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  1. C

    Best HDCP compliant drivers for 4890 on XP?

    Hey ya'll, I finally get to use the system that I built the summer before last summer....ugh. Gotta love it when you buy top of the line hardware in 2009(best rig I've ever built) and don't really burn it in until 2011. I can't afford a 6970 and thankfully my card doesn't suck by todays...
  2. C

    WTS XFX XXX 4890 1g DDR5

    Price Lowered to $180.00 Shipped FIRM. Just the Tom Clancey Hawx game is Fify Bucks @ WallyWorld.
  3. C

    WTS XFX XXX 4890 1g DDR5

    Somone please jump on this so I don't have to go to Feebay.:D
  4. C

    WTS XFX XXX 4890 1g DDR5

    Hey ya'll, It saddens me to do this but I need the money and by the time I come back from the Middle East it'll be old. This is the 900mhz Factory overclocked screaming beast XFX 4890 XXX. 1gb DDR5, Red DVI ports, red fan shroud and black PCB. I got the video card 100%stable @ 975mhz. I...
  5. C

    Who's running the XFX 4890 XXX and how is it??

    Hey bro, Thanks for chimming in. I've heard nothing but Good things about XFX's, Warranty, Service and Support. I've personally experienced Horrible Things with Sapphires Lack of Warranty, Lack of Service and Lack of Support. I felt like I was selling out buying the Sapphire Card(really...
  6. C

    Who's running the XFX 4890 XXX and how is it??

    Hey ya'll, I hit the sale for the Toxic 4890(i'd love to have a quiet card and it was only $204 shipped). By the time it's off Backorder I'll be to busy to game and the whole thing will be a moot point. I can't stand the Sapphire Company(their support and Service is even worse then...
  7. C

    Post your Phenom II and Sempron unlock or failed unlock results here.

    Hey ya'll, Whilst it's an overclocking beast, I'm sad to say that EVERTHING possible on my new Asus CrossFire III Formula could not get Phenom II x2 550(Castillo) to Unlock(even with Bios O503) the other cores. I'm 99% Sure that my other cores are truly Faulty. So........Complete Fail to...
  8. C

    Whoop! Here it is!

    Maybe not....................Why would they ship any boards with Pci-E Thanks for the post OlePueblo. Appreciate it. Now I just need a 790fx/750 board already.:D
  9. C

    is overclocking worth it?

    Yeah.............Intel doesn't know that lots of people are Oc'ing their chips.:rolleyes: Forget the 2 hours of Prime...that's a joke for kids that wanna brag to their friends that their 4ghz Oc is *stable*. Run it for a minimum of 8 hours brother. It's always *worth it* to squeeze more...
  10. C

    Whoop! Here it is!

    Looks are very, very secondary to me when it comes to PC hardware and DAYUM that Foxcon board is a fugly clown scheme. It seems like Amd is late to their own party again. Show me a Top Shelf board like the Asus M3A32 Delux with the new 750 chipset and I'll buy it right now.:p
  11. C

    AMD 6400+ Heat problem?

    Hey bro, That's why I won't buy one. To much freaking power consumption and heat. FYI...When your applying TIM, you should wear a powder free glove or put a bag on your hand as you don't want the oil from your fingers contaminating the Cpu & HeatSink surfaces. I don't think reapplying the...
  12. C

    Looking for a 6400 3.2 Black Edition.

    My humble opinion........ Fuk the 6400+.........It puts out way to much heat relative to the small performance increase over the 65watt brisbane cores. If your gonna have a cpu sucking that much power, spend a little more money and get a Phenom 9850 if your mobo will support it. Newegg had...
  13. C

    Is my Amd x2 CPU running too hot ?

    Your temps hardly constitute anything dangerous to your hardware.......period. Your fine bro. If you want lower temps, add as superior HSF with supeior TIM and/or more air flow in your case. Are you running the stock HSF with the crappy wax thermal pad??? That would explain your temps
  14. C

    See, the waiting game...

