installing ftp on smoothwall v.2


Bad Trader
Jun 13, 2001
I just installed smoothwall, but I also wanted to install proftp, samba, and a few other things.

However being that lynx is not preinstalled, and it looks like an FTP engine is not installed either, how can I get the programs on there?

Any ideas?

Otherwise I think I'll just get my old P133 up and running as an FTP server/ C compiler
From what I remember smoothwall actually advise against installing any other programs on the router machine and instead suggest setting up another machine to act as whatever sort of server you want.
To get files onto it I believe you can use a program called scp but I'm not entirely sure.
Originally posted by loop
From what I remember smoothwall actually advise against installing any other programs on the router machine and instead suggest setting up another machine to act as whatever sort of server you want.
To get files onto it I believe you can use a program called scp but I'm not entirely sure.


Particularly services that transmit logins and passwords in plain text. (!!!)
Yea, get that other machine up to act as a server if you want to run ftp and such. I would recommend using SSH and scp for transfering files instead however. Get a copy of winscp. It is a great ftp-like client and much more secure.
no point in killing your border router by putting possibly vulnerable services on it ;)
but just for reference, you could always but a cross compiled binary of wget onto a floppy and :gasp: walk over to the machine