New Search Engine In Town

I think they might be running pretty hard since the article has been all over the net and it was recently posted on .
We’ll be back soon...
Due to underwhelming search results, our Cuil servers are being brought down to tweak our young, budding algorithm. The search engine is momentarily unavailable at this time.

Thanks for your patience.

Fixed. ;)
The very first thing they say is "We want to challenge Google", and they don't think people are going to take a look? Fail.

Not impressed with search either. Looked for "Vista utilities" (without quotation marks) and it was quite horrible compared to Google's...
No results because of high load...

Due to excessive load, our servers didn't return results. Please try your search again.
One of my web sites shows on page 1 when searched with Google. Cuil didn't find it at all.

Maybe version 2...
Well, I gave it something very specific first: java 2 api countdownlatch

slight beef #1: it didn't return the Java 6 API as a result, though it did return Java 5.0's API on page 1

major beef #1: my goodness I hate that layout... i want to quickly browse the page URLs and topics... don't give me a flippin' book to read for each result

Second search: hardocp
Yes, it returned the main page first. No, the forum was not on the first page. Yes, it listed the butt old news about Kyle getting sued by those jokes after he posted a review of their crap. It also gave the H wiki entry on the first page (wtf?). And it gave a random irrelevant link to a boutique manufacturer.

So, minor beef #2: google returns the forum as the 3rd result... this new thing doesn't.
One last thing: I hate the offset of their content on the main page. Bugs the heck out of me. Center your crap.
"We didn’t find any results for “hardocp”

Some reasons might be...

* a typo. Please check your spelling.
* your search includes a term that is very rare. Try to find a more common substitute.
* too many search terms. Please try fewer terms.

Finally, try to think of different words to describe your search."

Still seems alright for you Steve?

Hence the comment in the original news post: Give it a go and see what you think

HardOCP worked fine for me when no one was using the site. Toss 40k - 50k people on there searching for stuff and you saw what happened....suckville.
Yea it's called scalability. I guess none of those 4 engineers specialized in it, some people devout all of their CS research to it. Give Cuil a break though.

Google has the money to have enough servers to compensate for massive traffic load. It's going to take any other company time to match up with that.

The layout is a little funky, but I guess we'll see how it goes. All this media coverage has certainly got cuil under the microscope.
Yea it's called scalability. I guess none of those 4 engineers specialized in it, some people devout all of their CS research to it. Give Cuil a break though.

Google has the money to have enough servers to compensate for massive traffic load. It's going to take any other company time to match up with that.

The layout is a little funky, but I guess we'll see how it goes. All this media coverage has certainly got cuil under the microscope.

Cruil is claiming to be a google killer. If you claim that you have don't deserve to be given a break when your site can't handle all this traffic ,
Funny, I Cuiled "faceplant" and I go not links back to media stories on its first day out of the chute.
Just tried it with several different queries and it came back quicker than Google with the correct results. Impressive. :)
Good luck with that one. Not quite sure why anyone bothers to compete with Google, they've got search down pretty well.
Let's face it guys, before Google you all were using browsers like AOL, Yahoo, Metacrawler and all that other crap..

When google was first announced you all jeered at the name and wouldn't use it till everyone else did.

Whether it gets off the ground or not, you can't blame it for trying.
They are probably reading this right now and laughing while you all do bug fixes on their initial phase framework...
i like the layout. looks very clean even tho it has pictures.. i approve!
I think I may use it just because of the personal info bit. I also happen to like the layout. We shall see.:)
Inconsistent and sporadic come to mind after using the search engine. Having broken links on the splash page also didn't help.
I like the black/dark background. Something google should adapt. (and no, I'm not talking about themes)
Slower than a snail. If it takes more than 60 seconds to load a page up....... FAILURE.
It does bring up some things I've never run acrossed on Google or Yahoo. IRC stats of channels related to some online business which provide some support through there (which I was quite surprised to see). As far as regular searches, it's not working very well. I've never been a Google fan, I've always stuck to Yahoo and will continue to do so.
That has to be the worst name I have ever seen. Not catchy, not memorable, nothing.

33 million in venture capital gone down the drain.
Yeah, I'm not that impressed by the search results so far. Hopefully it gets better. Competition and anything to keep Google on their toes is a good thing.
I guess I'm too used to google search showing 100 hits at a time and no pictures.
I can speed through the search results much faster that way.
The pictures and the brief "bio" slow me down.
I realize it's new and I will wait to see if they make the presentation of the results a little more customizable.
I think their search has potential. Do you really expect an instant success on the first day?

... just my $0.02 :cool:
I'm not too impressed with this search engine.

I'll give it a month or two to mature, and look at it again, but until then Google will remain my first choice.
Looks like it is already getting a lot better than what some of the first posters describe.

Also... I am glad to see that it doesn't come up with a bunch of junk pages for a simple search like google does all the time.

From what I could tell, it looks like it actually comes up with relevant information.
Guys, ease up will ya? With all the 'soft launches' we have to deal with in hardware land, you'd think you'd be a little easier on a rough start for Cuil. Sure it's not perfect, but it's their first day and they're trying to do something different, and i like where they're going. In a world dominated by Google, it's great for someone with a plan to try and stand up to google's search dominance.
Guys, ease up will ya? With all the 'soft launches' we have to deal with in hardware land, you'd think you'd be a little easier on a rough start for Cuil. Sure it's not perfect, but it's their first day and they're trying to do something different, and i like where they're going. In a world dominated by Google, it's great for someone with a plan to try and stand up to google's search dominance.

Well so far the damn thing shows 0 relevant results for every other term you spit at it. Not to mention it doesn't even find itself in a search. Not a good showing for something that is supposed to have the most indexed pages of all search engines on the web.
So far the only problem I have is search result. The site is working ok for me, no any page cannot display error, and the load time is ok considering that the result comes with image.

The search result is strange though.

When I search for "chess endgame", the results mostly returns info on books rather than websites that directly provides the info I'm looking for.

Anyway I hope it continues to improves over time. Would be nice if Google have some competition