How badly will an Athlon 64 3400+ bottlneck a 4850?

In that case just go ahead and order a 4850 and see if you can play anything on "high" settings @ 1900x1200. If you're only getting 30fps @ 1280x1024 chances are you aren't gonna get playable ones at 1900x1200.

It's already been proven the CPU can bottleneck high-end cards starting with 8800GTS/X

The test was even done on a Athlon 64 FX-62, which is well over double the power of that single core 3400.
The test was even done on a Athlon 64 FX-62, which is well over double the power of that single core 3400.

A 3400+ with HD 4850 will run any game out there and the card only costs $145. The alternative is buying something like a 3850 with broken AA/AF.

Now we can "/Thread" or do we need 15 more people to say there will be a CPU bottleneck, which we've already acknowledged?

Here's more discussion. It's regarding an 8800GT but is a 3400+ CPU:

Well probably... You will be bottlenecked, and you won't see all the performance you would with a good cpu, but imo it's overhyped, this bottlenecking business. ie, i'm running an 8800GT (stock) inside of a 939 3400+ stock and a gig of ddr400 ram, and i find assassin's creed playable with things set to high at 1280x1024 (don't know my FPS counts though)....... Bottlenecks aren't as bad as everyone makes them out to be... Bioshock at max ingame gfx with no AA and no DX10 (30-40fps) at the same res taught me that.
I recently upgraded from a X800XL to a 9600GT and I have been using a 3800+ 64 for the past 3 years now. I was running COD4 at 1680X1050 with everything on low/off with anywhere from 30-60 FPS. With the new card, I am able to keep the same FPS, but with much better visuals and everything on at 1680X1050. I am sure I can get even better frames with a new cpu, but replacing the card alone made everything much better already that I don't need a new cpu to enjoy it. I realize that cpu is slower than mine and the card also better than mine, but you might be able to get away without upgrading the cpu and still enjoy your games like me.
It would most certainly be a bottleneck. My weakest gaming setup is an X2 4400+ which has over 2x the processing power and even that gets bottlenecked in a few games.
Hey guys,

Thanks for a good read. Be nicer to

The MSI 4850 is on the way........Rebate, Free shipping, Free Witcher(Witch I've heard kicks much ass) ='s Deal Sealed. He can realize the full potential of this card when he builds himself an UBER system in 9 months or so.

I've got my Athlon x2 5000+ Be running @ 3.56ghz......The Artic Freezer 64 laughs @ the heat.. I don't think it's gonna be a bottlneck when I get my 4870 soon:p Possibly a bottleneck for a 4870x2.
Thanks Again.
The MSI 4850 is on the way........Rebate, Free shipping, Free Witcher(Witch I've heard kicks much ass) ='s Deal Sealed. He can realize the full potential of this card when he builds himself an UBER system in 9 months or so. .

Good decision.
Hey guys,

Thanks for a good read. Be nicer to

The MSI 4850 is on the way........Rebate, Free shipping, Free Witcher(Witch I've heard kicks much ass) ='s Deal Sealed. He can realize the full potential of this card when he builds himself an UBER system in 9 months or so.

I've got my Athlon x2 5000+ Be running @ 3.56ghz......The Artic Freezer 64 laughs @ the heat.. I don't think it's gonna be a bottlneck when I get my 4870 soon:p Possibly a bottleneck for a 4870x2.
Thanks Again.
not really, anything over 2.5 for a C2D or better from what I remember. I know I had a huge jump in FPS after installing my phenom and new motherboard
I swapped out a 3870 for a 4850 a couple weeks ago and although I can run at higher detail settings, my framerates didn't change. Looking at my system resources puts the blame squarely on my 2.7Ghz X2.

Which is why there is a Q6600 and 4GB of DDR1066 on my desk waiting for a DFI X38 motherboard that is arriving on Monday. :D
Come on man, core 2's can be had sooo cheap. A nice little E2160 can hit 2.9/3.0 ghz on stock cooler and more with a better one, and even with 1mb cache per core, will stomp all over that A64. And it's soo damn cheap. Like $40-50 bucks.
Come on man, core 2's can be had sooo cheap. A nice little E2160 can hit 2.9/3.0 ghz on stock cooler and more with a better one, and even with 1mb cache per core, will stomp all over that A64. And it's soo damn cheap. Like $40-50 bucks.

Hey bro,

Yeah but then I/he needs a new mobo, etc. etc. If I had a good 775 mobo lying around I'd give it to him and even buy the guy a cheap Core2Duo.

On another note. I've decided to part out my brand new 5000+ BE system on feebay(where I just sold two FX-60 939's cpus for $280 each...yeah babay). This cpu screams compared to what I had but I want more L2 cache and overall cpu performance.

I'm picking up a 4870 for myself and building an E8400 machine on an Asus mobo. I don't want a quad core system until we c what happens with the new Intel and Am3.

Peace and thanks again ya'll.:D