Valve taking legal action against cheat sites.

Sounds good to me. I'd laugh my ass off to see everyone using a cheat/hack program in games thrown in jail. I can't stand people that use 3rd party programs in mmorpg's and the like, as it's just stupid. I love nothing more than seeing those people banned, and seeing them face legal suits is even better.
I agree with the others and think this is a good thing. Maybe you should exlpain why Valve taking action will make the problem worse.
Heitai said:
I agree with the others and think this is a good thing. Maybe you should exlpain why Valve taking action will make the problem worse.
The action will probably reduce the number of cheaters. I just don't agree with their methods.
Agree with this but 2 things

1) why should they attack ppl cause they dont stop games being "cheatable"
2) and this is what pisses me off:

At the moment in the UK if you are caught in a cinema with a camera filming a film you can be imprissioned for 10year and upto £50,000. But if you rape someone, kill someone, be a peadaphile you get off practically scott-free.

so answer me what is worse????
1) making a cheat-free game is as easy as making an un-hackable OS. . . :rolleyes:

2) Sad but true, yes. . .but why should a company loose money etc just 'cause the government (i.e. prosecutors/police departments) make mistakes in criminal cases? These issues are not even close to related as civil court judges don't try criminal cases so you can't even complain that you are taking up judges time.
Perhaps they should spend more efforts on making cheat detection that actually works. I'm aware that they won't ever be able to detect all hacks, but permanently banning people from their network for a false positive is unbelievably fucking lame.
damn, had me worried. I came in here thinking you were talking about cheat sites as in game codes/godmode etc not hacks /user made cheats for multiplayer,etc.
It's a good thing to go after cheaters, especially since they've ruined CS. But it's not going to do a lick of good. Most cheat distributors I've seen live in countries where I'd be surprised any EULA will hold up in court.
I doubt it'll make a huge difference in the long run:

--Not every cheat that can be made requires reverse engineering or access to any Valve IP. Given current laws, it'd be difficult to take effective legal action against providers of such cheats.

--Given the rate of improvement in computing power and the reduction in cost, there'll be a time (if it's not already here) when it'll be possible to make high quality cheats at non-prohibitive cost that would be effectively undetectable without physical inspection of the user's equipment. (This also applies to console gaming as well as computer gaming.)

If you can't stop the provider from providing and you can't catch the user using, then you're pretty much out of luck.

Cheating, in some form or another, will be a factor in every sort of gaming (be it video games, sports, cards, etc.) for the forseeable future. It may be possible to reduce the possibility of cheating to an extremely low level of probability by applying rigorous conditions, but applying such conditions broadly isn't viable, especially when it comes to online gaming.
i'm guessing it'll be in the EULA that you can't cheat. then valve will (yay steam?) kill all the cd-keys of people caught cheating. Sure the bot-coders will steal keys but average-joe cheater will have to fork over more $$. UT2k4 is having some success banning cd-keys once and for all.

I doubt you can take a lot of legal action against cheat hosting sites as many of them are overseas. :(
I'm all for it since cheaters have ruined CS. Once I got kicked for getting 5 headshots with a Deagle...and they were totally legit shots. I havent played since then. :mad:
-why teh fuck do you cheat if you paly online? stay offline if you cheat otherwise prepared to face legal action or whatever valve throws at you. cheating should not be a crime but ppl should ahve the decency to not cheat online.
drgh0st said:
-why teh fuck do you cheat if you paly online?

welllll, the kind of satisfaction some people require can only be achieved by besting a real human player at a certain event. for those with low self-esteem and low expectations of their performance, the means(cheating or playing legit) is not as important as the feeling of winning. Plus, the angry reaction of players to the cheating just makes it even more satisfying for the cheater.

Also, people feel a need to feed their ego, and ego is useless without contrasting with other egos, which is why some people prefer to cheat online.

one of the smarter ways players can react is to not appear angry or alarmed. I've seen cheaters leave servers in a hurry when no one reacts to them.
Its both good and bad.

The good part: the fact that the amount of cheaters will be reduced.

