MP3 Player Suggestions?

Honestly? I am waiting for the Meizu to come out, but there are plenty of other MP3 players out there, especially from China, that match, or even surpass the IPOD touch.

There are ones out there with 8gb that can read 8gb MiniSD cards.

Just Get an 8gb, and buy yourself like 5 4gb SD cards, thats what I did. Now I got my "base" music on my player, and a mini-sd card for each style.. got my Heavy Metal on one, Rock on another, Classical and Blue on another etc.

All of this fits in my little carrying case, and when I need more space? I just pay 20-30 for another card, and bam, I got more. I spent maybe 100 dollars on the player, and maybe 150 on the cards. Which is STILL cheaper than the IPOD touch or most other things.

If you don't trust chinese MP3 players, then go for the Sansa 16gb, you can get them for pretty cheap (like 1/2 the cost of ipod nano). You can even find refurb 8gb Sansas for under 75 bucks!
If you're on Windows get a Zune, but for those of us on a Mac, get an iPod. Those are the only two really good options I've come across.

MS really needs to get on Zune support for OSX. All my music is on my notebook (MBP) so it's easier for me to use iTunes + iPod.

Sorry to sound like the herd, but the 6th-gen and touch-based iPods are great. Audio quality is superb, interface is very nice, and the tight iTunes integration is very convenient. I have an 80GB Classic and an iPhone, and love both.

I had a Creative Zen M before my iPods; the quality was okay, but syncing with Windows Media Player or Creative's software leaves much to be desired, and micromanaging it via drag-and-drop quickly loses the novelty of "control" and becomes a pain in the ass.

Speaking of the PSP, doesn't that play mp3's? Why doesn't anyone use it as an mp3 player? Is it just too expensive?

The audio quality is utter crap, and Memory Sticks are expensive.
I always recommend the MEIZU miniplayers. Only 8GB max, but they do video and have a touch pad on them too.... It just scrolls up and down instead of going in a circle like apples...
... and buy yourself like 5 4gb SD cards, thats what I did. Now I got my "base" music on my player, and a mini-sd card for each style...
That's what I do with my Sansa, only with 2gb cards. I just have one for tunes and one for talk-based podcasts and one for audio books.

I'm with JFX as far as monochrome LCDs are concerned. My e130 lasts a while on a single AAA rechargeable, I carry 4 charged ones when I go on 4 hour train rides/plane trips, enough for the trip up and back. The thing only cost me $40 too. Downsides = no playlists, kinda flimsy battery cover.

Oh, I also don't trust HDDs in portable devices. Or, I don't trust myself with them.
In the past I was a fan of many of the Creative players, but in January, after hearing good things from some friends, I bought my wife one of the 2nd. generation Zunes. It's so nice I'm going to buy myself one fairly soon (before we take a planned trip in a couple months). Originally I was thinking about getting a Zen, but probably not anymore. I bought her the 4 gig flash Zune, but since I need a little more space I might just have to get the 80 gig hard drive based model.

In my opinion the interface is really nice and easy to use. I was really impressed with the touch pad, and navigation as well. It didn't take too long to get use to, after a couple minutes. I'm not a diehard audio buff, but I have no problem with the sound quality and the video looks great. My only complaint is I wish there was an equalizer. The whole thing with XNA coming to the Zune will be pretty cool as well.

I've messed with the actual computer software quite a bit, and although there are some things that need improvement, I didn't find it too bad. It's far from perfect, but hopefully with some updates it'll get better. I'll admit right now I'm not a real big fan of the iTunes software. I just never did like it.