The Wii U is done

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Nintendo does have a history of having hard to develop for consoles.
I think every hardware manufacturer does, except MS. Sony was notoriously hard to develop for as well since they had odd custom hardware every generation up to the PS4. SEGA was difficult to develop for. Nintendo has always had pretty difficult hardware (N64 anyone?)

My comments RE: Sony really apply to both Nintendo's online capabilities and lacking SDK. Look at the PS3 library - many PS3 versions of cross platform titles were worse than the 360 counterparts yet all the first party titles were very impressive, so the problem was unlikely the hardware itself. And for most of the PS3's life, PSN was inferior to Xbox Live from what I understand. I don't own an Xbox so I can't directly compare the two, but MS has had the best online system for the last decade by far.

The real big problem here as I see it is that from what that article states, Nintendo did zero competitive analysis and didn't hire the right people to build their online system. Which is pretty inexcusable considering the console released in 2012, long after online play had been ubiquitous on every other console.
The difference is Sony and Sega helped third party developers more than Nintendo did. It's one of the reasons why the PS1 had a LOT more games than the N64. It was much, much easier to develop a game on the PS1 with help from Sony than it was to develop on the N64. Cost was another big factor since CDs were a lot cheaper to manufacturer than cartridges

I wonder with the advancements in ROM if we'd ever see a return to cartridge based consoles.
I saw commercials for every platform this year on television.

Sure, I did too. Except i saw about 10x the amount of Ps4/Xbone commercials throughout more channels. Nintendo wasn't advertising on every network like the others, and their commercials sucked.
Keen insight there. This isn't something that is solved by having two people at the top speaking English, this needs to be company wide. Think "herd immunity".

You missed my point. And with that, I bid your silliness adieu. (See what I did there?)
Sure, I did too. Except i saw about 10x the amount of Ps4/Xbone commercials throughout more channels. Nintendo wasn't advertising on every network like the others, and their commercials sucked.

Wii U advertised on the Disney/Nick channel. XBOX was on network TV like football sundays. PS4 network as well.

I bet you watch 10x more Network stations like FOX than Disney/Nick least I hope so You sound so manly. Oooo Oooo Oooo
Wii U advertised on the Disney/Nick channel. XBOX was on network TV like football sundays. PS4 network as well.

I bet you watch 10x more Network stations like FOX than Disney/Nick least I hope so You sound so manly. Oooo Oooo Oooo

Network football commercials = big $$$$. Nintendo just doesn't spend that kind of money on advertising.
I wonder with the advancements in ROM if we'd ever see a return to cartridge based consoles.

Sony essentially went from disk to cartridge with PSP to Vita. Manufacturing costs for large ROMs basically make it non-cost effective. It's much more effective to produce a bluray for a few cents and then cache the data off a fast drive inside the console.
Network football commercials = big $$$$. Nintendo just doesn't spend that kind of money on advertising.

It's not a superbowl act like it though. Sell me some more of that, wait I'm already full of it .
Eh, I wouldn't say that at all. It has it's place in the market and plenty of great games. Plus a PS4 isn't going to cost the same as a WiiU, probably ever.

A PS4 can cost less than a WiiU fast. This is why the Wii U needs to be ditched, that is unless Nintendo can get everything into an SOC. The PS4 uses an off the shelf AMD part pretty much, it has the GPU built in and it doesn't have as expensive of a controller. The Wii U has 3 expensive parts the PS4 really has 1. Nintendo cannot fix that easily and it will allow the PS4 to dive in price faster than the WiiU
If anyone is reading this thread for the first time I suggest going back to page 1 and reading about 300-400 posts into it, then skip to like 1,800 or so and go from there.

There are a few gems from back then;

FFS WiiU has been out for what, 4 months? Remember PS3 and how well it fared during the first year. No software, little bit overpriced... There was no uncharted 2 or gran turismo or anything that sold the system for gamers for quite some time.

Its way too early to tell if the console is a failure or not. Ask again 1 year from now. If it still hasnt caught on, its definetly failure. Now its nothing more than doomsaying.

OP is done, he can't afford a Wii U.

Ninja Gaiden 3 and Mario still look like fun games, but yeah a few more would be good. 8 GB ram, who knows if Wii u has enough for 5 years from now or 2 even but Nintendo always brings games like every other console so quit cryin about it, strikes me as annoying.

