How Many Games Do You Finish/Beat in a Year?

I think I would finish more games if I could decide what to start. When I was younger, I was lucky to be able to afford more than a few games in a year. Now I have dozens of good games at my disposal and I can never decide what I want to play and so I end up logging back into WoW. I canceled my WoW account but started playing Hearthstone. Going to start something this weekend and play it to completion.
Last year I got pretty serious about finishing games and I found It's great because it tells you the average play times and also gives you a place to organize your backlog.
Wrong. Sure there are small communities devoted to poopsocking Skyim, but most normal people don't do that. Someone's even done the work for me to support my case in what should be obvious to any normal person:

Again, the keywords being "normal person." Funny how all you singleplayer bros so desperately cling to the idea that you're not the gamer equivalent of the weird, red-headed stepchild. Lmao

Come on now, you know it, I know it, we all know it.

Is everyone aware that article came out like 25 days after the games release? The game sold maybe 20x as many copies and has been played for possibly millions of hrs since then. This dude is exactly the type of douchebag I get tired of and quit multiplayer for six months at a time.

Lol I just checked steam stats and Skyrim had 35,000 players online concurrently and the game has been out for yrs.
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Last year I got pretty serious about finishing games and I found It's great because it tells you the average play times and also gives you a place to organize your backlog.

Wow, I had no idea this existed. Great site!

Is everyone aware that article came out like 25 days after the games release? The game sold maybe 20x as many copies and has been played for possibly millions of hrs since then. This dude is exactly the type of douchebag I get tired of and quit multiplayer for six months at a time.

Lol I just checked steam stats and Skyrim had 35,000 players online concurrently and the game has been out for yrs.

I haven't been able to get into Skyrim, but my friends who are constantly telling me I NEED to get into it have hundreds of hours logged. Not bad for a single-player game.
I have a hard time believing that when games like Grand Theft Auto have been such a huge success without multiplayer. There's also games like Mass Effect, Tomb Raider, Batman arkham games, even a lot of Diablo 3 gamers prefer to play alone. I'd like to see the statistics of people who mostly play multiplayer to people who mostly play single player. As for the non-competitive part, I've just grown tired of it, I'm not young any more and it's not as important to me as it once was. I loved Starcraft 2 online multiplayer, something has to really compel me to want to compete with anyone. As for the preference of being alone, I think that comes with age as well. I sure as hell don't want or need any new friends, I've got enough. People and their problems are a headache I don't need, I prefer to live well.

I have to agree with Decko87, I NEVER do multiplayer. For me, multiplayer is boring -- there's little to no story in the experience not to mention the attitudes of some folks online. I did a bit with Mass Effect 3 and I thought it was quite "meh". Heck, I'm not even always crazy about single player games with AI companions. I have a couple of friends who game but we never play online. I'm an only child and I keep my gaming experience in the same vein -- doing things on my own!
Working on a server migration over the weekend and have been gaming while waiting on longer processes to complete. I've played some Skyrim and Diablo 3 but I keep drifting back to Hearthstone. I think I need to uninstall this crap. Feel like I'm wasting my time.
In a good year I might finish 3. In the past year I rolled the credits on Rune, and Tomb Raider. I plan on finishing Diablo 3 which will be my first for this year. Not much into multiplayer. I dabble in a lot more games than I finish. If a game doesn't hold my interest I won't bother finishing it. I'll play it enough to get the gist of it and call it good. Also I rarely by a new game, maybe one launch title a year. Pretty sure Dark Souls 2 will be the one for this year. Steam sales is where it's at for me.