Doom 4 in development hell?

I'm sure they are making sure that the story and ending are nothing but superior to RAGE. RAGE took several years and was very short, I wouldn't expect DOOM 4 to somehow be built faster.

Also, the article said that DOOM 4 was rebooted in 2011. If that's the case then it's going to take a few more years. That doesn't mean developmental hell. Now, if they reboot it again, then it's in hell.
This is kind of old news. id couldn't handle 200+ staff. Simple as that. I'll just wait and see what they're going to show at QuakeCon.
Someone mind posting the snippets? - page blocked

“An earlier version of Doom 4 did not exhibit the quality and excitement that Id and Bethesda intend to deliver and that Doom fans worldwide expect,” Bethesda's vice president of marketing and public relations Pete Hines said in a statement to Kotaku. “As a result, Id refocused its efforts on a new version of Doom 4 that promises to meet the very high expectations everyone has for this game and this franchise. When we’re ready to talk about the Doom 4 Id is making, we will let folks know.”
They need to find a new niche with the doom series. The doom style games are classic, but they just don't hit it with the mainstream as well any more. I'm sure most of the development time is being spent on the pre-production.
Also, the article said that DOOM 4 was rebooted in 2011. If that's the case then it's going to take a few more years. That doesn't mean developmental hell. Now, if they reboot it again, then it's in hell.

The fact that it's been 5 years and it's been rebooted still means it's in development hell IMO. It doesn't have to be 12 years like DNF to qualify. Look at A:CM...6 years there and it turned out shit. Still considered development hell.
How hard can it be to make a Doom game though? Make it atmospheric as all hell. Give me awesome guns. Make it look beautiful and run smooth. Give me scary ass monsters that make we turn the lights on and then give me a shotgun that will send them back to hell. Give me mini-boss fights like Bioshock Infinites 'Handyman' on 1999 mode, where I have to really think it through and use all of my abilities efficiently. Wait a minute, why am I not working on this game?
How hard can it be to make a Doom game though? Make it atmospheric as all hell. Give me awesome guns. Make it look beautiful and run smooth. Give me scary ass monsters that make we turn the lights on and then give me a shotgun that will send them back to hell. Give me mini-boss fights like Bioshock Infinites 'Handyman' on 1999 mode, where I have to really think it through and use all of my abilities efficiently. Wait a minute, why am I not working on this game?

Especially when they are using Doom 2 as a template for design elements.
The days when Id made a decent game are long gone. I'm not sure they can even make game engines anymore. Almost all the people who made Id what it is are gone, there's no reason to believe Carmack by himself is going to work miracles.
The days when Id made a decent game are long gone. I'm not sure they can even make game engines anymore. Almost all the people who made Id what it is are gone, there's no reason to believe Carmack by himself is going to work miracles.

Yup. Doom3, Quake4, extremely generic without much going for them. Rage was just a complete joke. I'm probably missing some stuff in between, but just goes to show how irrelevant they have become.
Yup. Doom3, Quake4, extremely generic without much going for them. Rage was just a complete joke. I'm probably missing some stuff in between, but just goes to show how irrelevant they have become.

No, not really. They were never a company that put out a ton of titles but at least they used to be AAA-quality, pre-Doom 3. Now we get to wait years for mediocre garbage, apparently.
I hope it's more like Doom 3 and not like Rage. I actually love sci-fi corridor crawls with shotguns and heavy weapons. Besides, that's what id does best.
I would love to see Doom 4 have not only an epic lighting engine like Doom 3 had, but fully-destructible environments. I think that could really kick a classic run-and-gun shooter like Doom up a notch.
I would love to see Doom 4 have not only an epic lighting engine like Doom 3 had, but fully-destructible environments. I think that could really kick a classic run-and-gun shooter like Doom up a notch.

I'm not sure about fully destructible though. If you want to have any kind of story line, how do you properly control the player's progress that way? If you have required assets that can't be destroyed, but everything else can, it's that much more jarring.
Wouldn't it be neat if ID was to make it a shooter that for the multiplayer instead of shooting, you can drive around in trucks and get power ups! That would be innovative and totally different!
I'm not sure about fully destructible though. If you want to have any kind of story line, how do you properly control the player's progress that way? If you have required assets that can't be destroyed, but everything else can, it's that much more jarring.

Maybe just everything except walls and floors...I dunno.

