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  1. P

    New Search Engine In Town

    Guys, ease up will ya? With all the 'soft launches' we have to deal with in hardware land, you'd think you'd be a little easier on a rough start for Cuil. Sure it's not perfect, but it's their first day and they're trying to do something different, and i like where they're going. In a world...
  2. P

    ASUS Maximus II Formula @ [H]

    Kyle or anyone else, what mobo's are you referring to when you say "500 MHz+ barn burner?"
  3. P

    4870x2 reviews beating gtx280 sli

    Thank you. There is no reason for ATI to up the bit depth on their memory bandwitdth on a bus that's not being saturated. Unless of course you don't know what you're talking about and think that higher specs always lead to better real world performance.
  4. P

    How did you guys get Quake Wars to run?

    Yeah, i play ETQW all the time on my 3870...There were some weird artifacting issues occassionally, but those were fixed with updates. I'd use drivercleaner to reinstall your catalyst suite.
  5. P

    Nvidia/ATI(AMD) Price fixing? Staged competition? Wtf?

    It gets worse: a judge made public an email from the anti-trust suit against NV and ATI. The email was from NV's senior VP of marketing to ATI's president and COO that was attempting to get the two companies to see "eye to eye on prices". The story can be found here.
  6. P

    3870 vs 4870 vs 4850

    If i have a 3870 now, should i wait before upgrading to a 4850,4870? Methinks these price wars and NV's die-shrink will yield some amazing deals soon.
  7. P

    Here comes DirectX 11

    QFT, I was looking so forward to UT3, and when i got it i was so disappointed at how many rough edges and quality issues there were. It's really unfortunate because the core gameplay is there. I compared it to Gears on PC, and how refined that experience was, and i became convinced that...
  8. P

    'Nehalem' 2.93 GHz Benches Revealed here's the anandtech preview of the nehalem from a month ago...i think it's still too early to take either of the reviews too seriously, but anand's article is a little more in-depth. hopefully they do deliver that, and...
  9. P

    How long until 1GB versions of 4870 / 4870x2?

    geoking, could you point me to some 8/8x crossfirex setup benchies? I heard that crossfirex really needs 2 16x pci-e lanes. I'm currently on a 975x board and would like to know if i'd need to jump to a crossfirex compatible board to take full advantage of the new cards in xfire.
  10. P

    Gelsinger says Larrabee will wipe the floor with CPGPU

    My fanboys, let me show you them. In case you missed the train, the Core2's are awesome and there's nothing close to them in the desktop or enthusiast markets. I'm no intel fanboy, I had an Athlon XP, but give credit where credit is due and stop flaming.
  11. P

    Why Blizzard is a threat to ATI/Nvidia's high-end segment and high-end PC gaming

    Having great games with low system requirements is A GOOD THING for PC gaming. Getting mad at a dev for not making high spec games that can tax your $600 card is ridiculous. I know you need justifications for spending that much on a card, but there are still many of us who want great games...
  12. P

    Question for Best Buy employee's

    wow, applying for and getting a job at BB just for the 4850 discount...that's dedication.
  13. P

    Quad CrossFireX Evaluation (2x HD4870s and 2x HD4850s) from

    A couple things... 1: I was under the impression that Crysis was one of the worst games for multi-gpu scaling. 2. I remember from the 3800 series that 3 gpus was the most efficient solution (i.e. a 3870X2 and a 3870). 3. One test one configuration is not what I'd call anything comprehensive.
  14. P

    Help with basic 280 and 4870 information

    Regarding the 280 vs. 4870 argument, i believe the first Chinese review of the 4870 said it best....with the 4870, you get 80-90% of the performance of the 280 at 46% of the price.
  15. P

    First 4870 review on the web

    Oh wow, I expected it to compete with the 260, but i definately didn't expect it to compete and sometimes best the 280. And since when did ATI start beating NVIDIA at high AA values? Amazing. One passage comparing the 280 to the 4870 stuck out to me in which they detailed that the 4870...
  16. P

    Just ordered a GTX280!