You clearly are not getting it. :rolleyes:

The WiiU compared to the new consoles will not matter one iota to developers for another 2 years (if not longer) because those companies are going to port 360/Ps3 titles for another 2+ years - likewise, they'll port the same game to the WiiU with minimal effort because the WiiU is practically a 360 (albeit slightly improved). WiiU ports are cake.

Just because a Ps4 is out does not mean they're going to abandon Ps3; same with Xbox. Tens to hundreds of millions of people already own those consoles; what, now they're going to abandon those consoles and easy revenue just because a few million people bought a Ps4? Are you really that oblivious?

WiiU compared to new consoles - sure, when developers are no longer putting out 360/Ps3 ports, it could be a problem. COULD. The fact is, developers are going to have to water down games to port outside of 720/Ps4 and they already realize that, so in the end your point is moot. They have to water down for 360/Ps3 just like they'll have to water down for WiiU when they're no longer porting for 360/Ps3.

You're either trolling or thick; I can't figure out which and at this point I no longer care. Good day

This thread is hilarious. When the WII was announced it was going to be a major flop and single handedly kill Nintendo. Now the same shit is being said about the Wii U lol

Hilarious, but completely false. The CPU is a notable amount faster, and the GPU is 3x or more as fast, per the current info, as the 360's. That's hardly "slightly improved" that's massive.

Keep on doom-gloom trolling.

my wii u looks pretty alive to me breh

Nintendo will move units once monster hunter drops. There's no games worth buying the console right now and thats a damn shame

Myself and many others have already stated we enjoy our systems and have fun playing the games how does that relate to monumental failure? and to those upset the Wii U doesn't play bluray..NES and Super Nintendo were such a big failure because they didn't play VHS? Xbox 360 plays bluray? Haters gonna hate, the future of the system doesn't look that bad there are some sick games scheduled to come out and alot of fun games out now so I could care less what the media and websites say or what the sales show.

This thread is fail. Everyone who hasn't owned or played a Wii U seemed to be posting. There are third party games out and coming. There are quite a few games coming out this month.

If Nintendo wants to be competitive they will announce release dates for their AAA titles, which we can expect from E3

It is considerably more powerful than the PS3 and 360. Launch games are never an indication of system power or potential. Sure the new ps4 and Xbox will be even more powerful but you can bet they will be considerably more money. We don't have long till we find out.

By what you said then you can bet the Wii U will sell well when it is also the cheaper of the new consoles.
Back when I had blind faith in Nintendo as well 2-21-13. Now I know better, and I research sales for consoles and games because of this thread. Everyone should for the first 6-12 months. Which I never considered that much. Because just like the TG-16 you can say well it had Splatterhouse, Y's, Ninja Spirit, their CD-ROM games, Air Zonk, Bonk series, Jackie Chan, Neotopia series etc. but in the end the TG16 just couldn't do what the SNES/Genesis could. That's what the Wii U reminds me for that generation now. It's in 3rd place and doesn't look like it has the support to really shine.

Nintendo will just ride this out and Nintendo fans will get a couple gems, there will be happy gamers for it too. Most people flip out when you show them how well the PS4 is selling consoles and 3rd party titles. Heck PS4 is doubling most 3rd party sales compared to the XB1. The Wii U is just not the gold mine that the original Wii was. Yeah I was a fool to give them a shot/chance. I almost jumped on a Wii U when I first saw the tablet for Media purposes, but I'm now glad I waited and road out my PS3. I'd be defending that thing like crazy if I had done that :D I learned a stubborn mule you could say.
Welcome to teletran's thread where he must always post something relating to death of the Wii U... that or ZombiesU ate his neighbors...
Consoles have never meant anything too me. Its always been about the games. I'd still be playing SNES, PS1, PS2, ect... if they were still releasing those classic JRPGs for it.

For me the Wii-U will have a SMT and Fire Emblem Cross over. So the console has already won just by announcing it. For the most part anything Atlus touches turns to gold from my perspective.

I'd love nothing more then to see some compelling titles on PS4 and xbox1 but that hasn't happened yet. Just the same old under powered PC fps games.
Look its not his fault Nintendo killed his family.