The original Doom wasn't exactly the most linear of games, either. It's not "open world" but it's not a corridor shooter like Doom 3.
The fact that it's been 5 years and it's been rebooted still means it's in development hell IMO. It doesn't have to be 12 years like DNF to qualify. Look at A:CM...6 years there and it turned out shit. Still considered development hell.
I can understand that. I just look at it as if the game was rebooted in early 2011, that means it's only been in development for around 2 years, which is not that long nor developmental hell. Duke was rebooted several times.
Carmack needs to leave and work for someone else. Or form his own dev house. The 'id' name is now tarnished and comes with too much baggage and expectations, it doesn't matter how the new game is or when it comes out, it can't succeed.

He is still one of the best programmers in the industry and a genius - that talent needs to be put to some use, instead of being dragged down with the next Doom/Quake etc.
Agreed. ID became console focused and as much as they lie and say they are heading back to PC I know they're not being truthful. Doom 4 is being targeted toward next gen consoles and oculus rift. The latter should be cool but they should be focusing on pc first.

They sold out before Rage and nothing has changed. Carmack is brilliant but he's really lost his way at that company.
Bring me a 1:1 remake of Doom 1 and 2 on a modern engine and I'll be a happy camper. Modern sequels can't fulfill the memories we have of the originals. Times have changed too much. More is expected from games these days.
maybe the textures are just so high res that a storage medium capable of containing them has yet to be invented

The FPS legend that started it all returns this May! Today we’re excited to announce that Wolfenstein: The New Order will arrive on both PS4 and PS3 on Tuesday, May 20th. And while we’re not talking about the game yet, we’re excited to announce that with a pre-order of Wolfenstein: The New Order, you will be able to access the beta for the next DOOM game (details at
A pre-release beta for what should primarily be a singleplayer game? What the fuck?

Prepare your anuses for Call of BattleDoom, friends.
A pre-release beta for what should primarily be a singleplayer game? What the fuck?

Prepare your anuses for Call of BattleDoom, friends.

Devil's advocate: Putting betas out lets people bang away at it and maybe helps make the final better?
A pre-release beta for what should primarily be a singleplayer game? What the fuck?

Prepare your anuses for Call of BattleDoom, friends.

Multiplayer and co-op to Doom isn’t new. My buddy and I use to play it all the time with our old dial-up connections.
Multiplayer and co-op to Doom isn’t new. My buddy and I use to play it all the time with our old dial-up connections.
Exactly. I don't have a problem with them putting development time into multiplayer for Doom 4, so long as we get a great co-op component to go along with the deathmatching and bring back the glory days. You want to talk about tacked on multiplayer, just look at Doom 3...
The main selling point for DOOM franchise is it's horror single player FPS campaign though, so hopefully it gets the focus it deserves
Paid beta... not going to happen, no matter how much I love id games.
Exactly. I don't have a problem with them putting development time into multiplayer for Doom 4, so long as we get a great co-op component to go along with the deathmatching and bring back the glory days. You want to talk about tacked on multiplayer, just look at Doom 3...


I'd love to see a proper, modern, MP experience for Doom 4.... Doom 3's MP was awful and, outside of the novelty of playing a few matches, I never even considered playing it for fun when so many other FPS's did it better.

Old school deathmatches are cool and all, but I'd like to see some (creative) objective based stuff too that fits in with the whole Doom theme.

Besides co-op campaign, I'd also love to see a 4 player co-op mode resembling something like COD Zombies, only with ghouls and demons. It has the potential to be awesome if this takes place on earth.
I think DOOM 4 should stick to the single player campaign focus and make a good horror FPS... there are so many good multiplayer FPS games that they all become the same, just different maps and guns. The story is where it's at (imo).
Multiplayer and co-op to Doom isn’t new. My buddy and I use to play it all the time with our old dial-up connections.
You could argue that Doom was the first FPS to support multiplayer (over IPX). But it wasn't its primary focus, nor was it the primary focus of any of its sequels.
Besides co-op campaign, I'd also love to see a 4 player co-op mode resembling something like COD Zombies, only with ghouls and demons. It has the potential to be awesome if this takes place on earth.
I get what you're saying, but it makes me uneasy seeing Doom and CoD in the same post! The less D4 takes from modern FPS, the better. No cover, no kill streaks, no progression system, no waiting for AI companions to open doors, no regen health, no assault rifles. Just lots of demons, speed, insane weapons, giant bosses... fun!