Counter-Strike Cartoons


Aug 28, 2004
Post links to funny counter-strike cartoons. :) I'm looking for the one where the kid is sitting in the chair playing counterstrike... it's hilarious... know what link it is?

nevermind... found it... check it out
Hahaha, I get it! People who don't hack go to school and kill people to get out their rage so we should all hack! I also like the way that movie made school shootings seem funny! A-Ha Ha Ha ha Ha oh wait that wasn't fucking funny at all.
I thought it was hilarious...cept for the ending. That was just creepy. When I show people I normally just stop watching it before then. But other than that, I like it.
finalgt said:
Hahaha, I get it! People who don't hack go to school and kill people to get out their rage so we should all hack! I also like the way that movie made school shootings seem funny! A-Ha Ha Ha ha Ha oh wait that wasn't fucking funny at all.

take a chill pill dill will frill mill bill kill........................ I just liked his EKKKKKK noise :) stop being so serious
Nye553 said:
take a chill pill dill will frill mill bill kill........................ I just liked his EKKKKKK noise :) stop being so serious

Seriously...he's probably one of those crazy kids though :p
its funny b/c of the way the kid talks, and how true it is (Cept for the ending) but it didnt bother me.

Have you guys forgot? school shootings arent insensitive or distastefull anymore since 9/11. Blowing up buildings is. I cant wait for the next craze.
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Seriously...he's probably one of those crazy kids though :p

Think I'd have to play the game first to be one. You're the one who ain't quite right in the head if you can laugh at shit like that, bud.
finalgt said:
Think I'd have to play the game first to be one. You're the one who ain't quite right in the head if you can laugh at shit like that, bud.

Uh, not all of us are up tight wimps...sorry.
ive seen that before i saw this video and its absolutely hilarious, but they went to far with the ending, still love the video, specially his forum speech and his eek
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Uh, not all of us are up tight wimps...sorry.

I'm a "wimp" for thinking that people like you are fucked up for laughing at school kids getting killed? Seriously, that's what you're laughing at. There isn't even a punchline, it's just schoolkids getting killed, then roll credits.

Uptight, I could see arguments made for that. My apologies that I take shit like that seriously. Now how long till you fuckers are laughing about the WTC?
calm down
its just a cartoon, everyone has a differant sense of humour
some people find this funny, so just exept it and deal with it.
theres nothing about the WTC in here so why bring it up?
Those were both extremely funny, especially the second one.
finalgt said:
I'm a "wimp" for thinking that people like you are fucked up for laughing at school kids getting killed? Seriously, that's what you're laughing at. There isn't even a punchline, it's just schoolkids getting killed, then roll credits.

Uptight, I could see arguments made for that. My apologies that I take shit like that seriously. Now how long till you fuckers are laughing about the WTC?
I don't think anyone was harmed in the making of the cartoon.... I'm laughing at the kid for being a nerd and talking funny and over reacting to getting owned hahaha cause it happens a lot.... and yeah.... what does the WTC have anything to do with the cartoon... :confused:

nothing to get worked up about, if you can't sit back and laugh at the stereotype CS kiddies have become, then obviously you either never played the game, or you ARE one of those kids.

since 90% of the CS population behaves like they have their head shoved up their ass it wouldn't surprise me if you were one of those kids based on t he statement you just made.
I love reading CS generalization. Sorry but 90% of the CS community does not act immature regularly. Play on any clan ran servers with active admins, many do not allow childish behavior, hacking and just goofing off.

As for the flash animation, I think its in Horrible taste. It is very funny untill the end where it begins to poke fun at a real big issue in our society. Shootings in school is a serious matter, atleast to me, and should never be at the blunt end of a joke. My High school had several shootings so im really offended by the flash.

FPS, He brought up the WTC because like it, shootings in schools (columbine anyone?) is a horrible memory for many and should be taking seriously. By laughing at it, is like laughing at what happened at the WTC.
|MaguS| said:
I love reading CS generalization. Sorry but 90% of the CS community does not act immature regularly. Play on any clan ran servers with active admins, many do not allow childish behavior, hacking and just goofing off.
No, it's a fairly accurate number. Often times a lot of admins are idiots too.