Popping the big question?


Sep 15, 2007
Once upon a time, there existed a guy named Nick (single 8800GT). He was happy as he could be. He was a wealthy and famous track and field star competing in the Olympics with a bright future ahead of him. Till he met a russian chick online named Nikita (second 8800GT). They started dating awhile and many good times were had. However, he was not sure if he was ready to make a commitment to her. They both had alot in common. They both could run very fast and were both attractive.

However, he wasn't sure he wanted to propose to her. He was concerned with the potential problems he might have if they were married (SLI). Could he deal with the trials they would face as a couple? He had quite a few legitimate concerns in regards to their potential future together. Since they both had professional careers, it would be very hard to see each other (no SLI multi-display) until possibly later on when their careers dwindled down. Then they also had the problem of not seeing eye to eye on many of the same issues they both face (micro-stuttering), which presented itself on certain occasions.

On the other hand, they were a good team and they both enjoyed the sex together (boosted performance). She could even do some crazy gymnastics in bed (PhysX) that drove him wild and created some intense fireworks that wore him out a bit. Though sometimes, he had erectile dysfunction (poor scaling) and couldn't get it up at rare times (driver issues) when they did it.

Then there his problem with monogamy. Could he perhaps change his identity to avoid all the fame he had (Ati 4800 series)? Then there was Amanda (4850) and April (4850), friends he had known from track and field who were bisexual. How could he turn that down and not get some amazing threesome action (4850 triple crossfire) for some really hot fun for awhile? Or maybe even their older bisexual high-maintenance sisters (4870 triple crossfire).

All of this confused him. Of course, there was no way he could handle them on his own (low psu). He would probably have to take viagra to keep it going (psu upgrade). He didn't know what to do. Maybe it's better to remain a bachelor (single gpu) if I just stay on my own at my apartment (1280x1024 resolution), he thought to himself. But sometimes he get so lonely, especially at his summer home (1920x1080 resolution) when he wants some to get some action.

Of course, he was pretty popular with the ladies, so it's not like he couldn't wait for a better woman (future card - tech.) down the road who has more to offer him (DX11, etc).
So what should Nick do? Remain a bachelor (single 8800GT), pop the big question to Nikita (8800GT SLI), go for Amanda and April (4850 triple crossfire), or their older sisters (4870 triple crossfire), or wait on some hot supermodel down the road (future card)? Is it even worth it since he seems pretty happy as a bachelor (good performance in games currently)? Could Nick live happily ever after on his own for now? What say you, [H] land?
I don't think "extended metaphor" suffices to describe that. I won't write you a story either.

Just get a 4870X2
god I hate the analogy, but for shits n giggles...

I've met this Nakita; she gave my buddy Nate the run around, she even proposed for him. Shortly there after she took all his money and ran. I'd stay away from her if I was Nick...

And my experiance with three is always the same: two is managable but still has its issues. Three is impossible to please all three (scaling issues), and ones always a bitch (driver issues), together all the three could do was make fun of my place and my car (Vista 64bit), but two was alright, stil it felt a little wierd. I always liked one girl and considered dating (buying it) but, it just didnt work out (I'm poor, lawl). I ended up calling it off but a friend of mine hooked up with all three later that year, had the same experiance I did (the third was a bitch), but he got into it with two (two HD4850s). He said to me some times later there are things he just has to live with (microstuttering), but that it's managable (get your FPS above 60 anyways, microstutterings gone/minimized).

I donno, I've always had my issues with going out with two people at once, and I don't think the two hot older sisters would be any less wierd. If it were me I might ask one out though.

Generally speaking I think its better to be a one girl man.
Damn dude.........thank god I can speed read. Seriously brother........wtf?

Just buy a 4850 to hold over until the 4870x2 comes out in August. Sell those 8800's while you can still get some descent coin for em.
LOL! Funniest thing I've read in a long time. Nice work.

I would say Nick should fly solo for a bit. I hear Amanda has a half sister who's a really hot international supermodel. She's currently on-location in Bora Bora and will be available sometime next month.
That was weird and interesting at the same time.
If you're going to upgrade, you better do it now because
if you wait your 8800 won't be worth anything.

@OP: Awesome post. I'd say get a single 4870 - should handle both 1280x1024 and 1920x1080 without much difficulty at all :)

nice... I only read every other word of the first sentence of each paragraph - but from that brief exposure to the full page text, it seemed the whole thing was going nowhere. Interesting to see my suspicions were confimed :p

*x2 upchuck* :eek:
Well, considering Nick and Nikita have the same parents (Nvidia), that would be considered incest. :D

Stick with the single life. If it seems that Nick can't put up the performance anymore at the summer home, then it's time for Nick to retire into the old folks home and time for you to find a new buddy. We'll call the new friends HD4870 or HD4870X2 for simplicity's sake. ;)
nice and creative . get the double crossfire if u play at 1920x1080 , triple crossfire wont do u any good , drivers not good enuf .
thanks for the comments and suggestions. i'll consider the 4870x2 when it comes out. and yes, the post was all in good fun.
From what [H] said with there 4870 X2 preview, either grab a 4870 if you can't wait then a 4870 X2 and X-fire those 2 cards. If that turns out to be slight over kill with not much extra fun, then you can sell the 4870 and just keep the 4870 X2. But the best option is just to wait and get the 4870 X2 next month. Give that 8800 GT just a little more life.