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    Drobo 800FS 8TB RAID NAS w/ 8x 1TB Hard Drives

    Drobo 800FS 8TB RAID NAS w/ 8x 1TB Hard Drives
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    Wait for G-Sync or 144hz Monitor now?

    I've been looking into deals for 144hz 27" monitors and I like what I see, but I know G-Sync will be accessible soon. Is it worth it to wait?
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    How Many Games Do You Finish/Beat in a Year?

    Last year I got pretty serious about finishing games and I found It's great because it tells you the average play times and also gives you a place to organize your backlog.
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    South Park : The Stick of Truth

    I watched an early LP of it and it looks interesting, but I want to wait for the full review and feedback from the community before I jump into this game.
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    Carmageddon: Reincarnation coming to Steam early access March 27th! New video.

    This is cool. The original was never all that great, but it was a fun and and had novelty.
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    Titanfall - Respawn Entertainment's first game

    It's tricky with the pricing because games go down in price so quickly now. I feel burned if I buy a game for $60 and it drops to $30 within months. Also there is no resale value with digital games.
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    Wii U Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze out today!

    I'm only up to the second world, but it's a lot of fun so far. The difficulty is high at times, but it's challenging not annoying like some difficult games.
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    IKARUGA is on Steam

    I have ikaruga on dc, gc, and I'll buy the steam version eventually. Love that game.
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    Old school strider is awesome, want to get this one but will wait for a price drop first.
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    Not Dead Yet!! A new Dreamcast game!

    I bought a DC on launch and sold it a few years later due to moving/needing money. Just re-purchased a DC a few weeks ago and it's great to play these games again. Dreamcast has some of the most unique games and has great arcade power graphics. Any multiplatform games also on ps1/n64 look a...
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    Cheap US VPN Service

    Private Internet Access works well for me. They are all generally good. Look out for deals, sometimes you can get annual subs for less than $50.
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    Moving Windows Installation Into New Computer

    Can I take my drive with Windows 8.1 installed and put it into a new computer without reformatting? Do I need to deactivate windows first? Is activation tied to any hardware? Also I have an additional RAID setup formatted by Windows 8. Will these RAID partitions work if I replace the...
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    is it worth the time/money?

    There's so many easy solutions now: roku, xbox, etc. Also most people have their PCs hooked up to both the computer monitor and the tv. So a dedicated HTPC isn't as necessary these days. However they always offer the greatest customization.
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    The Wii U is done

    People always seem really torn on the Wii U. Meanwhile the nintendo fans who own Wii U are all happy with it, especially with the games released last fall. I own a Wii U and I love it. But I only play the nintendo exclusives on it. I don't use it for third party or even media features.
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    Thoughts on coding bootcamps and such

    I researched bootcamps for a while, but I ended up teaching myself most of the way. I also have a private tutor who I meet with once per week that helps me with my coding problems. That's invaluable to work 1 on 1 with an expert. Not many people offer private tutoring in coding let alone the...
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    What game(s) are you playing this weekend?

    Playing Dust because I bought it on sale and it is awesome. Also playing Dead Space 1 for the first time because it's halloween and scary.
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    Is a web design career worth it?

    I just started teaching myself web design/development and I wanted to offer my perspective. I have done a lot of research on the subject myself however I find myself still asking very similar questions to the OP. For one thing, I look at it more as building a bankable skillset. Not as...
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    Xbox 360 vs PS3 controller: vote for your favorite

    I prefer the ps3 controller, but as far as what works technically on a pc... it's gotta be the 360 controller.
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    For any Final Fantasy series fans....

    Will definitely read. I'm working on FF XIII right now.
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    Building a Budget Video Editing Machine (GoPro Footage 720P)

    What program will you be using for video editing? If adobe, you should get an nvidia card for cuda acceleration. Ram and CPU speed are your most important choices for rendering the videos.
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    Next gen MMO's; Titan and EQ Next

    MMOs need to go through another renewal period. The genre got polluted with so many free to play or quick buck big hype mmos turned free to play. We forget MMOs need a hell of a lot of developer support and a good community to last long.
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    Do you run Windows98?