The bad part: they never make the cheat protection 100% foolproof, i know some people that have gotten an 8 year VAC ban from all the half-life/mod server there is (and they didnt cheat either).
Speznaz said:
Its both good and bad.

The good part: the fact that the amount of cheaters will be reduced.

The bad part: they never make the cheat protection 100% foolproof, i know some people that have gotten an 8 year VAC ban from all the half-life/mod server there is (and they didnt cheat either).

I'm glad they are doing this. But, I must agree anticheat programs will never be foolproof. Someone can always beat the system, and someone innocent will always have a problem. But, in the end it's worth it as who wants to see HL2 ruined like CS/HL was besides the cheaters themselves? What grounds are they suing on anyway? Reverse engineering?
This is total and utter BS. I dislike cheaters as much as the next guy, but wasting money on lawyers and tying up the court system is NOT the right way to stop them. They aren't suing cheat makers or users (which would be equally as dumb). They are suing WEBSITES. Can you download mp3s off websites? Not really. Has that stopped people from getting mp3s? Yea right.

For the money Valve is going to spend on lawyers for crap like this they could have got Evenbalance to do a much better job. In fact, being able to download cheats off a website actually helps a company like Evenbalance as it should Valve. Why? It makes getting cheats easier for them as well as cheaters. If you have the cheat, you should be able to stop it. If you can stop it, you should be able to catch cheaters.

But no, Valve, in their endless stream of lies and mistakes, makes yet one more.
Doesn't really matter what we think... they're taking legal action. Whether or not people like it or dislike. I hope cheaters burn in hell.

Valve could save themselves a whole lot of money by just giving me the cheaters home addresses, and paying me to beat the living SHIT out of each and every one of them. I'd think most cheaters are between the ages of 12-20. Most of these people don't deserve to live anyways... so I'd really be doing human kind a favor by taking such scumbag off the planet.

If you would like to hire me to kill you local cheaters, please contact me ... I normally charge $20,000 a hit. Chopped body parts ? $63,000 .. oh and a multiple stab death ? that'll run you $71,938.13 (includes gas money).

"Listen Mrs Smith.. little Bobby cant play games when he's dead.. got it ?"

Go valve!
theNoid said:
Doesn't really matter what we think... they're taking legal action. Whether or not people like it or dislike. I hope cheaters burn in hell.

Valve could save themselves a whole lot of money by just giving me the cheaters home addresses, and paying me to beat the living SHIT out of each and every one of them. I'd think most cheaters are between the ages of 12-20. Most of these people don't deserve to live anyways... so I'd really be doing human kind a favor by taking such scumbag off the planet.

If you would like to hire me to kill you local cheaters, please contact me ... I normally charge $20,000 a hit. Chopped body parts ? $63,000 .. oh and a multiple stab death ? that'll run you $71,938.13 (includes gas money).

"Listen Mrs Smith.. little Bobby cant play games when he's dead.. got it ?"

Go valve!
It's little kids like you who like to act so tuff behind computer screens which piss me off more than anything. Seriously, grow up. If you think suing websites is going to stop cheaters any more than shutting down napster stopped file sharing then you are seriously mistaken.
I guess Im the only one that hasnt really seen cheaters as a major problem. Sure it sucks when theres someone out there that gets kills they didnt "deserve" but So what is 3/24 people in your game are cheating, have fun playing the game not worring about how many kills you get, so what if you die a few extra times, I could see issuing lawsuits if cheaters were actually injuring people but its a game were talking about, none of it is real, people shouldnt take it so seriously. If a few people cheating are making you not want to play a game, the game must not have been all that great in the 1st place.
obs said:
It's little kids like you who like to act so tuff behind computer screens which piss me off more than anything. Seriously, grow up. If you think suing websites is going to stop cheaters any more than shutting down napster stopped file sharing then you are seriously mistaken.

owned :eek:
So long as we are tallking about MultiPlayer I don't care.I will be the first to admit that some times I need a little help in certain games.
Naldo said:
I guess Im the only one that hasnt really seen cheaters as a major problem. Sure it sucks when theres someone out there that gets kills they didnt "deserve" but So what is 3/24 people in your game are cheating, have fun playing the game not worring about how many kills you get, so what if you die a few extra times, I could see issuing lawsuits if cheaters were actually injuring people but its a game were talking about, none of it is real, people shouldnt take it so seriously. If a few people cheating are making you not want to play a game, the game must not have been all that great in the 1st place.

