What game(s) are you playing this weekend?

What good Halloween mods are people playing? or scary games in general?
What good Halloween mods are people playing? or scary games in general?

Maybe not scary but definitely halloween themed is 'T.K. Baja's Bloody Harvest' - a $2.99 DLC for Borderlands 2. I'll probably give it a whirl this weekend since I'm a fan of the series.
Playing Dust because I bought it on sale and it is awesome.

Also playing Dead Space 1 for the first time because it's halloween and scary.
Thanks for all the suggestions.. playing Outlast and going to try that HL2 mod also.... on the 31st. :)
Saints row 4 since I just bought it on sale from steam, along with metro last light
What good Halloween mods are people playing? or scary games in general?


Also another vote for Undying if you never played it, a great horror themed game.

I am also thinking about getting Deadly Premonition: The Director's cut when it comes to pc the 29th.

It seems like a very divided game, you either love it or you hate it.

A kind of Twin Peaks meets Silent Hill open world'ish survival horror game or so I've heard.
What games are you BEATING this weekend?


I started this morning with Mass Effect 1. Bought and downloaded "Gone Home" and started that a couple of hours ago. Will pick it back up after dinner tonight...unless I go back to Mass Effect! :cool: Depends on how much action I want between beers! :D
This weekend, Call of Duty Ghosts, Star Trek Online and maybe a little Battlefield 4. Honestly, I was hoping Ghosts would suck so I could play more STO, but it's turning out to be really fun, especially the squad modes!
CoD Ghosts, going to give it a shot, and probably WoW (just flex on an alt).