My e8400 C0 PWNS my E0 by a margin xD


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 23, 2008
As seen in the pic, my C0 clocks 4GHz at 1.280v

My current E0 is 1.4v stable, currently playing with 1.36v. At +150mv (1.36v is I think +200mv, 1.4v is like +237.5mv) it won't boot into Windows. I bring this up much later than I should have because passive has prompted me to keep an eye on temps and I stumbled on a SS of my old chip..

Both do have a difference in BIOs NB/VTT and whatnot settings, how they differ I'm not quite sure but both run on the exact same hardware cept for the CPU.. Anyways, here's some 'proof' E0 isn't the end-all-be-all. Why I'm still running the E0 is beyond me :D
Overclocking can't be proved in a single case really and I'm sure everyone knew that there were going to be bum E0s.
Yeah it seems the [H] OC database hasn't been updated in a while either (particularly with E0 data). Maybe a thread like this could get those users out of the woodwork hahah.
All I said was E0 isn't as pwnage wtfbbq as people have them to be.. In almost every recent post I've read regarding CPU recommendations, it's always a e8400/e8500, specifically emphasized with an "E0" after it, like the C0 is a POS taboo CPU that shouldn't be touched, completely inferior to its younger twin. My C0's VID is under 1.00v btw, @ .9XXv.
Stock is <1v, I'm didn't read it wrong. O unless you're talking about load, which I dunno what it was. ANyways
I just built a computer for a friend with a E8400 + P5Q Pro combo which in total after MIR would be $230 I believe. He got the C0 stepping too. Wish I overclock it before handing it over.