is overclocking worth it?

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Limp Gawd
Aug 17, 2005
I built a new system with a q9450, 4gb ram, and GTX 280. I have already oced the card but will overclocking my cpu gain me any performance especially in crysis? I figure a 3.2ghz would be easy but i was wondering is it worth it for me to put up with the computer stability testing while i sleep.

Unfortunately, i sleep in the same room my pc is in so it would be noisy to have it prime overnight.
Overclocking is worth it when done right. Just make sure to keep your temps in check. Other than that, unleash that gtx280 beast !
Overclocking is worth it when done right. Just make sure to keep your temps in check. Other than that, unleash that gtx280 beast !


i never though it was a big deal, and ran my E6400 @ stock for over a year, when i was debating on upgrading my CPU or not, I thought I'd give Overclocking a try. I took it 41% over the stock clock and im very happy with the results. 2.13 VS 3.00 is not a lot, but i can tell the difference, so can my 9600GT :)
The higher the screen resolution you use, the less importance CPU overclocking becomes. If you're on a 1920x1200 screen (or higher), you will probably not see much gain.
Its worth it when the game you are playing runs too slow.

You dont have to run Prime all night.
If it works for a few hours you are likely near the sweetspot and will have enough stability for gaming.
The higher the screen resolution you use, the less importance CPU overclocking becomes. If you're on a 1920x1200 screen (or higher), you will probably not see much gain.

Very true. My cpu at stock 2.66ghz, vs. 3416mhz, I can't even tell a difference in CoD4 or Crysis when playing at 1920x1080. REAL benchmarks bear this out. 3DM05 adds points for cpu speed even though the framerates are identical between 2 speeds, and thus is a BAD tell-tale for gaming speeds.

But I overclock anyways. It's part of the fun. And good for the e-penis. :p

Recently, I have been experimenting with a 500x6 cpu setting, with the ram in sync with the cpu bus. Only 3ghz, but that does not require a voltage bump, it runs extremely cool under load, and games are butter smooth.
This is HardForum. Make with the overclocking already.

Pffft logic about resolution.
Yes, i don't believe you're posting at oftForums.

:p besides, the gains are actually noticeable. Plus, it's easy if you do some research before.
The first thing I would do is crank the FSB up to 450. Run your stability testing. You'll sleep when you're dead. :D

(of course you know there's more to it than that)
Windows is definitely faster when you're comparing 1.8GHz to 2.8GHz. Worth it? I say so.

Besides, your e-peen will grow longer.
Please do not overclock. If everyone does it sooner or later Intel will realize that when people (taking my CPU for an example and prices at the time) buy the $189 CPU and make it run faster than the $1100 extreme CPU they are not selling enough of the expensive ones to suckers and hurting their bottom line. There is no telling what will happen when Intel catches on. The best thing you can do for us, yourself, Intel and the rest of the world is to immediately throw that CPU in the trash and buy the $1000 one and run it stock. Doing this will ease your conscience and you will sleep like a baby.
Damn, never saw it that way, I'm getting a loan right now.
Anyone want an E8400?
Please do not overclock. If everyone does it sooner or later Intel will realize that when people (taking my CPU for an example and prices at the time) buy the $189 CPU and make it run faster than the $1100 extreme CPU they are not selling enough of the expensive ones to suckers and hurting their bottom line. There is no telling what will happen when Intel catches on. The best thing you can do for us, yourself, Intel and the rest of the world is to immediately throw that CPU in the trash and buy the $1000 one and run it stock. Doing this will ease your conscience and you will sleep like a baby.

+1 FTW (lol)
Please do not overclock. If everyone does it sooner or later Intel will realize that when people (taking my CPU for an example and prices at the time) buy the $189 CPU and make it run faster than the $1100 extreme CPU they are not selling enough of the expensive ones to suckers and hurting their bottom line. There is no telling what will happen when Intel catches on. The best thing you can do for us, yourself, Intel and the rest of the world is to immediately throw that CPU in the trash and buy the $1000 one and run it stock. Doing this will ease your conscience and you will sleep like a baby.

yes, because obviously Intel has NO IDEA that people OC. Releasing the Extreme Editions with unlocked multipliers to make it easier just happens to be an extreme coincidence. :rolleyes: (actually, I hope your post was sarcastic too, but i'm not so sure :confused:)
Yes, i don't believe you're posting at oftForums.