Yes That was their last mistake, and they raped me so it's war. :D

Consoles have never meant anything too me. Its always been about the games. I'd still be playing SNES, PS1, PS2, ect... if they were still releasing those classic JRPGs for it.

For me the Wii-U will have a SMT and Fire Emblem Cross over. So the console has already won just by announcing it. For the most part anything Atlus touches turns to gold from my perspective.

I'd love nothing more then to see some compelling titles on PS4 and xbox1 but that hasn't happened yet. Just the same old under powered PC fps games.

Is that going to be a 2014 or 2015 release, man that's some waiting? I'm a FF fanboy but I'll wait till there is a date for FF15, AND they have at least 2 amazing titles before I get a PS4 or there's nothing left on the PS3 I want to play. I remember with PS1 I got it for FF7 mainly because of the graphics a year before it was released, but I jumped on the PS1 platform earlier because there was Tomb Raider, Resident Evil 1, and Crash Bandicoot to play + some other decent titles.

I guess it's just the way my brain processes information, I really want 2-3 awesome games and some other decent titles before I commit to buying a platform. And like you say 1 title is enough for you to go all in, and I'm down with your choice. ;) If the Wii U would of had 2-3 exclusive amazing games near/after launch I would have picked it up about a year ago. Because of the slim pickings I've passed on it and as time goes by it seems like I won't be picking it up in the future. It's Nintendo's loss, and I highly doubt I'm alone in this thought.
I guess it's just the way my brain processes information, I really want 2-3 awesome games and some other decent titles before I commit to buying a platform. And like you say 1 title is enough for you to go all in, and I'm down with your choice. ;) If the Wii U would of had 2-3 exclusive amazing games near/after launch I would have picked it up about a year ago. Because of the slim pickings I've passed on it and as time goes by it seems like I won't be picking it up in the future. It's Nintendo's loss, and I highly doubt I'm alone in this thought.

Depends on the Scale of awesome and your interest. I bought a PS3 for demon souls because it contained that much awesome....It just so happens that Persona 5 is also going to be a PS3 release in 2014 fall.

SMT is an amazing series
Fire Emblem is an amazing series

I'd likely buy a console for just 1 title of either series...but put them both into 1 game and you 'should' have an orgasm for your face.

I wasn't going to buy a Wii-U until the game came out, I wanted my purchase of the console to correlate with the release of the game, but my wife got me a Wii-U for Christmas. I only have the New Mario at the time but that game is fantastic as well. Especially because I can play with the wife.

As it stands Wii-U doesn't have a system seller for me. But they will in the future so owning one in the present is just a present. There are good games but I wouldn't buy a console for a Mario game....possibly Mario Kart if it is remotely as good as the n64 release.

Same logic applies to all systems. Lost Odyssey 2 on xbox1 or Persona 6 on PS4 would likely be system sellers too me.
Consoles have never meant anything too me. Its always been about the games. I'd still be playing SNES, PS1, PS2, ect... if they were still releasing those classic JRPGs for it.

For me the Wii-U will have a SMT and Fire Emblem Cross over. So the console has already won just by announcing it. For the most part anything Atlus touches turns to gold from my perspective.

I'd love nothing more then to see some compelling titles on PS4 and xbox1 but that hasn't happened yet. Just the same old under powered PC fps games.

I agree with your entire post.
Consoles have never meant anything too me. Its always been about the games. I'd still be playing SNES, PS1, PS2, ect... if they were still releasing those classic JRPGs for it.

For me the Wii-U will have a SMT and Fire Emblem Cross over. So the console has already won just by announcing it. For the most part anything Atlus touches turns to gold from my perspective.

I'd love nothing more then to see some compelling titles on PS4 and xbox1 but that hasn't happened yet. Just the same old under powered PC fps games.

I agree with your entire post.

I completely agree as well. I have a Wii U because there are just too many good games and exclusive franchises on there I can't play anywhere else.
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Loving my Wii U so far (Finally got one for xmas). Im really digging the Wii U control pad. I thought at first it would be a little gimicky but they have really made it work well for the games Ive been playing. So far I've been pretty much addicted to MH3U and NSM3D. Hit me up if anyone wants to get in on some MH3U multi player. Cant wait for 4's release!
Loving my Wii U so far (Finally got one for xmas). Im really digging the Wii U control pad. I thought at first it would be a little gimicky but they have really made it work well for the games Ive been playing. So far I've been pretty much addicted to MH3U and NSM3D. Hit me up if anyone wants to get in on some MH3U multi player. Cant wait for 4's release!

