How did you guys get Quake Wars to run?


Limp Gawd
Mar 16, 2005
I am trying to run quake wars demo 2.0 on an ATI 3850 but so far I have having 0 luck(cat 8.6). I disabled Cat AI, disabled triple buffering...played around with the combinations but nothing seems to work. I can't load the map(just crashes right into desktop).

So far I've tried the demo with the 3450 and the 3850 but I have no luck. With the 3450, I got the game to load up once....but that was it (weird how there lacks a consistency).

Can anyone help?
botched install maybe? I play QW all the time on my 3870 - never had an issue, even while running Vista!
Try installing older drivers to see if that works. I'm using 8.5's.
Are you talking about Enemy Territory: Quake Wars or the originol Quake Wars? if your talking about ET:QW I had no problem at all running it in Vista 64bit. Didn't have to do anything special to get it to run. if your talking about the originol then I have no clue.
Yeah, i play ETQW all the time on my 3870...There were some weird artifacting issues occassionally, but those were fixed with updates. I'd use drivercleaner to reinstall your catalyst suite.
Umm, there's only one Quake Wars, and that's Enemy Territory: Quake Wars. I dunno what "original Quake Wars" you are referring to....