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  1. B

    FS: CPU, RAM, Hard Drives, Sound Cards

    I haven't posted in a while, but my for sale list has been updated. I also have a PCI Express wireless G Card and some other misc. hard drives. SATA 160GB, IDE 200GB, etc..etc.. If interested, PM me.
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    Alien vs Predator: the Alien emerges!

    AVP2 is one of my favorite games of all times. I hope it can live up to it.
  3. B

    Gateway laptop part needed

    I think I've got one from a 450SX4... Give me some time to dig it out of the closet...
  4. B

    WTB PCI Video Card and PC2100 DDR

    You need to uninstall the Nvidia drivers before attempting to install the ATI card... Run the uninstaller with the PCI Card in, Shutdown... Make sure you change the BIOS do display AGP First, NOT PCI... Save BIOS Changes, Shutdown... Swap Cards, install ATI Drivers... Should work..
  5. B

    FS: CPU, RAM, Hard Drives, Sound Cards

    Updated Model of 1.4Ghz Athlon after a couple requests on type.
  6. B

    do you have this adapter? also guild wars

    You'll need a 1/8" mini jack to y rca adapter for most normal sound cards. If you already have the RCA Cables, this $2 adapter would be perfect. For the video card, you'll need to make sure...
  7. B

    FS: CPU, RAM, Hard Drives, Sound Cards

    Updated AMD64 3000+ price... $25 Shipped... This stuff is still here... I might be donating the 1.4Ghz Athlon and MB... keep a look out if no one wants it..
  8. B

    WTB: Socket 939 CPUS

    What about an AMD 64 3000+ Single Core...?
  9. B

    FS: CPU, RAM, Hard Drives, Sound Cards

    Bump... I still have this stuff available...
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    FS: CPU, RAM, Hard Drives, Sound Cards

    Bump, price added to Gears Of War PC
  11. B

    FS: CPU, RAM, Hard Drives, Sound Cards

    Someone inquired about the KR7A MB. I still have some of this equipment around. PM or bump if interested. Thanks! Bump.
  12. B

    My e8400 C0 PWNS my E0 by a margin xD

    nice. thanks for the info.
  13. B

    abit exits mainboard market - confirmed

    R.I.P. Abit. Your company brought some good things to us. I've played many games and built many PC's with Abit motherboards. Abit was always my "goto" motherboard. I'm on my first INTEL board after moving from the AMD processors, maybe i'll stick with them now...
  14. B

    Best Brand? Video card upgrade, unsure about brand

    It's Taken care of. Thanks XFX Support. I DID NOT GO WRONG WITH XFX!!! They are great. :):):):)
  15. B

    Best Brand? Video card upgrade, unsure about brand

    Got my XFX 8800GT yesterday. It barely fit into my microfly ATX case, but it is AWESOME!! Man, All my games are like new again. Call of Duty 4, Battlefield 2, Day of Defeat Source.... I can play all my games maxed out, high settings, and they look incredible... the FPS in COD4 shows 120+...
  16. B

    Best Brand? Video card upgrade, unsure about brand

    Thank you all for the responses. I made my purchase today. I did some further reading and I've seen mixed results with ALL video card manufacturers. I ended up going with an XFX 512MB 8800GT. After rebate and shipping, only $148 if you live in an egg tax free state. I chose XFX mainly...
  17. B

    Best Brand? Video card upgrade, unsure about brand

    I've seen mixed results on the forums around here about different brands. I'm about to upgrade to an 8800GT I'm pretty sure (possibly 9600GT at last minute), but probably an 8800GT... There are various rebates and different prices online with different brands. I have a Leadtek 6600 now...
  18. B

    Yet another opinion thread - new video card for this?

    Good Choice. Always put the wife first, you'll be glad you did... That's why I wait so long for my projects and upgrades...
  19. B

    Yet another opinion thread - new video card for this?