:p besides, the gains are actually noticeable. Plus, it's easy if you do some research before.

hmm i wonder if you could under clock a 45nm part to only need passive cooling and still have some speed for HD video...
no higher speeds make you go slower ... yes ocing is worth it ... what kind of question is that?
I just bought a Core2 2.66, and I have yet to overclock. In summer, the extra oomph would just mean more AC to cool the room back down, and with the huge increase in electric rates this year I can't justify it.

But I will try an overclock once the fall comes around. All the free cooling you can eat lies just outside!
hmm i wonder if you could under clock a 45nm part to only need passive cooling and still have some speed for HD video...

Sure you can. I under-volted my 90nm single core Athlon64 to 1.1v and ran it at 1.5 GHz. I was able to run at load with the fan on my stock retail heat sink turned off. I'm sure you could get similar performance from the 45nm Core2 at around the same speed.

Low power consumption was precisely the reason I went dual instead of quad.
8*400 on my Q6600 and happy.


Your system is good even stock, no point unless you want to! Well I did and I wanted to! :D:D:p:p
I've usually waited until I'm sure I can overclock and keep it there for an indefinite period. I've usually found that water is the best way to deal with oc-ing. Temp fluctuations are nominal and the effort is usually worth it.
I've usually waited until I'm sure I can overclock and keep it there for an indefinite period. I've usually found that water is the best way to deal with oc-ing. Temp fluctuations are nominal and the effort is usually worth it.
Usually eh.
Anything concrete?
(actually, I hope your post was sarcastic too, but i'm not so sure )

eh, I was going for funny but I guess sarcastic works too.

But buying a $1000 cpu to OC it :eek:, now that IS hilarious to me. Nothing against people that do it, nice to have that kind of cash. Guess I am more of a bang for the buck guy. Whatever floats the boat.
Yeah.............Intel doesn't know that lots of people are Oc'ing their chips.:rolleyes:

Forget the 2 hours of Prime...that's a joke for kids that wanna brag to their friends that their 4ghz Oc is *stable*. Run it for a minimum of 8 hours brother. It's always *worth it* to squeeze more performance out of your gear but maybe not if you have to turn down the Ac three more degrees to compensate for the increased Ambient temp in your room.:D
I was thinking about this myself for the rig I'm going to build soon.

I'm planning on just a mild overclock to play with it and see how it works, then come late October, I'll ramp it up, free heating :)
If overclocking wasn't worth it.... why would there be dozens of forums and threads all about it?
overclocking is for losers. no point in it. run always at stock. that way you never have to worry about destroying anything on your board because overclocking guarantees instant pyrotechnics.
if you need the extra speed then go for it but ive messed up big time and it ended up costing me a fortune.
I just OC when I want to. I make 2 adjustments and go from 2.4 to 3.0. It takes 20 seconds once I am in the bios.
Overclocking your CPU gives you a more direct performance increase than any other part.

If you increase your CPU 30-50% which most CPU's can do with out breaking a sweat, then nearly all of your applications can gain that same amount of performance. (unless there's a bottleneck, like you're gaming at a high resolution with high details, etc.)

overclocked CPU's give you a BIG increase in performance
overclocked ram gives you barely any increase at ALL
overclocked videocards give you a little increase in gaming

So to answer you question... YEAH OVERCLOCK YOUR CPU NOW!
When i made my current rig (Q6600, 4GB ram, 8800GT) the first thing i did was playing crysis. In the final battle the game was a little sluggish. I rebooted immediately, went to bios and set the fsb to 333 (9 x 333). 3Ghz from 2.4 and the game experience changed dramatically! So, yes overclock the hell out of it:D!
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