine. I went with the City17 theme. Sorry about the quality, had to scan them and use photobucket.

The DVD looks multicolored but it isn't, that is just because it is a shiny silver. It turned out nice, gives it a 3d kind of look up close, but I have to redo it since I messed up on the inner diameter printing. It is a printable DVD, not a label.

