HL2, Not Until August.........


Dec 17, 2003
HomeLAN - Finally, we have to ask; how is Half-Life 2 coming along?

Gabe Newell - Good. It's in great shape. We anticipate delivering it to Vivendi in August.

and another source confirms it:

In an interview on Homelan I said we were planning on delivering the game to Sierra in August, and subsequently I've been bombarded with emails asking me if that is accurate.

Yep, to the best of our admittedly weak planning abilities, we are looking at August.

Also, is there some way to be notified of updates or replies on threads I'm subscribed to? I'm used to a different forum client, so maybe I'm just being dense.
:( my school starts back up in august
In my oppinion we should boycott HL2 and delay buying it for 1 month just to scare the hell out of them. Just think of their faces when the first weeks numbers come in.
I agree. We should not buy HL@ just because of them not having their business down correctly. They are too uptight, and I think this butterfly in their gut is making them second guess themselves, while all along they've had too much time to play with it in the first place from higher up.
it wouldnt really make a big effect if a few guys dont buy hl2, im pretty sure next to doom3, hl2 is one of the biggest games in the last 5 years. (give or take a few amazing titles) ....hl2 will sell out thousands and will probally continue into millions.

dunno bout you but ive been waiting too long for hl2 to just say "im not gonna buy it, they need to learn their lesson"
Wow, great.:rolleyes: They are handing it over Vivendi, then Vivendi decides when to release it? I was somehwat excited about this title a year ago, but now I'm just amused. I'll probably end up getting it a couple of months after it is released (unless i can get one of those opening weekenddeals on it). The more news i hear on it though the less i care about it. I'm not going to schedule my life around HL2 and their release dates. My money is on Doom 3 and S.T.A.L.K.E.R., there are more than just one game coming out this year so... Either way, it is good to know they possibly have started to get their crap together but i have lost quite a bit of interest during the process...
kids. You should have tried waiting for the first one, when it was started over MULTIPLE TIMES. Damn grow some patience. You are the some lot that would be here bitching if they had released saying "Why didnt they delay it, it sux0rs my clan and I arent switching cs is bettar!!!!!!!!1111111111111111111111111ELEVEN."
Ive been waiting patiently, and intend to keep doing so. Honestly Doom 3 = mid to late July so im good. But common...release durring beg of school...thats just cruely ironic.
cmon guys everyone knows the first few weeks of school arent that bad, there are no major exams to study for, no major papers to write, maybe a quiz or some minor homework, so relax youll have plenty of time to play hl2 even if it comes out late in the summer :D
they are shipping it to vivendi until august which means it won't even hit shelves until later than that...doom 3 here i come
you know what i think...im just glad we know when the dang thing will be going gold...atleast we have that lol, yesterday we didnt...so just think about that :p
Techx said:
cmon guys everyone knows the first few weeks of school arent that bad, there are no major exams to study for, no major papers to write, maybe a quiz or some minor homework, so relax youll have plenty of time to play hl2 even if it comes out late in the summer :D
Pshh. I have a full report on every major topic in the book "A Brief History of Time" due the fourth day of school.
Guess what guys, I live near Valve and I emailed them asking for a tour and I am getting a tour from Gabe Newell personally on Monday at 4 PM at Valve... WOOOOOT I am posting pics of the tour and information that I find out at halflife2.net forums on Tuesday. Check it out and see what new info I get from Gabey

you know what i think...im just glad we know when the dang thing will be going gold...atleast we have that lol, yesterday we didnt...so just think about that

Gabe has been throwing that kind of bullshit around for well over a year now.

I don't even think Gabe actually responds to interviews about Half-Life 2 anymore. He recorded his voice, taped the recording onto a cardboard replica of himself, and has been using that since a few months before the source was "stolen".
Cali3350 said:
Pshh. I have a full report on every major topic in the book "A Brief History of Time" due the fourth day of school.

Sorry buddy, you're not getting any sympathy out of me. I read Hawking's stuff for enjoyment, though his latest Universe in a Nutshell wasn't quite as interesting as Breif History of Time.
Vagrant Zero said:
Sorry buddy, you're not getting any sympathy out of me. I read Hawking's stuff for enjoyment, though his latest Universe in a Nutshell wasn't quite as interesting as Breif History of Time.