    I'm in the same predicament.... I had a AMD 3000+, 1GB PC3200, and a 6600... I kept thinking, Video Card or System, Video Card or System.... I ended up waiting, waiting, waiting, and FINALLY! 3 years later, I upgraded to... Intel C2D E8400, 2GB DDR2 800 in Dual Channel Mode, RAID 0+1...
  20. B

    Went Wi-Fi router, connection slow as crap now

    TheGooch69, My first 802.11G router was crap when it was "newer" in 2003. It eventually got better with many firmware updates and they ended up coming out with better hardware revisions after finally finalizing the standard. The Linksys WRT54G's are good proven solid routers now, BUT...
  21. B

    SP1 really sucks. Big time

    I'm still running xp... waiting for more users to say it's more stable...
  22. B

    Question about power connectors

    I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that the 4 pin was an Intel thing when they first started coming around. As processors became faster AMD also ended up using the connector. I've seen PC's boot without it connected, but if the connector is on the motherboard, plug it in.
  23. B

    Redesigned 8800GT - Gigabyte GV-NX88T512HP

    thanks for the heads up
  24. B

    MP3 Player Suggestions?

    I always recommend the MEIZU miniplayers. Only 8GB max, but they do video and have a touch pad on them too.... It just scrolls up and down instead of going in a circle like apples...
  25. B

    Wait for 9800GT or get 8800GT now

    I don't know if I can wait
  26. B

    Intel DG33TL and E8400 Intel Core2Duo did anyone have these weird issues like me??

    WOAH. I said it was fixed. It's now even acting CRAZIER after the update. It's showing my processor at 46 now instead of 73, but the temperature still goes down while my motherboard temp goes way UP. Intel has some temp things to fix...... I'm installing other software now... OLD...
  27. B

    Intel DG33TL and E8400 Intel Core2Duo did anyone have these weird issues like me??

    Thanks for the replies. caw2007 I'm going to update the BIOS here shortly. No other CPU's to use. I came from an AMD only kind of computer world, but I'm liking the Intel so far. I might buy a new heatsink. skizzled I haven't tried another monitoring utility, I assumed it was...
  28. B

    Presentaion suggestions, please?

    I would get a case for it. Then at least you could move it with out dropping the cd drive and yanking the cord out or something. They have cheap cases now with lots of windows. These may be a little high (They are cheaper when they have rebates) but I have one and it's not too shabby...
  29. B

    whats the best mobo maker do you guys recommend?

    ABIT is great. I've also liked the MSI motherboards DO NOT get Epox. I had an Epox piece of junk motherboard. I paid $130 or something crazy for it a long time ago. It had nice features but was a piece of crap.
  30. B

    Longevity testing & Bad ASUS experiences

    ABIT Motherboards have lasted a long time for me. I bought my first one in 2001 and it has run solid all the way up until I decided to use my upgraded computer only. It ran from 2001 - 2006 with heavy use and was very stable. I updated to another Abit for my next upgrade and it was...
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    Cant get my new build stable with the Abit IP35-E

    In the Windows 95/98/2000 days, stuff like that was always ram or power supply problems. This bit of advice might be useless since you are installing Vista and lots of things have changed since then, but I'd leave in just one stick of RAM and see what happens. If you have bad ram on your...
  32. B

    Intel DG33TL and E8400 Intel Core2Duo did anyone have these weird issues like me??

    I have an Intel DG33TL microATX motherboard and an Intel C2D E8400 3Ghz processor. Problem: 1.) I think my motherboard temperature sensor is reversed. 2.) Getting on my processor heatsink felt like it was going to break my motherboard. If I look at the underside of the motherboard it looks...
  33. B

    Nvidia claims "GPU matters more than a CPU" controversy

    I don't believe that CPU's and GPU's are the only thing that people will arguing or fighting in the market about. What about hard drives, bus speed, and the bit width of the bus. People forget about providing the CPU and GPU with enough bandwidth to do what they need. This includes future...
  34. B

    9800GTX scores 14,000 in 3DMark 06

    I've been waiting for the 98xx's and this is a little discouraging... as everyone else says, lets wait and see what happens with some other proven results...
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    Ripping DVD library to HD

    I don't think there will be quality loss if using DVDShrink because it only compresses if the DVD data is larger than what will fit on the DVD.
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    Emprex 22" Monitor - $169.99 AR

    good deal.. monitors are so expensive these days... the bundled ones with PC's are very cheap.. I think monitors have a large markup... who knows...
  37. B

    FS: CPU, RAM, Hard Drives, Sound Cards

    updated HD Price, warranty info, model, and a bit of history..