    Don't need it for everyday usage. Would be nice to have an older system for classic games, but it's too much work to go through to buy old hardware.
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    Anyone else interested in WildStar?

    This game has a lot of potential, the devs are making it appeal to both serious and casual gamers. I think the success will depend primarily on the community.
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    Best PC game graphics of all time

    Crysis 3 and battlefield 3 look the most impressive and realistic.
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    Next Xbox not compatible with 360 discs? Backwards compatibility going away?

    I'm more interested in emulators satisfying the need to play old games. Unfortunately there aren't any playable xbox emulators but if you look at ps2 and gc/wii the emulators run even better than the original consoles.
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    Playstation 4 vs "Durango"

    I vote... for a fourth option. Wait until the prices come down and actually see what games are out before making a purchase decision.
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    Games you play that you never get "sick" of?

    All the early 2000s mp fps games (rtcw, q3, ut2k4, cs). I put a million hours into these. Old school fps (duke 3d, doom1/2, quake1/2) Sidescroller beat em ups: D&D Shadows Over Mystara, Guardian Heroes Extreme sports games (tony hawk series) And pretty much anything on N64.
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    Heretic, Hexen

    They don't make them like this any more. Now that you got me thinking about it I want to replay these games. Time to check for hd mods...
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    Got a "free" DSi

    I could see why you got it for free.. sounds like it barely works.
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    Attention Specialist/Action-Half-life/Opera fans

    This is SUPER COOL. Hopefully it comes out and becomes popular. I loved 'the opera' for hl1 but it had such a short life.
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    LucasArts is closing up shop.

    I hope we can still get some good star wars games in the future.
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    Games that could be defined as 'metal'?

    How could you forget duke nukem 3d? Megadeth did the main theme! Also doom/quake. I think RTCW also fits. I guess these were too obvious
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    Doom 4 in development hell?

    They need to find a new niche with the doom series. The doom style games are classic, but they just don't hit it with the mainstream as well any more. I'm sure most of the development time is being spent on the pre-production.
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    Have bad pc ports gone by the wayside?

    The PC/Console port issue has gone through all kinds of phases and right now I think it is really good. 2000-2006 - Games were made for PC and ported to console. PC version was better 90% of the time 2006 - 2009 - Games were made for console and ported to PC. The ports were neglected and...
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    FRAPS compression?

    You should switch to D3Dgear for recording. It can record directly to H.264, WMV, or Motion JPEG. File sizes are dramatically better and performance is a small hit compared to fraps. Also has more features for livestreaming, etc.
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    Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

    I'm more curious about who the no-lifers are than anything. How do these guys get 90 hours a week to play games!?
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    Company of Heroes 2

    I'm really excited about this, haven't played a serious RTS in a while. Just hope it doesn't get crushed in the media because of what happened to THQ.
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    Jay Wilson: Auction House really hurt Diablo 3

    No what really hurt d3 is: 1. There is more gold being produced by gold farming bots than real people. 2. It was designed completely different from d2. D2 could be played for years without getting stale. D3 got stale after a few months. Why? Couldn't give you the exact reason, but d2...
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    Official [H] Star Wars:The Old Republic Thread

    MMOs attract the most hardcore players. So even if a game like this takes 30 hours or whatever to reach a max character, the hardcore players are doing it during the first week of the games release. These days people plow through MMOs the day they are out. Also MMOs are dictated entirely...
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    Anyone else bummed out that BF4 is coming out already?

    This 2 year cycle thing is crazy. I own several cod games and bf3 and I barely play them. But I keep buying them. Why? I have no idea. I'm expecting them to last like quake and half life with playability and mods. But it's just not there. I get sick of the gameplay. As much as I'm in...