I am going to have to look into MH3U more because I played the demo and I was absolutely lost like a blind man trying to find a needle in a stack of needles. No tutorial or anything to help you. I mean, the game seemed cool but I just couldn't figure out the combat system or the point to anything. It seemed like the demo just dropped you into some random point in the game without any explanation as to what's going on and expect you to figure it out on your own.

I was so fed up that I just uninstalled it and moved on. I've never played the series before, and seeing all the 9/10 reviews is just killing me because if I knew what the hell I was doing i'd probably enjoy it.
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I thought I was the only one that wasn't in love with mh3. I wanted to like it, I really did! I didn't hare it,I just didn't know what to do!
hey next-jin and teletran8,

looks like eurogamer's click bait article got called out by a real indie developer.....pwnt Wii U is no harder to develop for than a PS3 or 360...

The developers comments in your link are completely irrelevant. The original article spoke to Wii U development at launch, his comments are as it stands now. He even acknowledges that at launch it was that bad. The Eurogamer article was very clear that the dev was making a launch title.

The Eurogamer article is perfectly valid and pretty well reflected in the real world. If you had a horrible experience developing for a console at launch, and then your product doesn't sell well. Why the hell would you develop again?
yeah, releasing it a year later = click bait because they do not go on to explain how stuff improved.

lol still got pwnt...

care to remember how Sony basically said FU to everyone as the PS3 was intentionally hard to develop for? or the recent FU by MS and all of their draconian DRM and their console that is supposed to be an all in one solution does not even have enough graphical power to wipe it's own rear end? The developer states that the Wii U is no harder to develop for than PS3 or 360 at this time and he made it clear. that article was some whiney kid complaining that he actually had to WORK to make a game... imagine that... that kid would have NEVER survived the Atari days... (that thing was hard to program for as it could only store one scan line of data at a time).
yeah, releasing it a year later = click bait because they do not go on to explain how stuff improved.

lol still got pwnt...

care to remember how Sony basically said FU to everyone as the PS3 was intentionally hard to develop for? or the recent FU by MS and all of their draconian DRM and their console that is supposed to be an all in one solution does not even have enough graphical power to wipe it's own rear end? The developer states that the Wii U is no harder to develop for than PS3 or 360 at this time and he made it clear. that article was some whiney kid complaining that he actually had to WORK to make a game... imagine that... that kid would have NEVER survived the Atari days... (that thing was hard to program for as it could only store one scan line of data at a time).

It's interesting you try to demean someone by calling them a "kid". Guess when you can't argue their point you attack the character.

That kid is a developer at a major 3rd party publisher. That kid was important enough to have Nintendo invite him to discuss the upcoming console. That kid has worked on multiple consoles over multiple generations. That kid is actually an experienced developer providing an amazing inside perspective.

If anything you have a small indie dev trolling for some free press for his new game. You are of course free to believe who you like, but I'll take the word of an experienced dev who even Nintendo thought was important enough to disclose pre-release hardware to than some indie dev who needs to get press to sell his game.

P.S. Looking at the game he is pushing, it wouldn't be demanding of a cell phone yet alone of current console. His design experience doesn't even compare in the scale and scope of designing a AAA title.

P.P.S. Digital Foundry has a fantastic reputation for drilling down into the technological side of consoles and I would say their reputation and verification of this developer speaks with much more authority than a small indie dev.
yeah, releasing it a year later = click bait because they do not go on to explain how stuff improved.

lol still got pwnt...

care to remember how Sony basically said FU to everyone as the PS3 was intentionally hard to develop for? or the recent FU by MS and all of their draconian DRM and their console that is supposed to be an all in one solution does not even have enough graphical power to wipe it's own rear end? The developer states that the Wii U is no harder to develop for than PS3 or 360 at this time and he made it clear. that article was some whiney kid complaining that he actually had to WORK to make a game... imagine that... that kid would have NEVER survived the Atari days... (that thing was hard to program for as it could only store one scan line of data at a time).

his point was they WANT to work on their game but they don't want to do the work of the console developer in order to work on their game.
It's interesting you try to demean someone by calling them a "kid". Guess when you can't argue their point you attack the character.

