Vista SP1 *doubles* my DX10 Crossfire Crysis performance

wow, that's mad. Your right. All the screenshots that you see are in the vantage I have. Damn!! I was wondering why there was so little fuss been made!!

LOL ah well, no point in been an idiot if you don't do something stupid :)
wow, that's mad. Your right. All the screenshots that you see are in the vantage I have. Damn!! I was wondering why there was so little fuss been made!!

LOL ah well, no point in been an idiot if you don't do something stupid :)

Wait...what? Are you saying you DO have the new Vantage that's being previewed at the site I linked to, or you don't? I'm confused by your answer, hehe.
The improvements that have come from SP1 are over and above the improvements that the previous hotfixes and optional updates brought. I am one of the "discerning vista gamers" and had installed every patch and hotfix anywhere to improve performance. I still noticed an improvement after installing SP1. SP1 is more that just a roll up of previous patches.

This could certainly be true. You're missing the point though. The current level of performance was available/normal prior to Vista SP1. The fact that some users were seeing substandard performance pre-SP1 was very certainly caused by some combination of the OS/drivers and the user's software setup. This is to be expected!

Vista SP1 may have fixed something wrong with yours and others' systems. What it did not do was raise Vista's nominal 3d performance except perhaps very marginally. Indeed, there were no major changes made in the area of 3D outside of dx10.1 for which benchmark software is not widely available.
Whatever the hell is in this Service Pack is freaking amazing! Gears of War is so much smoother than before that it's like I just upgraded my video card. Unreal Tournament 3 is actually playable on the highest settings now - all the hitching and stuttering is gone! Wow!

For reference, ATI Crossfire x1950xt's, Catalyst 8.3's. Unbelievably awesome.
I can't comment on x-fire performance as I use a single 8800GTS but I immediately noticed a big improvement on Crysis after installing Vista SP1 (I had already installed updates & hotfixes).I can now happily play 1440 x 900 at V-High settings (no AA). The game would previously auto-detect to these settings but framerate & consistency were not great, the menu was also glitchy before. Everything is smooth now :)

Happy days!!!
Reinstalled 8.3s, KICK ASS! Crysis demo still runs like crap but I don't care. UT3 seems about the same, but no one plays it anyway. COD4 performance however is through the roof! I used to get ~50-60 and dip as low as 20 with 4x AA enabled, now I dip to 50 as a minimum. My CSS stress test went up over 40 fps. I'm extremely happy with my 3870s now. And to think I was considering selling them for 780i garbage...

OT: does anyone know how to disable VPU recover in vista x64? It's not under CCC as an option :(
i dont have crossfire, but when i instaled sp1 i also got a huge bump in performance. i used to only play it all high DX10 at a lower res, now i can play all high at 1440x900. Ill see if i can handle more.
After installing SP1, I have noticed more stable frame rates running FSX. Before, they'd jump all over the place, anywhere from the mid-30s to single digits depending on where I was and what I was looking at. Now they hover between 30-35 almost all the time in most areas. I'll have to go fly into some of the high detail airports and see if there has been much of an improvement there.

FWIW, I had installed a few of the hotfixes, at least the ones that the installers would allow me to install. So either SP1 is more than a hotfix roll-up or it forced some of the others in place. In any event, I'm rather pleased with the results.
OT: does anyone know how to disable VPU recover in vista x64? It's not under CCC as an option :(

From the CCC Help file: Note: Because Windows Vista® provides the same functionality as this option, VPU Recover is not available on systems running Windows Vista®.
After installing SP1, I have noticed more stable frame rates running FSX. Before, they'd jump all over the place, anywhere from the mid-30s to single digits depending on where I was and what I was looking at. Now they hover between 30-35 almost all the time in most areas. I'll have to go fly into some of the high detail airports and see if there has been much of an improvement there.

FWIW, I had installed a few of the hotfixes, at least the ones that the installers would allow me to install. So either SP1 is more than a hotfix roll-up or it forced some of the others in place. In any event, I'm rather pleased with the results.

yea, i can play FSX reliably now too. it's nice :)
Like did Microsoft pay you guys to write this stuff?:D Caus I'm absolutely stroked! I just upgraded to Vista SP1 and plan on running @ ATI 3870s in CrossFire.:cool:
Like did Microsoft pay you guys to write this stuff?:D Caus I'm absolutely stroked! I just upgraded to Vista SP1 and plan on running @ ATI 3870s in CrossFire.:cool:

My personal experience with a P35 chipset based motherboard, dual 3870's and Vista x64 is that SP1 didn't result in any major gains in frame rate at all in Crysis. I did have all the hotfixes from Microsoft applied that dealt with Multi-GPU issues before installing SP1, so that probably lessened the advantage of SP1 vs. an un-hotfixed Vista installation.

Honestly, applying the Crysis patches (1.1 especially and 1.2) and updated ATI drivers (8.2 and then 8.3+) made more of a difference than anything else.
so you can run it on all VERY HIGH? in dx10? hmm im thinking, maybe sometime later i should go Crossfire lol.... I kinda want to have 2 cards. I miss being with ATI, since it was my first real fast graphics card company.