Heretic, Hexen


Limp Gawd
Jun 12, 2012
Man I miss those games. Are there any modern shooters in that vein? I'm sick of realistic guns where you can't even see the bullets.
You might check out the Painkiller games, They remind me of the Heretic/Hexen series. A little different, but close imo.
Ah I played the original but didn't know there were expansions. this is worth checking out.
exactly. You could also probably find a way to play heretic or hexen through a newer engine like jdoom or somesuch with higher res textures, etc. Also watch steam. I'm pretty sure the painkiller games go on sale quite a bit in a pack for cheap.
Man I miss those games. Are there any modern shooters in that vein? I'm sick of realistic guns where you can't even see the bullets.

Seconded. Would connect over 56k modem to my buddy and we'd co-op -- good times.
Which class should I be?
I never tried the first ones but I did play Hexen 2 and man that was sooooo awesome. Played it twice. Also, Painkiller is a different kind of animal.
I remember Hexen... the game looked so amazing after playing heretic. It was leaps and bounds better looking.
Last time I played was a few years ago with jDoom or whatever it was. I remember the puzzles as hard back in the day. Wonder if anyone could capture that atmosphere today?
Used to play the Heretic shareware version on my friend's 486 when I was younger and had a blast...that Doom3 mod looks amazing, if only it was a full game.
They don't make them like this any more. Now that you got me thinking about it I want to replay these games. Time to check for hd mods...
Anyone ever heard of WGRealms?

It's a total conversion mod for eduke32 that is basically a mish mash of gameplay, weapons, and enemies from nearly every 2.5d shooter from the 90's.

It's hella fun to play if you like Doom/Heretic/Hexen/Duke3d and the like.
I have such great gaming memories from the 90s. These games are definitely part of that
I finished Hexen with the Mage and then the Cleric.

The mage starts wimpy and ends up as rape-on-wheels ( like most fantasy games ). The cleric was more like a Paladin.