LucasArts is closing up shop.

It's a shame, but what was the last good game they release?

Some of my favorite games of all times are Lucas Arts games, but frankly they have almost been a non-entity for some time.
if you look at lucasarts games right now they havnt been doing shit so it cant be any worst than whats going on now.

i look at this like its a good thing.

while i am disappointed we wont see 1313, they are just getting out of the making games buisness and going into more of a Licensing role so it will possibly give "better" studios access to the SW IP so in a few years we might see better SW games come through the pipline.

"After evaluating our position in the games market, we've decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model"

aslong as they do a decent job screening who they license the IP too we should finally see some GOOD starwars games. and maybe a publisher and studio will want to finally revive X-wing vs Tie Fighter and other franchises.
if you look at lucasarts games right now they havnt been doing shit so it cant be any worst than whats going on now.

i look at this like its a good thing.

while i am disappointed we wont see 1313, they are just getting out of the making games buisness and going into more of a Licensing role so it will possibly give "better" studios access to the SW IP so in a few years we might see better SW games come through the pipline.

"After evaluating our position in the games market, we've decided to shift LucasArts from an internal development to a licensing model"

aslong as they do a decent job screening who they license the IP too we should finally see some GOOD starwars games. and maybe a publisher and studio will want to finally revive X-wing vs Tie Fighter and other franchises.

I agree with most everything you said. i was just looking forward to 1313
I agree with most everything you said. i was just looking forward to 1313

yep but from the press release in the link it didnt sound like 1313 was getting the attention it needed any way so it might of ended up being another lackluster SW experience.

i would rather them can it than release another half baked game.
So, Disney killed LucasArts. All the EU stories like Thrawn, Kir Kanos, Cade SKywalker will die too. This is the end of Star Wars as we know.

"Begun the Clone Wars have"
So, Disney killed LucasArts. All the EU stories like Thrawn, Kir Kanos, Cade SKywalker will die too. This is the end of Star Wars as we know.

"Begun the Clone Wars have"

they didnt kill LucasArts, only the dev teams that make bad games.

basically now Disney/LucasArts will just license off the IP to other studios that want to make a game in the starwars universe.

killing off the game devs has nothing to do with books or other Extended universe material or other parts of lucasarts.

the thread title is a little misleading because it says LucasArts but it doesnt mention which part of LucasArts.

a lingering question in my mind tho is how much looser LucasArts is going to be with allowing outside studios to use the Starwars name and how much freedom those studios will have with messing with canon ect.

in order to get the license to a starwars IP do you still have to run every choice you make in the game through someone at lucas arts still or will they let a game studio have complete freedom in making the choices they want too.
It's a shame, but what was the last good game they release?

Some of my favorite games of all times are Lucas Arts games, but frankly they have almost been a non-entity for some time.

Battlefront II, Republic Commando, Jedi Knight II/Jedi Knight Academy, Grim Fandango, and X-Wing Alliance (I think Battlefront II or Jedi Knight Academy were the last ones, but they were damn good).

I bought pretty much everything they released, missed a few titles on the PS, and PS2, but everything after Empire at War was pretty much consistent s#!te (Battle for Naboo, and Force Commander were the only two I recall being absolute crap, Phantom Menace was a little bit ropey).
There's already another multi page thread...

And this is not such a big deal to most people imo.
Battlefront II, Republic Commando, Jedi Knight II/Jedi Knight Academy, Grim Fandango, and X-Wing Alliance (I think Battlefront II or Jedi Knight Academy were the last ones, but they were damn good).

I bought pretty much everything they released, missed a few titles on the PS, and PS2, but everything after Empire at War was pretty much consistent s#!te (Battle for Naboo, and Force Commander were the only two I recall being absolute crap, Phantom Menace was a little bit ropey).
Yeah, those games you mentioned were made how long ago? This really isn't a big deal. I hope they license their various IP's to good developers who make decent games with them.
Battlefront II, Republic Commando, Jedi Knight II/Jedi Knight Academy, Grim Fandango, and X-Wing Alliance (I think Battlefront II or Jedi Knight Academy were the last ones, but they were damn good).

I bought pretty much everything they released, missed a few titles on the PS, and PS2, but everything after Empire at War was pretty much consistent s#!te (Battle for Naboo, and Force Commander were the only two I recall being absolute crap, Phantom Menace was a little bit ropey).

Battlefront and the Jedi Knight series were not developed by LucasArts.
Battlefront II, Republic Commando, Jedi Knight II/Jedi Knight Academy, Grim Fandango, and X-Wing Alliance (I think Battlefront II or Jedi Knight Academy were the last ones, but they were damn good).

I bought pretty much everything they released, missed a few titles on the PS, and PS2, but everything after Empire at War was pretty much consistent s#!te (Battle for Naboo, and Force Commander were the only two I recall being absolute crap, Phantom Menace was a little bit ropey).
Wha? Battle For Naboo was the shit. You're the first person I know who didn't like that game :(
All LA did was license games. What was the last in-studio game they made? I think the problem is LA's shit talent just had the studios make game clones of popular Genres, stuck in Star Wars characters and then rush the games out buggy, half-finished and completely unoriginal...
Hey Disney!!! How about not being a giant douche and give the rights back to Maniac Mansion and Monkey Island to Tim and Ron.
I just want someone to create Battlefront 3.

No shit!! Remember how they killed that off couple years back and it was looking good! In all fairness Battlefront 1 was still the better of the two released. Modded servers for Hoth were badass with multiple walkers.

BF3 was killed off cause it was taking too long, hopefully they can hand off projects to better developers and give us Battlefront 3 with todays graphics with BF1 game play. ;)
i was so looking forward to starwars 1313

Me to. I haven't purchased a Star Wars game for full price in years. This was going to be my first one.

Hopefully with the move to licensing we will see quality games. I mean they can get EA to develop Battlefront 3 and it won't be nearly as bad as the first two. Right?

...right guys?
No shit!! Remember how they killed that off couple years back and it was looking good! In all fairness Battlefront 1 was still the better of the two released. Modded servers for Hoth were badass with multiple walkers.

BF3 was killed off cause it was taking too long, hopefully they can hand off projects to better developers and give us Battlefront 3 with todays graphics with BF1 game play. ;)

I still can't believe it was killed off. I feel like at that time they should have outsourced development to someone who would get it done well. Here's to hoping for a reboot of that franchise since it was really an outstanding multiplayer game!
It's a shame, but what was the last good game they release?


Things I would want from the Star Wars universe

X-Wing/Tie Fighter game

Any play Jedi Power battles? Take that concept and create a ARPG in which you control and level your Jedi/Bounty Hunter etc. Finding Lootz that include new lightsabers and earning force powers. This would be the tits.

Jedi Outkast/Jedi Academy multiplayer lightsaber fights. Those were allsome if I remember correctly. Do either of those games still have a following?
jedi outcast was awesome...

anyways i really hope starwars 1313 still comes out.. looked like it was going to be absolutely fantastic.