Yeah, well i havent started it yet but most everyone i talk to says they dont understand a damn word. Im usually good at this stuff but still, that worries me.
hrmm... between going to school on a quarter system (only 3 week summer break), and working part time, i still find time to game. even to LAN it on a regular basis (once a month in the least). So i don't know why you guys are complaining.

You all know you'll make time to play it, school or not ;)
I vowe to not play any games the first semester, goddamn you Valve, goddamn you to hell. Why must you tempt me like this.
Vagrant Zero said:
Sorry buddy, you're not getting any sympathy out of me. I read Hawking's stuff for enjoyment, though his latest Universe in a Nutshell wasn't quite as interesting as Breif History of Time.

Congratulations, our hearts are glowing with the warmth of pride for you.

Fuck Valve. Sketchiest. Company. Ever.
Just be grateful it's not called Half Life Forever :p
aye, that has nothing to do with gamers, but an establishment that broke the law.
Cali3350 said:
Yeah, well i havent started it yet but most everyone i talk to says they dont understand a damn word. Im usually good at this stuff but still, that worries me.

Bah, people get intimidated is all. There's nothing in Breif History of Time that really makes your mind go for a loop [cept those damned graphs where Time is the z-axis , never could make heads or tails out of those and it certaintly wasn't from lack of trying]. Universe in a Nutshell is even more watered down, though the chapter on P-Brains [there's an insult in there somewhere] almost makes up for it.

If you want to hurt your head I suggest you read his essays on black body radiation from the 1970s. One way ticket to massive migraine.

finalgt said:
Congratulations, our hearts are glowing with the warmth of pride for you.

Wonderful, think I could get D3 as a consolation prize too? :p

Fuck Valve. Sketchiest. Company. Ever.

Indeed. Half Life still has 3 game killing bugs in it [basically make the game unbeatable without using the console]. I ran into one of them during the gonarch level. Had to use level skip to get past it.
by the time august gets here everyone will have new machines prepared and ready for hl2 and then BOOM..oh yea hows everything going? great expected release in december
warsawtag said:
i would never read for fun reading is gay and pointless


Reading is not gay and pointless :rolleyes: If you couldn't read you couldn't post in the forums :p
Vagrant Zero said:
Indeed. Half Life still has 3 game killing bugs in it [basically make the game unbeatable without using the console]. I ran into one of them during the gonarch level. Had to use level skip to get past it.
I never used any cheats to beat Half-life. I don't even know what glitches you are talking about.
err, so what else is new? maybe i'll play a extended demo first before actually deciding to buy it. i do sincerly wish Valve actually used the time WISELY to improve gameplay.

warsawtag said:
i would never read for fun reading is gay and pointless


you are donkey poo.
Im sure HL2 will be good (or a serious over hyped letdown) But im more interested in Doom3 and rome total war. Ill probably get HL2 when it hits the lower prices (like 29 or so) And that prob wont be for qutie awhile. Doom 3 and Rome im getting asap

HL was a good game, but with the hype i saw from reviewers, it was a bit of a letdown. Not a letdown that it was a bad game, just all the stuff i had read i was expecting more.
Xenomaniac said:
I never used any cheats to beat Half-life. I don't even know what glitches you are talking about.

The glith that happened to me is the one in gonarch's lair. Right before he falls into the final pit he can get 'stuck' inside the tunnel and no amount of ammunition will get him to budge [trust me I tried]. When I first encountered this problem I immediately went online and lo and behold, it wasn't uncommon [hell it even had a name].

Just becuase it never happened to you doesn't mean it didn't happen to other people. Either way, after 5 years you'd think Valve would solve the problem. Hmph, they're an ok company, but they're no iD, not by a longshot.
Hahahaha, somebody actually said, "reading is gay." Simply stunning. I bet he plays Counter-strike.

I think that game-ending bug was just a problem in the Steam version, but I'm not too sure about that.
the game will be finished in august, but wont ship till sept 30, there reinstating the old released date and are aiming for it.

vivendi wants to ship the game when it is most profitable, even if it was finished already they probably would not ship it untill fall anyway. The summer is a bad time for video games releases if you want to make alot of money. (Unless your some sort of marketing executive or something, dont say how you "know" they would make just as much money now as if they released it in the fall or a hoiday season.

k cya

doom 3 will probably be fall as well
Honestly its damn annoying because I remember upgrading my computer back in like december anticipating its arrival.. I just want an updates CS.