That kid is a developer at a major 3rd party publisher. That kid was important enough to have Nintendo invite him to discuss the upcoming console. That kid has worked on multiple consoles over multiple generations. That kid is actually an experienced developer providing an amazing inside perspective.

If anything you have a small indie dev trolling for some free press for his new game. You are of course free to believe who you like, but I'll take the word of an experienced dev who even Nintendo thought was important enough to disclose pre-release hardware to than some indie dev who needs to get press to sell his game.

P.S. Looking at the game he is pushing, it wouldn't be demanding of a cell phone yet alone of current console. His design experience doesn't even compare in the scale and scope of designing a AAA title.

P.P.S. Digital Foundry has a fantastic reputation for drilling down into the technological side of consoles and I would say their reputation and verification of this developer speaks with much more authority than a small indie dev.

yes and that kid went on to cry like a red headed schoolchild and that's where he lost credibility.... let me go back in time and see if he specifically complained about PS3 development, aahhh, nope....
yes and that kid went on to cry like a red headed schoolchild and that's where he lost credibility.... let me go back in time and see if he specifically complained about PS3 development, aahhh, nope....

So a professional developer loses credibility when they discuss the concerns they have? I really don't understand why you are so upset over someone with a long history of industry experience sharing his experience. If anything it was incredibly enlightening.

Also, what does the PS3 have to do with anything? It was a "challenges of the Wii U" article, not challenges of the gaming industry article. He spoke specifically to the challenges he experienced working on his first Wii U project. When he did bring up the comparison between Nintendo and Sony he was comparing the support they received at that time not random points in history. You're reaching for straws here to discredit a professional because his experience does not match your opinion.
The comparisons between the PS3 and WiiU being difficult to program for is also not a good metric to just because one was a hardware specific challenge while the other was mostly all support based.
Nintendo is arguably the best developer in the world - based on sales and average game ratings. All they needed was a console with power on par with the others so they can get all the multiplats.

Why that was so hard for them to understand is beyond me, but the Wii U is definitely not that.

Next generation needs to totally break from PowerPC and go x86 - leaving backward comparability in the dust.

I still might get a Wii U down the road when the games are there.
The comparisons between the PS3 and WiiU being difficult to program for is also not a good metric to just because one was a hardware specific challenge while the other was mostly all support based.

Yes and that issue has since been corrected. Go back and look at ANY console launch and compare the dev kits from that time to even a year later and you will see vast improvements... and you typically do not see developers whining about "oooh it's too hard" unless a company (Sony for example) comes out and say we made it that way on purpose..

Funny thing is I have Mass Effect 3 for the Wii U and I think it's great game on that console. But, when I hear crap like that coming from the people who made it, it shows me that I should not support them. So when they release a new game for the Wii U or any other console I have or will have, I might just pass on it to make it clear that I find "poor little me behavior" unacceptable.

Nintendo is arguably the best developer in the world - based on sales and average game ratings. All they needed was a console with power on par with the others so they can get all the multiplats.

Why that was so hard for them to understand is beyond me, but the Wii U is definitely not that.

Next generation needs to totally break from PowerPC and go x86 - leaving backward comparability in the dust.

I still might get a Wii U down the road when the games are there.

what do you mean when the games are there? The Wii U library is starting to fill out nicely....
Nintendo is arguably the best developer in the world - based on sales and average game ratings. All they needed was a console with power on par with the others so they can get all the multiplats.

Why that was so hard for them to understand is beyond me, but the Wii U is definitely not that.

Couple of falsehoods here.

First, the idea that the most powerful console is the best console. Not true. The PS3 was the most powerful console of the previous generation, yet all we heard is unending complaining about how difficult it was to work with. The PS Vita is more powerful than the 3DS. The Xbox was more powerful than the PS2. Etc. The "best" console is the most popular console. Usually, the most popular console is not the most powerful console.

Second, the expectation that Nintendo release, one year ahead of time, a platform equal to the PS4 and XB1. How does that time frame work? The XB1 and PS4 weren't even finalized when they were announced; the PS4 had a last-second RAM increase, and the XB1 kept getting minor clock speed bumps. What development target was Nintendo supposed to hit?

