Nvidia/ATI(AMD) Price fixing? Staged competition? Wtf?

What we need is some instructions on how we can get in on this class action law suit. Any lawyers on this forum?
So the market was rigged when I paid £500 for my 7800-512GTX back in its heyday..

Nvidia and ATI sat together and said 'if both of us charge an arm and a leg... where else can the customer go' !!

I take it this little cosy arrangement fell apart when AMD took over and pushed the 4870 out of the door... causing them to relive old memories about their cosy arrangement.

in days of old, the 4870 should have been priced as high as the 280 !

Any fine levied upon them most likely wont be handed back to customers... so there is nothing any of us can do...

A sad story indeed.
It gets worse: a judge made public an email from the anti-trust suit against NV and ATI. The email was from NV's senior VP of marketing to ATI's president and COO that was attempting to get the two companies to see "eye to eye on prices". The story can be found here.