Oh, nifty! 5800+ am2


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 6, 2006
Nice, a Brisbane 3GHz chip. But if you already have a dual-core processor, why not treat yourself with a Phenom X4? A 6000+ or 6400+ would probably be an "upgrade" for you as a dual core...
Nice, a Brisbane 3GHz chip. But if you already have a dual-core processor, why not treat yourself with a Phenom X4? A 6000+ or 6400+ would probably be an "upgrade" for you as a dual core...

I don't see the immediate need for a quad core.. but a newer dual would be nice. I would hold back on the 6000+/6400+ because of the power consumption. 89w on the 5800+.

It's odd, AMD's website does not have anything on the new processor... is newegg leaking it a bit early?
Are you really that worried about the power consumption? Do you have a 300W power supply? Don't let the high TDP get in the way. They may be hot, but they are pretty fast and are great for gaming.

If you plan on overclocking, however the 5800 may be for you. But since I can't find any reviews on it, there's no telling how far you can go with this chip.
Are you really that worried about the power consumption? Do you have a 300W power supply? Don't let the high TDP get in the way. They may be hot, but they are pretty fast and are great for gaming.

If you plan on overclocking, however the 5800 may be for you. But since I can't find any reviews on it, there's no telling how far you can go with this chip.

No, I have a 600w powersupply right now.. I would rather not have my energy bill go up.

Would there be that much of a performance difference between a 5800+ and a 6000+? The price difference is about ten bucks... though 6400+ it's about fifty bones. 3gh is 3gh, right?
Well the extra cache is nice on the 6000+, I have two friends who upgraded from a 3600+ and 3800+ and they LOVE it. They keep commenting about how much more FPS boost they got from upgrading to the 6000+. Games would benefit more with the extra cache, but as an internet & e-mail user, the 5800+. That's how I see it, if you know what I mean, 6000+ for gaming, and 5800+ for internet using. (Lol maybe I don't know what I'm saying!)
Well if you are not going to go intel or to AMD's quads, the only upgrade I would consider would be the 6400+. Any other chip would only be a pinch better, and not worth your time. It's only a 36watt difference in TDP, and TDP is the max power it could use. And since it is faster, it wouldn't need to use the max power for too long in the first place.

You can even get the 6400+ for $139.99 now!
Well the extra cache is nice on the 6000+, I have two friends who upgraded from a 3600+ and 3800+ and they LOVE it. They keep commenting about how much more FPS boost they got from upgrading to the 6000+. Games would benefit more with the extra cache, but as an internet & e-mail user, the 5800+. That's how I see it, if you know what I mean, 6000+ for gaming, and 5800+ for internet using. (Lol maybe I don't know what I'm saying!)

That's what I was tossing around.. makes sense to me.

Well if you are not going to go intel or to AMD's quads, the only upgrade I would consider would be the 6400+. Any other chip would only be a pinch better, and not worth your time. It's only a 36watt difference in TDP, and TDP is the max power it could use. And since it is faster, it wouldn't need to use the max power for too long in the first place.

You can even get the 6400+ for $139.99 now!

I saw that.. it seems I'll be doing what GW wants and dump my stimulus check, well part of it, there.. w00t. .

thanks guys.
I'm not going to have a problem with the stock cooling on this thing, am I? I started reading the reviews and everyone's bitching about how hot it gets.. Not going ot OC.. still futzing with oblivion at the moment.. might get bioshock or mass effect.. so nothing too stressful for usage.
The 6000 and 6400's stock coolers are the heatpiped ones. They are very good for stock clocks. I'm using the same thing for my Phenom, idle is 42 and loads at 61, but that's with a quad.
black edition AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ can be found for 85 dollars. it will usually clock pretty damn good with a 3rd party cooler.
The stock cooling is adequate with the stock clock.
That's all I needed to hear! Thanks!

The 6000 and 6400's stock coolers are the heatpiped ones. They are very good for stock clocks. I'm using the same thing for my Phenom, idle is 42 and loads at 61, but that's with a quad.
Heatpiped ones? Ah... am I in for a suprise or something? I am just giddy over it.. hahaha..

black edition AMD Athlon 64 X2 5000+ can be found for 85 dollars. it will usually clock pretty damn good with a 3rd party cooler.
I wondered how long until someone mentioned the 5000+ black.. :rolleyes:
That's all I needed to hear! Thanks!

Heatpiped ones? Ah... am I in for a suprise or something? I am just giddy over it.. hahaha..

