Guys whats a decent mid priced ati card now?


Limp Gawd
Oct 3, 2006
I've been out of the loop with video cards lately. I want to replace my ati x1950 pro but I don't want to shell too much as I am satisfied with mid-ranged cards.

Is there a new card for the ati right now that is better than the x1950 but at mid range price??? Any help would be appreciated!
I picked up a 3870 for $179CDN at great card for the price
I have a 3850 256mb version I am selling for $100. (sorry to hijack the thread)
The 3850 and 3870 are pretty close in price right now in the 180-200 range which makes the 3870 the only one I would recommend.
+1 for the 3870 512MB. Great solo card performance in today's games, and great expandability with crossfirex and 3 3870's.....