  17. P

    ATI Removes NDA on Performance Previews for 4850 (#'s Inside)

    Watching whines and whimpers from NV fanboys trying to justify the 280/260 pricetags is lollerific. I never understood fanboys having any allegiance to any hardware company, all hardware companies are doing in the end is charging you for hardware and getting free marketing from your fanboyism...
  18. P

    French Preview of 4850 Up

    wow, color me impressed ATI. I stuck with you since my x1950 days and i don't regret. This is exactly the kick in the pants that PC gaming needs. Having a kick ass card at $200 will open the floodgates to wary gamers who were scared of the $600 graphics card misperception that PC gamers suffer.
  19. P

    Just hang in there!prices will drop!

    I think NVIDIA's missing the point....We need to start thinking about PC gaming as a whole rather than NV vs. ATI. Consoles are a huge area of competition for PC gaming in general, and if we want PC gaming to maintain the prominence and stature that it deserves, more people need to be playing...
  20. P

    NVIDIA GPU End of Life Rumors

    If we could get charts like this for both companies agreed upon and stickied, half the threads on this board could be answered before a new thread is started.
  21. P

    Vista SP1 *doubles* my DX10 Crossfire Crysis performance

    It's not available through automatic update until april, but it is available at the windows update site:
  22. P

    Guys whats a decent mid priced ati card now?

    +1 for the 3870 512MB. Great solo card performance in today's games, and great expandability with crossfirex and 3 3870's.....
  23. P

    Crossfire 3870+3850 works!

    i was under the impression that if you had two mismatched cards, the faster card would have its clock reduced to the clocks on the slower this still so with crossfirex?
  24. P

    Some Crossfire(X) Questions

    thanks for the info i'm just waiting to find out if crossfirex support is coming to 975x, as i don't think it's supported yet and you can't do 3 gpu's without cfx, correct? also, would the 8x reversion on 975x boards start becoming an issue once you start incorporating 3 or more...
  25. P

    Some Crossfire(X) Questions

    subtle bump if anyone has any info regarding my above question....
  26. P

    Some Crossfire(X) Questions

    In 975x boards, what's the performance hit when the PCI-e busses revert to 8x in a crossfire setup? Would the performance hit be even more pronounced with 2 xfirex'd hd3870x2's as opposed to 2 hd3870's (assuming xfirex support reaches the 975x platform).
  27. P

    DJing on laptop

    i'm not familiar with the creative sound blaster audigy, but I do gig around with my laptop so....for five outs, you're going to want a professional/semi-pro usb/firewire sound card...Brands off the top of my head you should start looking at are M-audio, Echo, Presonus, and RME. I'd especially...
  28. P

    E6300 to Q6600, good idea?

    yeah, i'd overclock the 6300, they're great oc'ers...that should last you quite some time, as the upgrade from an oc'd 6300 to a q6600 wouldn't be much of a difference for most applications.
  29. P

    x800 == time to upgrade?

    congrats for not succumbing to geek envy and sticking with your card all these years...if we're talking about the 8800gt, 9600, and the hd3850, might as well throw the hd3870 in the mix, price just dropped to $189 at newegg and can run pretty much everything cept the "one game" at full clip...
  30. P

    what is best price/performance intel now?

    I know there's a lot of love for the q6600's in here, but my vote goes to the dual cores either the e2180 or e8400....they overclock much better than the quads. Additionally, most of today's programs <still> don't take advantage of quad core, so dual core's are more practical in everyday apps....
  31. P

    Cooling (E6600) Advice - Precursor to OCing

    You're temps seem pretty normal, your load temps seem rather high for being so close to stock speeds, but i can't even recall what good load temps are for stock speeds cause it's been so long since I've been at far as HSF, any good aftermarket HSF is a great investment....a $50 got me...