Alien vs Predator: the Alien emerges!


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 6, 2008
Full article here.

Basically the alien will have the same abilities as the previous AvPs (being able to wall/ceiling-run, fast, powerful melee, headbite, etc), but will also be able to capture humans like civilians and scientists so facehuggers can have their way with them, just like in the movies. These people will sometimes put up a fight and may even shoot themselves in the head to avoid incubation.

Multiplayer is apparently going to be comprised of both two-way and three-way species competitive matches, with a player maximum of 18 online. There will also be a co-op Survival/Horde/Nazi Zombie mode where a group of players take on waves of enemies.

The game is currently scheduled for a February 2010 release. Can't wait!
The complete Aliens vs. Predator single-player game will offer 12 hours of gameplay, so expect a four-hour alien campaign
Weren't the last games longer? I could be wrong.
The first AvP couldn't have been any longer than 10, I'm not sure about AvP2. Anyway, 12 hours is pretty standard for shooters. The Predator and Alien campaigns should offer some nice replayability as well.
The first AvP couldn't have been any longer than 10, I'm not sure about AvP2. Anyway, 12 hours is pretty standard for shooters anyway. The Predator and Alien campaigns should offer some nice replayability as well.

True. I will be buying this game like the last two (I'm an AVP freak) but PS3 or PC? Hmmmmmm.
MP sounds damn good, i had a lot of fun in college with AVP2 multiplayer, 3 species style.
I will upgrade my pc just for this game. My 8800GT will probably still work but meh.

Release day purchase solely based on how awesome the first two games were. I think the L4D/Nazi Zombie survive the onslaught mode could be sick. I'm just picturing a group of Marines holding off a swarm of Aliens and the occasional Predator and salivating.

I wonder if a group of Predators will get to hold off Aliens too? Mmmmm...
I'm crossing my fingers they keep the Marine SFX from the original. That motion pinger still gives me the creeps.
I'm crossing my fingers they keep the Marine SFX from the original. That motion pinger still gives me the creeps.

haha me too. I am sure they will, its a staple of the franchise.
I'm crossing my fingers they keep the Marine SFX from the original. That motion pinger still gives me the creeps.

If they changed that, that would ruin the whole game. Oooh the sound just give me shivers thinking about it.
I still play the original one...that game rocks just from the fear factor alone when you first start out.....freaking aliens everywhere
I still play the original one...that game rocks just from the fear factor alone when you first start out.....freaking aliens everywhere

I want to play the original again so badly but I can't get it to run with my graphics card. It will install but as soon as I try to play it, it says it's not compatible with my card (8800 GT).
I'm a bit young for the generation of AVP2/AVP (I'm 21 btw, didn't have a good comp back in those days :p) but how did the balance between species work out? i species goes completely invisible (Pred), and the marines have like motion trackers and the hell does alien survive/win?
Alien has different vision modes, and is VERY Fast and strong. Can climb walls and jump at you. Basically just brute force, like in the movies.
Alien has different vision modes, and is VERY Fast and strong. Can climb walls and jump at you. Basically just brute force, like in the movies.

If you get killed by an alien, do you turn into an alien? :eek: Or some sort of skill to drag people off to become face eater food :D

Try reading the information already in the thread.

But it doesn't state if an actual player BECOMES an alien in multiplayer. That would be extremely interesting/satisfying, if you let aliens dominate, it'll just turn it everyone vs you. Of course you run into issues with wankers that don't want to help or are playing with their buddies, but still interesting/fun concept nevertheless.
I have seen the trailer for the marines and.... I will be buying this and upgrading my system for this game for sure!
man I hope this game is as good as the previous 2! AvP2 was (and still is!) crazy LAN fun. The netcode wasn't so hot, though, so it was pretty wonky online.
I can't wait. I still go back and play through AVP2 about once a year. And it still freaks me out playing it with the lights off. :)
it would seem all the site are gone but the problems started with tye 7x drivers.........
What about an [H] Alien Swarm or [H] Predator Hunting Party

Hell yes! :D

I always liked playing as the Marine... it's more challenging than the other races... but I still LOVE playing as the Predator *drool*

The sound of the thermal vision (rrrarrrrrmmm rrraaaaarrrrrmmm)... it's _Über_ sick!!!
Hell yes! :D

I always liked playing as the Marine... it's more challenging than the other races... but I still LOVE playing as the Predator *drool*

The sound of the thermal vision (rrrarrrrrmmm rrraaaaarrrrrmmm)... it's _Über_ sick!!!

I LOOOOOOOOOOVED playing as the Alien. Fast, upclose, silent but very deadly (did I just make a fart joke?)

Just installed the original. Works great! Had a sound looping problem but found a place that told me how to fix it and now it's like butter.
Is Carl Weathers a playable character?

