Best PC game graphics of all time

Best PC game graphics of all time

  • Crysis 3

    Votes: 38 26.4%
  • Crysis 1 modded

    Votes: 25 17.4%
  • Battlefield 3

    Votes: 17 11.8%
  • The Witcher 2

    Votes: 10 6.9%
  • GTA4 modded

    Votes: 3 2.1%
  • Skyrim modded

    Votes: 14 9.7%
  • Bioshock Infinite

    Votes: 8 5.6%
  • Tomb Raider

    Votes: 2 1.4%
  • Max Payne 3

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • Metro 2033 modded

    Votes: 13 9.0%
  • Batman Arkham City

    Votes: 1 0.7%
  • other

    Votes: 12 8.3%

  • Total voters
Crysis 3 looks really nice with all the settings to the max at 1440p but it just lagged and stuttered too much on my current rig.
Designed to look epic, Crysis 3 looks great. Too bad the game sucks.

I'd have to say C3 looks best... but I've always liked Warhead maxed out. My vision is skewed because Warhead was the only good Crysis game.
BF3 looks about on par with Crysis 1 from the screens I can find on ultra settings, never played it.

Crysis 3 takes it to a whole new level on max settings.




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"metro modded" lol :rolleyes:. anyway, yeah metro is still king, on max with tessellation and advanced depth of field it shits on crysis 3.
Are we talking vanilla or Modded?

Vanilla I'd say Max Payne 3 or maybe Far Cry 3.

Modded I'd say a heavily modded Skyrim.
BF3 looks about on par with Crysis 1 from the screens I can find on ultra settings, never played it.

Not even close. Screens don't tell you much. Been gaming since Doom, and no game that has come out in the last several years "awed" me that much with a graphical leap. Reminded me more of old school gaming when each new slate of AAA games had a huge jump in graphical fidelity.
Hmm, tough pick. I haven't played Crysis 3 but the screenshots do look amazing. I think the scenery from Bioshock Infinite makes it stand out for me so much. That first introduction in Columbia :D.
"metro modded" lol :rolleyes:. anyway, yeah metro is still king, on max with tessellation and advanced depth of field it shits on crysis 3.

You need to get your eyes checked. Crysis 1/2 modded and Crysis 3 shit all over Metro. I just beat Metro played all maxed out and it's not even better looking than Crysis2 with DX11 patch, let alone modded C1 or C3 vanilla. Actually It looks a lot like Stalker, graphically.

Do you guys even read what you type?
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Are you all suffering from advanced rheumatiod eyethritis? Icewind Dale 2 has the best graphics of all time.
Not even close. Screens don't tell you much. Been gaming since Doom, and no game that has come out in the last several years "awed" me that much with a graphical leap. Reminded me more of old school gaming when each new slate of AAA games had a huge jump in graphical fidelity.

Hmm guess I'll have to dl it real quick and just check it out. Have no interest in playing BF.
To me that would be Crysis 1 with this BlackFire's Mod

GTA 4 with Ice Mod or whatever is called is seriously crazy looking game.

I can only imagine how the community would make BF3 look like if we had the possibilities to tweak it...

Damn yea that Crysis mod looks crazy. Hopefully it works with the Steam version, will check it out when I get home. Was amazed at how shitty stock Crysis looked compared to C3 when I loaded it up after beating C3.

Anyone know a simple method or exe installer for adding all the mods to GTA IV on Steam? Played it years ago and set it up with a bunch of mods, but fuck it was a pain. Just started playing Ballad of Gay Tony a couple days ago.

Been trying to dl this GTA IV 2013 Overclockers Ed with all the shit included, but can't find a file host with a decent speed to dl it.
Somewhat sarcastic. I actually think the game looks fantastic.

People have nostalgia tinted glasses but there was an entire generation of games that are completely unplayable now because they came along right at the beginning of 3D polygon graphics. Even today auto generated polygon games don't look as good as old games with hand painted textures.
Wow so it looks like Crysis 3 is the winner. That's surprising to me, I thought for sure Crysis 1 modded would win. I wasn't that impressed by 3. Though the visuals at the very end were really something. Too bad you had to romp around in tunnels for so long.
Wow so it looks like Crysis 3 is the winner. That's surprising to me, I thought for sure Crysis 1 modded would win. I wasn't that impressed by 3. Though the visuals at the very end were really something. Too bad you had to romp around in tunnels for so long.

Looked pretty good to me.




Vanilla VH TXAA

Edit: "Hud_hide 1" obviously.
I would say quake when it was first released. i almost shat my self when i first saw it.
Metro or Crysis.

I like BF3 and all, but the blue filter is bullshit. Plus the player models look like miniturized versions of the ones from BFBC2. I have a ton of issues with the graphics of the game. Gameplay is fun though .