Linux on a Small form Factor PC


Mar 10, 2000
Is anyone running Linux on SFF system? If so, what SFF did you go with and what flavor of Linux are you running? Thinking of building a new system based on the SFF.

I booted knoppix on an (I think) NF2-based SFFShuttle system my friend had. Actually booted both by CD and by PXE from a Knoppix terminal server.
you should be fine with all the shuttle-based SFFs, and 99% of the rest. why? because there's no proprietary hardware used in SFFs, they're just shrunken down versions of regular boards. on the amd side, all the stuff will work, and on the intel side, the only thing that's slightly unperfected is the pci-express. it works, but not perfectly (yet - give em a month).

what you should be more concerned about is the graphics card - make sure you get nvidia, and not a geforce3. geforceFX is the same rules as windows, it kinda sucks performance wise but it works very well none-the-less.

as for audio, i highly recommend an audigy - it's just so much easier and well supported.
I used Mandrake on my Shuttle SN41G2 when I had it, no problems. I agree entirely with the above poster, there's nothing specifically difficult about SFF systems.
Thank you all for the replies. Very good points made concerning video card and sound card.

I have a biostar 200N on the way. Its an nVidia based SFF for those that don't know. I plan to use the onboard video and will probablly use it as my "playing with differant OS's box" I want to get some linux distros on there maybe some BSD's, who knows.
I running Gentoo on an Epia M10000 and it is working quite well.
loop said:
I running Gentoo on an Epia M10000 and it is working quite well.
Good lord, hope you didn't compile everything on that...

WRT video and audio, get an nVidia card for linux. There's just no competition. Sound, though, I disagree. The av-710 from chaintech has been good to me, sounds great and has optical out for ony $25. It uses the ice1724 driver, standard with Linux. Cheap and sounds good: can't beat that.
i had suse 9 pro on my suttle sbb1g with the following specs

2.0ghz P4 400mhz fsb
1gb pc 2100 ddr
80gb maxtor 7200rpm
netgear ma311 wifi card (cant remember if i had this working or not)
sapphire radeon 9500 (ati drivers are a a bitch-and-a-half)

it worked really well, and everything seemed to be supported right after the install, like network and sound
unhappy_mage said:
Good lord, hope you didn't compile everything on that...
Hehe, it took a good day and a half to compile OpenOffice.
I use to run an Epia 800. Now that was a test of patience. I did avi to VCD video conversions and for an entire film it would be nearly an entire day of 100% CPU usage.