    Touche bro........ The 4850 is where the real value is @....period. I wouldn't run the 280 unless you gave it to me(would rather have a 9800gtx for the money) and for me, the 4870 doesn't offer enough increased performance to justify the price. I'm looking forward to c the Benchmark #'s...
  15. C

    Intel's gonna win!

    WOW......The original post is a profound revelation.:eek: I've owned just as many Intel Systems as AMD. They've both made awesome chips and total Sh*T. I truly feel sorry for any Intel fanboy that doens't want Amd in the market(heard so many idiots saying they wish Amd would just...
  16. C

    AMD CEO Hector Ruiz Steps Down

    Dude..........seriously wtf are you talking about? Their Managment/Marketing isn't the problem, it's their Engineers that need to step down bro.:rolleyes: They can change Managment until the cows come how but it doesn't change the fact that Intel's current(and probably upcoming Nehalem) is...
  17. C

    Leaked Next-Gen Nehalem Road Map?

    I'll I have to say is thank god the Chinese slave drivers are buying our Engineered cpu's. Lord knows they sell us enough garbage to fill up the Atlantic.
  18. C

    Can it be? 45 nm Deneb early look

    A day late and a buck short???? I really, really hope Amd pulls a rabbit out of their hat with the 45nm Quads.:D
  19. C

    Will 2GB of ram be fine for Vista

    Hey bro........ Honestly.........IME vista is bloated. I wouldn't run it personally with less then 4gigs but two gigs will be fine. I wouldn't run any os with just a gig personally. It really pisses me off that MS is dropping support for XP Pro 64 as I sware my system is slower with Vista...
  20. C

    How big a power supply?

    What he said....... A top quality PSu like Antec, Ocz, Pc Power and Cooling etc. and you'll be grand. If you've got some really cheap E-bay chinese knock off then I'd say hell no. I think allot of people have way more Power then they need. A newer & more NRG efficient PSU(80plus) would be...
  21. C

    I'm really worried about the future for hardware enthusiasts

    Lol bro........... Amd and the future will be fine. Ya'll need to lay off the Caffiene. Amd has NEVER been an Uber profit earner to say the least. God help us if Intel was the only major cpu Manuf. We'd be paying through the f'in nose. Free market enterprise is a beautiful thing.
  22. C

    I'm going with the GTX280

    Thanks bro.........not that I'm not sold on the 4870x2 that's coming out.......I'm definitely not gonna buy a 280.
  23. C

    Heatsink for AMD 5000+ BE

    Hey bro............I'll keep that in mind when I push his thing to 3.95ghz this week. I got the 5000+ with a Free Antec SopranoRS 101 case(which I'm using and actually like) for $95.00 shipped. Best deal I ever got for pc parts since I bought my GeForece 3 Ti200 from Bestbuy @ 6am years...
  24. C

    More stable? Asus Maximus Formula or gigabye GA-X38-DS4?

    Hey bro, I'm sure they'd both kick ass. If your not a serious Hobbyist and Overclocker, why would you even consider an Uber Expensive and Uber featured board like the Maximus? I haven't used either one so I can't comment from pesonal experience. Hopefully someone with that has used @ least...
  25. C

    Heatsink for AMD 5000+ BE

    Hey bro, I don't know what Amd's thermal specs are for said chip. Assuming accurate readings and FULL load, I'm sure that 55c is perfectly fine. I've seen older Amd and Intel chips that get up 69c @ full load. That might start to cook the 5000+ though. IME over the years, amateurs and pros...
  26. C

    Heatsink for AMD 5000+ BE

    That's easy bro. Artic Freezer 64. IME and imvho it's the best HSF on the planet for the AMD chips @ the price point....period. The included Thermal Paste is their own stuff which many consider better then Artic Silver 5. I'm running it as I type and it's keeping my 5000+ BE cold @ 3.1ghz...
  27. C

    How badly will an Athlon 64 3400+ bottlneck a 4850?

