COD4 & Crysis - Radeon 3850 vs 8600GTS


Limp Gawd
Mar 8, 2007
I built a PC for a cousin last weekend. He games a little so he got a Radeon 3850. I thought it would be a good opportunity to test COD4 & Crysis demo performance on the 3850 vs my own home office PC, which has a mildly factory OC'ed 8600GTS.

My home office PC -> X2 4400, 2gb DDR2, 8600GTS, Vista home premium
Cousin's PC -> X2 5200, 2gb DDR2, 256mb Radeon 3850, Vista home premium

The rest of the specs are similar from a performance perspective.

I didn't measure FPS but rather kept turning settings up on the demos until there was hitching or degraded gameplay. My PC with the 8600GTS was able to run COD4 @1680x1050 with all in game settings maxed, 16XAF and no AA. The Radeon 3850 ran it at 1440x900 with all settings maxed, 16xAF, and 4xAA. In Crysis my PC runs good @1680x1050 with water & sound quality High, shadow quality low, everything else on Medium, no AA or AF. The other PC with the 3850 would run everything @1440x900 set to High, but still with no AA or AF. Not that this is scientific testing or anything, but from reading benchmarks and reviews online I expected the 3850 to waste the 8600GTS. Just wasn't seeing that. It was also suprising that COD4 could be maxed on the 8600 and that Crysis was playable at all. I would still get a 3850 for a new budget or "mid range" build, but it didn't destroy the 8600 as expected.
COD4 runs no problem, but i figure both systems are gonna come crawling at the final stages of crysis.. my 8800gt volt modded and watercooled and e6400@ 3.6 where hurting at those stages, but i still finished the game..
I built a PC for a cousin last weekend. He games a little so he got a Radeon 3850. I thought it would be a good opportunity to test COD4 & Crysis demo performance on the 3850 vs my own home office PC, which has a mildly factory OC'ed 8600GTS.

My home office PC -> X2 4400, 2gb DDR2, 8600GTS, Vista home premium
Cousin's PC -> X2 5200, 2gb DDR2, 256mb Radeon 3850, Vista home premium

The rest of the specs are similar from a performance perspective.

I didn't measure FPS but rather kept turning settings up on the demos until there was hitching or degraded gameplay. My PC with the 8600GTS was able to run COD4 @1680x1050 with all in game settings maxed, 16XAF and no AA. The Radeon 3850 ran it at 1440x900 with all settings maxed, 16xAF, and 4xAA. In Crysis my PC runs good @1680x1050 with water & sound quality High, shadow quality low, everything else on Medium, no AA or AF. The other PC with the 3850 would run everything @1440x900 set to High, but still with no AA or AF. Not that this is scientific testing or anything, but from reading benchmarks and reviews online I expected the 3850 to waste the 8600GTS. Just wasn't seeing that. It was also suprising that COD4 could be maxed on the 8600 and that Crysis was playable at all. I would still get a 3850 for a new budget or "mid range" build, but it didn't destroy the 8600 as expected.

Try running Crysis on your 8600GTS @1440x900 with texture quality, object quality, shadow quality and Post processing at high, everything else at medium if you want to and see the HD3850 waste your 8600GTS. These four settings will hit your FPS really bad when you change them from medium to high.
Try running Crysis on your 8600GTS @1440x900 with texture quality, object quality, shadow quality and Post processing at high, everything else at medium if you want to and see the HD3850 waste your 8600GTS. These four settings will hit your FPS really bad when you change them from medium to high.

What he said.........

I'm putting a new 500watt psu and a Sapphire 3850agp in a friends ole Athlon 64 3400+ machine.

Anyway, the performance of the 3850's is Nice even by todays bleeding edge standards and the new 4850's and 4870's are killing. I personally wouldn't trade a 3850 for an 8600gts.

You can overclock that 3850 agp to low end 3870 core/ memory speeds. That what I did with mine, got an extra 15 fps boost in cs:s stress test.
I built a PC for a cousin last weekend. He games a little so he got a Radeon 3850. I thought it would be a good opportunity to test COD4 & Crysis demo performance on the 3850 vs my own home office PC, which has a mildly factory OC'ed 8600GTS.

My home office PC -> X2 4400, 2gb DDR2, 8600GTS, Vista home premium
Cousin's PC -> X2 5200, 2gb DDR2, 256mb Radeon 3850, Vista home premium

The rest of the specs are similar from a performance perspective.

I didn't measure FPS but rather kept turning settings up on the demos until there was hitching or degraded gameplay. My PC with the 8600GTS was able to run COD4 @1680x1050 with all in game settings maxed, 16XAF and no AA. The Radeon 3850 ran it at 1440x900 with all settings maxed, 16xAF, and 4xAA. In Crysis my PC runs good @1680x1050 with water & sound quality High, shadow quality low, everything else on Medium, no AA or AF. The other PC with the 3850 would run everything @1440x900 set to High, but still with no AA or AF. Not that this is scientific testing or anything, but from reading benchmarks and reviews online I expected the 3850 to waste the 8600GTS. Just wasn't seeing that. It was also suprising that COD4 could be maxed on the 8600 and that Crysis was playable at all. I would still get a 3850 for a new budget or "mid range" build, but it didn't destroy the 8600 as expected.

Uh, the 3850 is walking all over the 8600. AA kills a card (especially the ati 2xxx/3xxx series). We are talking a 20fps drop at 1280x1024 (which is about the same as 1440x900),1780-12.html Of course, you also have no idea what the comparable framerates are, just the settings (since both cards are already at max, there isn't really anything left to turn up, now is there? ;) ), so the FPS will still matter. Install Fraps and take a look.

I also have to call bullshit on your results. There is no way an 8600GTS is playable at medium in Crysis at 1680x1050. The card topped out at 1024x768 for [H] at similar settings to yours (medium/low mix):
With the 8600 GTS Superclock we found that we had to lower the resolution to 1024x768. At 1280x1024 performance was so low that we would have had to set many in-game options, including shader quality, to “Low” which just looks downright ugly in Crysis. At 1027x768 we could set everything to “Medium” except for shadows which still had to be set at “Low.”

Likewise your CoD4 results seem off too. From what I've seen 1280x1024 settings at high/medium mix is about the best an 8600GT can do (and the 8600GTS isn't much faster, as it is just an overclocked 8600GT). Your 3850 results seem more or less correct, but your 8600GTS results are closer to that of an 8800GT....
Uh, the 3850 is walking all over the 8600. AA kills a card (especially the ati 2xxx/3xxx series). We are talking a 20fps drop at 1280x1024 (which is about the same as 1440x900),1780-12.html Of course, you also have no idea what the comparable framerates are, just the settings (since both cards are already at max, there isn't really anything left to turn up, now is there? ;) ), so the FPS will still matter. Install Fraps and take a look.

I also have to call bullshit on your results. There is no way an 8600GTS is playable at medium in Crysis at 1680x1050. The card topped out at 1024x768 for [H] at similar settings to yours (medium/low mix):

Likewise your CoD4 results seem off too. From what I've seen 1280x1024 settings at high/medium mix is about the best an 8600GT can do (and the 8600GTS isn't much faster, as it is just an overclocked 8600GT). Your 3850 results seem more or less correct, but your 8600GTS results are closer to that of an 8800GT....
Yeah I call bs too. I have a better cpu than him and my 8600gt when overclocked to 665/1800 is about 95% as good as an 8600gts and theres NO FUCKING WAY I can play those games with those settings. In the Crysis gpu benchmark I get 31.2 fps on all medium at just 1024x768 and 22.5 fps at 1280x1024. He is 100% full of it claiming to play Crysis on a mix of medium and high settings at 1680x1050. All max settings at 1680 in CoD4 is also not really playable so thats just another turd on the pile.

here is the 8600gts getting just 23fps at 1280x1024 and all medium

here the 8600gts getting 40fps at 1280x1024 in CoD 4
Since the 3850 is based on the rv670 it wastes the 8600gts with a 50-100% advantage.
Well, that is what I remember from the benches I saw about 8 months ago, but someone could easily disprove me. So it's a little from the air.
You can overclock that 3850 agp to low end 3870 core/ memory speeds. That what I did with mine, got an extra 15 fps boost in cs:s stress test.

Hey bro...Thanks!:D

Yeah, I've heard the 3850's oc well. $35.00 for a Ocz psu after rebate, $120.00 for the video card after rebate. He's already got 2 gigs of DDR. It should be one hellava budget system compared to the POS FX5200 he has now.