I wondered how long until someone mentioned the 5000+ black.. :rolleyes:

and why would I not? cheap, cooler (at stock), and easy to get and use. I can't see getting a 90nm CPU when I can get a 65nm CPU for less or the same.
and why would I not? cheap, cooler (at stock), and easy to get and use. I can't see getting a 90nm CPU when I can get a 65nm CPU for less or the same.

I am not sure what you mean by 'easy to get' or 'use'... but clearly maxing out the AM2 line is not a bad idea.. not to mention the 6400+ is 3.2ghz at stock.. and the 2x1mb L2 cache is nice...
So they finally managed to get the Brissy up to 3 GHz..

If I had a good PSU and quality mobo, it'd still go with the 90nm 3 GHz CPU, though. Twice the L2 cache which really makes a difference in some games and other apps. More than the rating of 5800+ vs 6000+ would suggest.
I would recommend the 5000+ Black as well. The one I use seems to be one of the pickier chips from these and it still does 3GHz at stock volts.

Easy to get...does under $80 from TigerDirect qualify?
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applicat...&cm_mmc_o=TBBTkwCjCVyBpAgf mwzygtCjCVRqCjCVRq

Easy to use: You can overclock this chip solely with multiplier adjustment which is offered on virtually every AM2 motherboard. Your board should be more than adequate to get at least 3GHz out of this chip.
I would recommend the 5000+ Black as well. The one I use seems to be one of the pickier chips from these and it still does 3GHz at stock volts.

Easy to get...does under $80 from TigerDirect qualify?
http://www.tigerdirect.com/applicat...&cm_mmc_o=TBBTkwCjCVyBpAgf mwzygtCjCVRqCjCVRq

Easy to use: You can overclock this chip solely with multiplier adjustment which is offered on virtually every AM2 motherboard. Your board should be more than adequate to get at least 3GHz out of this chip.

+1, that is exactly what I meant
I'm not going to have a problem with the stock cooling on this thing, am I? I started reading the reviews and everyone's bitching about how hot it gets.. Not going ot OC.. still futzing with oblivion at the moment.. might get bioshock or mass effect.. so nothing too stressful for usage.

You will have tons of problems if you stick it in a sealed box with no ventalation or air movement...

Mine runs very cool at idle in an Antec900, with 3 120mm fans and one big 200mm. I read those too last year and was worried, but I am getting about 32C at idle. When under full load, its gotten up there, but when do you honestly run 2 cores at 99% cpu util for an hour straight?
You will have tons of problems if you stick it in a sealed box with no ventalation or air movement...

Mine runs very cool at idle in an Antec900, with 3 120mm fans and one big 200mm. I read those too last year and was worried, but I am getting about 32C at idle. When under full load, its gotten up there, but when do you honestly run 2 cores at 99% cpu util for an hour straight?

Well right now I have the standard 90mm fan at the bottom front.. pushing air in under my hds.. and an 90mm out in the top back where my cpu sits.. and my side of my case is rarely on.. not sure why.. just lazy I think..
Hey bro,

Like others have said...........get the BE chip. I got my 5000+BE Cpu and a TT Soprano RS case(awesome for free) for $95.00 shipped. Now the egg jacked up the price(99.00) because of pathetic sales of Phenom chips.

Tiger Direct has a great price on said cpu.

I would get a 6400+ if i were you.

A 5000+ BE at 3.2ghz will still be slower then a 6400+ at 3.2ghz stock.

But everyone is different

I also got my 6400 up to 3.5ghz and im loving the performance, Probably the only reason I havent got a phenom yet.

But different strokes for different folks.
I thought 89w 90nm 6000+ windsor existed before this brisbane 3.0ghz processor, it was just a tossup between if you were getting an 89w and a 125w processor.
I thought 89w 90nm 6000+ windsor existed before this brisbane 3.0ghz processor, it was just a tossup between if you were getting an 89w and a 125w processor.

Here's what my motherboard supports:
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6400+ 3200MHz 1MBx2 Windsor 90nm F3 125W 2000 F12
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ 3000Mhz 1MBx2 Windsor 90nm F3 125W 2000 F7
AMD Athlon 64 X2 6000+ 3000Mhz 1MBx2 Windsor 90nm F3 89W 2000 F12

Except I can't seem to find any 89w 6000+...

-- from places I trust.. new egg, tiger direct, zip zoom fly, frys..
Of the US shipping ones, BLT seems to have good feedback on reseller ratings, the rest seem to be pretty poor.