Third, people initially complained that the PS4 and XB1 themselves were underpowered, especially their CPUs. It's not as if these consoles filled expectations, either; you can find plenty of people who suddenly learned the phrase "diminishing returns" and gleefully shout it from the rooftops.

The Wii U isn't a spec monster. Fine, whatever. But are the games fun?
Yes and that issue has since been corrected. Go back and look at ANY console launch and compare the dev kits from that time to even a year later and you will see vast improvements... and you typically do not see developers whining about "oooh it's too hard" unless a company (Sony for example) comes out and say we made it that way on purpose..

They corrected the long support turn around times? That seemed like he primary complaint, getting to grips with the hardware initially is one thing but still dealing with that type of support if needed seems asinine imo.
People always seem really torn on the Wii U. Meanwhile the nintendo fans who own Wii U are all happy with it, especially with the games released last fall. I own a Wii U and I love it. But I only play the nintendo exclusives on it. I don't use it for third party or even media features.
People always seem really torn on the Wii U. Meanwhile the nintendo fans who own Wii U are all happy with it, especially with the games released last fall. I own a Wii U and I love it. But I only play the nintendo exclusives on it. I don't use it for third party or even media features.

Same here. However, I did buy Mass Effect 3 and it's great on the Wii U.
People always seem really torn on the Wii U. Meanwhile the nintendo fans who own Wii U are all happy with it, especially with the games released last fall. I own a Wii U and I love it. But I only play the nintendo exclusives on it. I don't use it for third party or even media features.

I think that boils down to how hardcore of a nintendo fan they are. I think everybody would love to see more power in the wii and wii u system and more third party support, but that wont stop nintendo from making awesome games. ex: Mario galaxy was a blast, and even then it looked good for what the wii could do.
17 JAN '14

Nintendo Forecasts Surprise Loss as Wii U Misses Targets

NeoGAF Thread

55 Billion Yen projection
25 Billion Yen loss

“It is now expected that our sales will fail to meet our previous forecast by a large margin,” President Satoru Iwata said at a press conference today. “We can no longer expect our financial performance to recover in the current fiscal year.”

No shit, people said this over 7 months ago, emphasis mine.

Iwata Pressure

The revisions increase the pressure on Iwata, who vowed in October to meet a forecast of 100 billion yen in full-year operating profit and 9 million units in Wii U sales. Nintendo has lost about 80 percent of its market value since the introduction of the original Wii drove shares to a record high of 72,100 yen in November 2007, according to data compiled by Bloomberg.

Its market capitalization is about $20 billion -- less than Samsung Electronics Co. (005930)’s planned capital expenditures.

“The revision is much worse than expected,” Yusuke Tsunoda, an analyst at Tokai Tokyo Securities Co. in Tokyo, said by phone. “It’s going to be a third consecutive annual operating loss and that raises a serious management issue.”

Iwata said he’s considering a new business structure, and any announcement about a pay cut would come later this month when the company releases third-quarter earnings. There are no plans to reshuffle management in the near term, he said.

The company reduced its planned dividend for the fiscal year to 100 yen from 260 yen. Nintendo revised its foreign-exchange assumptions to 100 yen to the dollar from 90 yen, and to 140 yen per euro from 120 yen.

“We were unable to sufficiently take advantage of the weaker yen,” Iwata said.
Reminds me of Dreamcast
Excerpt: Rumors have been swirling about this for months now since Sega was expected to lose money for the fourth straight fiscal year, but the company continued to deny the rumors.

Nintendo is following right in Sega's footsteps imho. The Wii U will drop in price soon (sometime this year) as well imho looking at this kind of historical trend. Dreamcast went down to 99.99 back in the day. The Wii U is not immune. (I know some will say I'm jumping to conclusions and an idiot) But I expect 199.99 or even 149.99 US for Wii U soon. Call me crazy, but 3 years of billion dollar losses is insane for Nintendo, Sega was taking 4 years of million dollar loses...Nintendo is doing billions in losses is that correct?. They gotta get them games out and cut that price if they even want to have anything left for 2015, but I really think it won't matter. I think their hardware making days are coming to a close. 2015 they fold.
I'm in for a 149 wii-u.

Nintendo needs to exit, mario would rock on my ps4
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