Counter-Strike: Source Skip


Jun 12, 2004
I have a mobile athlon at 2.4ghz on an nf7-s with a gig of ram and a 9800 pro overclocked pretty well using the latest omega drivers(the ones with ai in them). Here is my problem though when playing css I have pretty good fps, but from time to time I get a stutter where things sorta stop. These last only a fraction of a second, but are pretty annoying especially when shooting. I tried adjusting the detail and other settings. I thought it could have to do with the page file so I adjusted that several times but the results didn't improve. I'm pretty much computer retarded so any help would be appreciated. I asked in a server if others were having the problem and some were while others claimed not to have it. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
I didn't think it was. I have a pretty stable cable connection and have never had such a problem in other games.
i've had a few instances where the game feels "jittery" but it was only on aztec