    Hey bro, Yeah but then I/he needs a new mobo, etc. etc. If I had a good 775 mobo lying around I'd give it to him and even buy the guy a cheap Core2Duo. On another note. I've decided to part out my brand new 5000+ BE system on feebay(where I just sold two FX-60 939's cpus for $280...
  28. C

    Engineering Sample E6600 worth more?

    Hey bro, The E6600 was my dream machine cpu that I never built(stuck with my pos P4 celeron @ the time). Put it on ebay with a good sales pitch and c what you get. People collect the craziest sh*t(yeah people collect actual sh* An E660 is nice but an E8400 rocks. Peace
  29. C

    Popping the big question?

    Damn dude.........thank god I can speed read. Seriously Just buy a 4850 to hold over until the 4870x2 comes out in August. Sell those 8800's while you can still get some descent coin for em.
  30. C

    How badly will an Athlon 64 3400+ bottlneck a 4850?

    Hey guys, Thanks for a good read. Be nicer to The MSI 4850 is on the way........Rebate, Free shipping, Free Witcher(Witch I've heard kicks much ass) ='s Deal Sealed. He can realize the full potential of this card when he builds himself an UBER system in 9 months...
  31. C

    Please reco a HDD cooler????

    TT Soprano Rs bro!:D
  32. C

    Oh, nifty! 5800+ am2

    Hey bro, Like others have said...........get the BE chip. I got my 5000+BE Cpu and a TT Soprano RS case(awesome for free) for $95.00 shipped. Now the egg jacked up the price(99.00) because of pathetic sales of Phenom chips. Tiger Direct has a great price on said cpu. Peace
  33. C

    Please reco a HDD cooler????

    Hey bro....Thanks for chimming in. It's not running hot ouf of specs(def. not defective). It's just a warm drive and I'd like to cool it down as much as possible(without water cooling). Heat kills as we all know.
  34. C

    Please reco a HDD cooler????

    Hey ya'll, I'm running a single Samsung 750g/7200rpm/ 32mb cache drive. It's blazing ass fast for a single drive and it can get blazing ass hot. All these years and I'm never really needed any HDD cooling other then fans. I need help picking out a cooler as thing things needs to chill out...
  35. C

    CURRENT state of Asus Motherboards?

    The quality control with Abit, Asus and DFI is low IME........period. It's on coinsidence that you read about so many f'in rma's nowdays(factoring in incompitence of Cheap chinese build quality.........period. Made in Taiwan='s quality for many moons. Made in China ='s good luck.
  36. C

    How badly will an Athlon 64 3400+ bottlneck a 4850?

    Hey ya'll, I know even the mighty 3850 is bottlnecked some by said cpu. My friend was gonna throw in a new psu and a 3850 agp in his older system. I forget I had a Nforce3 system in storage with said cpu and a Pci-E x16 slot so I just gave it to him. He wants to wait for the next...
  37. C

    best bang for my buck in ~$150 range at 1680x1050?

    Hey bro, The Sapphire 512mb 3850 would kick ass. Save the difference for a nice ass game.:D The egg has her for $90.00 after twenty dollar rebate. Awesome card @ that price point. FYi.....It needs a good psu.
  38. C

    the gtx280 price drop...

    Well dude........I fell sorry for yooz cause you felt the need to feel sorry for him........lmfao.....whatever. I can more then afford to spend $1800.00 on video cards if I wanted to feel like an asshat.:D
  39. C

    the price of 939 processors (rant)

    Thanks for the history lesson bro.......I was round back then but I don't remember that. I do remember building my grandmother a Pentium 233mhz rig out of spare parts that was already really old @ the time.......ha! Anyone that pays $250 for a socket 939 dual core today should be shot on...
  40. C

    COD4 & Crysis - Radeon 3850 vs 8600GTS

    Hey bro...Thanks!:D Yeah, I've heard the 3850's oc well. $35.00 for a Ocz psu after rebate, $120.00 for the video card after rebate. He's already got 2 gigs of DDR. It should be one hellava budget system compared to the POS FX5200 he has now. Peace