French Preview of 4850 Up


i was worried this would happen...

i'm glad to see ATI doing well. and i'm glad they're offering at least one very attractive GPU. i can only assume the 4870 will kick ass as well. i'm in for 1, maybe 2.

but i'm upset.

i want something with a black PCB! the blue i might be able to get from sapphire or gigabyte or HIS will look okay with my current gigabyte board, but i was planning to get a DFI next with green and yellow lighting :mad: well, at least i haven't started, so i can still re-evaluate how this will affect the aesthetics of my case mod.

(before you consider flaming me, please consider that fact that i may be attempting a joke).
I guess we're keeping the price tags in mind.

Even with that in mind, it doesn't seem all too great. The 3870x2 looks a lot better and is only 100$ more.

I'm trying to figure out what cards to get, but it seems we don't have a shining card anywhere. :confused:
Damn, this looks like a great card and ATI did fix the AA bug from last gen. For 200-250 this looks pretty good. I will take an overclocked version with a different cooler though, I hate the high pitch noise of single slot coolers
The English language is like at least 60% coming from French, it's not too difficile :)

It's fun to try to read it without translsation link.
Fingers crossed for the 4870.


i was worried this would happen...

i'm glad to see ATI doing well. and i'm glad they're offering at least one very attractive GPU. i can only assume the 4870 will kick ass as well. i'm in for 1, maybe 2.

but i'm upset.

i want something with a black PCB! the blue i might be able to get from sapphire or gigabyte or HIS will look okay with my current gigabyte board, but i was planning to get a DFI next with green and yellow lighting :mad: well, at least i haven't started, so i can still re-evaluate how this will affect the aesthetics of my case mod.

(before you consider flaming me, please consider that fact that i may be attempting a joke).

You'll manage somehow I am sure.
Eh, I agree with the PCB. Black PCB's are very, very sexy...

I might pick up a red PCB'd product, so long as they have a good warranty.
Eh, I agree with the PCB. Black PCB's are very, very sexy...

I might pick up a red PCB'd product, so long as they have a good warranty.

Should be fine with Visiontek's lifetime warranty.

And these results are much better than what I expected. On average it's 50% faster than a Radeon 3870.
mmm nice, the 4850 often tangles with the 9800GTX, so it "Appears" the 4870 may trade blows with the the GTX260, I doubt it will stack against the GTX280 but as its priced so high i doubt they will care much.

The 4850 appears definitely faster than the G92 GTS so a $$ little under the 9800GTX will be spot on especially when you consider the elegance of lower power heat and maybe noise.

ATI are back, but it will be a war of $$.
What surprised me was that in some games the 4850 actually beats the GTX260 w/ AA so the AA issue is definitely fixed with the 4800's. Two of these might indeed beat the GTX280 after all.

Now I can't even imagine what a 4870 much less a 4870X2 can do...
Kyle had stated a few months back that the AA is fixed in the 4000-series, as it should be. I would hate to see what bad rap Ati would receive if they didn't fix the AA...
made this pic of the numbers to show the % drops from no AA to 4xAA from that review:

120 fps in Bioshock at 1920x1200?
What rig are they using?!

I was down into the 40's with my GTX during heavy combat, and I don't think I ever saw it go above 70 even when staring into a wall...
What surprised me was that in some games the 4850 actually beats the GTX260 w/ AA so the AA issue is definitely fixed with the 4800's.
I said that last year. But alas, I think I was promptly ignored :p
Rumor is same core on 4870 as 4850. I'm sure they are speed binning for a higher clocked core along with GDDR5. The 4870 should be a very nice card.
Looks pretty impressive, they should actually be competitive with this generation of GPUs. It's significantly slower than the 260 (overall) but it's also half the price (and you could do CF for basically the same price). Just the fact that it can match the 260 in certain games is pretty impressive IMO. The power usage is nice too, only a bit higher than the 3870.
Am I the only one who looked at the power consumption?

For the 'low midrange' part of this generation to consume 10% MORE power than the 'upper end' part of the last gen?


This is not good for XPC owners. The HD 3850 was basically a divine present, custom wrapped and gifted to SFF owners. Single slot, deathly quiet, very reasonable gaming oomph, and mouselike power usage. The x1950Pro, it's 'spiritual' predecessor was half as fast in most tests, for the same size and volume, and actually drew more juice. HD 3850 doubled its speed AND cut the power requirement.

Looks like the HD 4850 isn't doing that.
wow, color me impressed ATI. I stuck with you since my x1950 days and i don't regret. This is exactly the kick in the pants that PC gaming needs. Having a kick ass card at $200 will open the floodgates to wary gamers who were scared of the $600 graphics card misperception that PC gamers suffer.