Sure but, what if those cheaters are all wallhacking in your base with infinite ammo and health owning your sorry asses? Then cheating sucks eh?

TheNoid, you sounded like a complete jackass. I agree with obs on this one. Nothing annoys me more.
I'd support "legal action" if I lived in a country like England, where the loser in a civil case is normally obligated to pay all court costs as well as their own legal fees, but I live in the US and my taxes (if they file in a New York court) would be paying for part of Valve's "legal actions".

Cheat sites and cheat software producers are far, far, far down the list of social evils I'd like to see my tax dollars going to address.

- Qualm
some of us are creative... we don't need cheats to grief play you folks... i can grief play fine w/o cheating
If you would like to hire me to kill you local cheaters, please contact me ... I normally charge $20,000 a hit. Chopped body parts ? $63,000 .. oh and a multiple stab death ? that'll run you $71,938.13 (includes gas money).

Posting stuff like this even in a sarcastic manner can land you in VERY hot water. You should at the very least edit it and add that you are only joking. Trust me on this one.

On to Valve taking legal actions... Even though they are in the right when doing this, it puts them in the same barrel as the RIAA. Like someone else said, a lot of the people they sue will turn out to be minors. They will catch lots of negative flak no matter what the 'kid' did. Remember the little girl that downloaded tons of children's songs? People were infuriated that the RIAA was suing her and her very poor family. The same fate will rests on Valve's shoulders after they begin their campaign.

As far as Evenbalance and Punkbuster - well they suck. Ever read the full license agreement for PB? You might think twice about ever playing a game with PB enabled if you did.

Cheaters suck no doubt. How can we possibly combat them without pissing off the world? Banning works a lot better now days but even that's not enough. Aside from that I simply don't know. But I think suing kid5_age_12 is not the solution.
If someone wants to cheat in SP mode, fine, more power to them. I've done it, who hasn't?!

But, in MP mode, cheating is LAME. if you can't beat someone in a game PRACTICE. You'll eventually get them.

I'm glad they are going after them.
elation said:
As far as Evenbalance and Punkbuster - well they suck. Ever read the full license agreement for PB? You might think twice about ever playing a game with PB enabled if you did.
Not that anyone would read it, but I think that it's clearly stated in the ToA that you aren't to use these sort of things in network games anyways.

I haven't played Counterstrike, and I'm almost afraid too. I've got one of the worst tempers in the world, and I've heard that every server is full of cheaters...I'd break my fucking computer :(
i play counter strike a fair deal, i switch off between it and more realistic tatical games. but i still enjoy it, its got that classic arcade feel. there are a lot of cheaters on it, there are on almost every online game so long as there have been online games ,there have been cheaters. like the other guy said, its just what people need to feel better about themselves. I wouldn't go so far as to say that on every server there are cheaters, what it comes down to is a lot of servers dont have any admins on them and so people can do whatever they want. the servers i play on almost always have an admin, we dont really have a problem. maybe once in a blue moon someone will cheat. but usually they just avoid well maintained servers.

i think its novel that they are trying to find a way to stop the cheating, but i doubt it will work. there will always be people that will find a way around something, its like the riaa telling you not to dl music. people still do. i hate cheaters, but i just dont see this as being a highly productive move. i could be wrong. i have been before.
EVERYONE needs to do their part to fight cheating. Every little bit counts.

Here's one way: If you meet someone who brags about cheating, knock them the @#$% out!

You'll feel better afterwards, trust me.
I hope valve/seriara/steam die. I am never buying another one of there games.

I have no problem with the people that cheat. Generally there are not that many, and, I do not play online anymore.

I think valve should be more worried about thier customers, such as me, that, has 7 legal hl keys, and NONE of them work with ghey steam at all :confused: