the gtx280 price drop...

Don't forget about working or retired Joe & Jane Average who's 401k's are taking a big hit, along with their house value. The average person depends on the stock market more than ever (and I'm one of them) just to have a decent living. Social Security isn't going to pay all the bills.

In any other context, I could understand what your saying with respect to financing from our retirement that may or may not include stocks and other subsidies. AMF, I'm retired and have stocks, 401Ks and other great benefits---and I'm only thirty eightish...;) But in itself, how does having pity for Nvidia's shareholders (stupid point IMO) translate to end users who buy their latest and greatest?

I believe we all share the same passion for computers and as such, we pick and chose where to spend our expendible cash flow. If you're relying on such stocks to make a living, of course your in a position to monitor their values closely. But again, this is Nvidia we're talking about, not low or medium risk funds that are meant for the long term.

Bottom line, if you don't have the money to buy, don't buy. Don't get mad at those who do and certainly don't support claims of pitty based on the highs and lows of Nvidia's strategies to support certain products.

For everything else, yeah, point taken...but maybe you meant something else and I'm just missing the point. I'll pitty them any other time but not in lieu of debating costly video cards.

...and I'm not interested in any dialogue that shows a direct correlation between shareholders montary support for Nvidia and how it eventually makes the world go round.
well I feel sorry for you because you feel the need to feel sorry for all those who can afford their cards.

Well dude........I fell sorry for yooz cause you felt the need to feel sorry for him........lmfao.....whatever.

I can more then afford to spend $1800.00 on video cards if I wanted to feel like an asshat.:D
Hey I refunded my GTX 280 and got a 260 to OC for those nice new prices. Looks like my timing was solid.

so do tell young blood, how r these 260s vs your previous card, the monster 280? :D

I'd love to know how different they are in your experience.
Well dude........I fell sorry for yooz cause you felt the need to feel sorry for him........lmfao.....whatever.

I can more then afford to spend $1800.00 on video cards if I wanted to feel like an asshat.:D

fortunately for you, you don't have to spend that much to be one :rolleyes: