Search results

  1. C

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    I think the drive is about as loud as my plextor 8x dvd burner. Which is to say is quite quiet. Movies definitely go in that drive as my lite-on likes to sound like a jet engine. I think the quality is great..........But who knows 6 months from now. I probably wouldn't have bought it if it was a...
  2. C

    Daylight Saving Glitch Leaves Hangover For Some

    I was reminded of this BS when it "switched over" yesterday. I still have auto setting clocks that I bought before this retarded change was put in place. So my computer clocks were different than all the other clocks in my house. I was very disoriented throughout the day. Having to go and...
  3. C

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    well the box says right on it that system requirement is SP2.
  4. C

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    Mine just came.....Fed-Ex delivered a day earlier than they claimed they would. Sweet! I love it when that happens! :D Now I'm in a I open this baby and fire it up........or do I slap it on ebay and see if I can turn a profit and re-buy it in a month or so? ETA: Nope...
  5. C

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    LOL me too...almost wish I ordered a handful of these. I bet I could turn around and sell them on E-Bay for a comfortable profit. By the sound of it, stock is going to be limited/non-existant for most of next month! (Perfect time for people starting their Christmas shopping!) Mine was picked up...
  6. C

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    I made the order ~11:30pm (EDT) thursday. And I am a US resident
  7. C

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    Well it's sold out already...mine shipped towards the end of the day yesterday, and VERY shortly after their website showed out of stock. wonder if I got the last one? :D
  8. C

    LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

    +1 Just bought one too. The insurance thing bugged me but I'm too cheap to worry about that. If the product comes here damaged and they will only refund $100 I'll just RMA directly to LG.
  9. C

    X-Wing Fighter Launched

    The emperor will be pleased.
  10. C

    Google's Stock Tops $600 for First Time

    I'm sure if GOOG split 10:1 nobody would be saying anything about it's price, yet it would be worth exactly the same
  11. C

    Sitting in front of a Dell 2407 and LG 246....big Differences....

    It's a digital connection, shielding shouldn't change a thing if you are getting a picture at all.
  12. C

    Sharp Unveils Ultra-Thin LCD TV

    What makes you think that? Seeing as the blurb clearly states "liquid-crystal display" The OLED displays I've seen are about half as thick as this one.
  13. C

    Sharp Unveils Ultra-Thin LCD TV

    Same here, and I'll take one of those TV's too :p
  14. C

    What stores offer no dead pixel coverage?

    Online stores pissed me off in that area. That's why I just decided to go to Best Buy and buy my monitor there. The guys in the store said I could return it with 1 dead pixel (the guy at CompUSA said 10 something...I immediately left the store).......I would assume the online store would be the...
  15. C

    Very blue new LCD

    Look in your monitors menu and see what temperature you have it set to (Picture->CSM))....I'll bet it is set to 9300K....set it to either 6500K or sRGB............ or User if you want to fine tweak the RGB values.
  16. C

    Dual monitor question

    While I havn't used a dual display ever cant you just go into your display settings where you change the resolution (not in the nvidia control panel, the windows built in tool) and right click on the monitor you want to use as your primary monitor? You can choose the indentify under the menu...
  17. C

    Dead Pixels

    So glad my monitor (LG L246w) has an option to turn off the LED. Also I'm starting to get sick of the blue LEDs... Phone- blue backlight, speakers- blue power light, computer case- blue power light......... gah.....since when did everyone become a fan of blue anyways.......
  18. C

    Fullscreen woes

    This website seems to have a more updated database than the website above.....
  19. C

    LG L245/6 or Dell 2407WFP-HC?

    Went with LG as posted in the LG thread. Great panel, very satisfied so far. (Would have loved an IPS panel, but not for 400-700 dollars more) Text is plenty sharp for me, coming from the CRT world. ESPECIALLY from my dieing monitor (I could BARELY read text for 3 months because the picture...
  20. C

    Any ~24" LCDs with composite input?

    $50 internet dollars says he was using tv-on-demand at the time. Having the ability to pause live tv requires the picture to be buffered. For some reason the newer Media centers removed the 'live tv' option from the options. Which basically ruined console play. I used to use my old PS2 on the...
  21. C

    Questions about CRT setup

    No clue how it would turn out, but if you want to minimize the conversion fomr DVI->VGA->BNC there are DVI->BNC cables out and about.......
  22. C

    LG L246W

    Just bought this at my local Best buy today (it was the last one unless they had more in back). Loving it so far. Don't see any text blurring at all, even if I stick my face 2 inches from the screen and look cross-eyed at it, very sharp. Now I'm coming from the CRT world so maybe I just haven't...
  23. C

    LG L245/6 or Dell 2407WFP-HC?

    Argh, can't seem to find exactly what I want in a 24" LCD monitor. I think I have it narrowed down to those two. I've seen the LG in-store and just by looking at what I can with the display loop the stores run it looks like the better of all the retail ones I saw there in 24". Not being able to...
  24. C

    Computer Program Can't Lose at Checkers

    Do you understand how difficult it will be to solve chess? Not in our lifetime will chess be solved. You can start by looking at the Shannon number, which it is theorized to be a lower limit of 10^120. WAY bigger than just 5x10^20
  25. C

    Google Trails In Asian Markets

    I've been using google less and less. Their searches seem to not work very well for all but the simplest of queries. there have been quite a few times where one search under google provided no relevant results but the same exact search at altavista gave the result I wanted as the very first hit.
  26. C

    RFID In Your Jewelry?

    Sometimes I wonder if the people who are afraid of being tacked by RFID carry their cellphone with them wherever they go..........:p
  27. C

    Video Gamer Shot Foiling Robbery

    Probably more like: 90% better or same outcome 9.8% chance of recoverable injury 0.2% of getting shot in the face but hey, make up whatever you want to make yourself feel better for letting someone go who might kill Mary Jane 2 years later, when you might have been able to put the thug...
  28. C

    Zombies Attack Apple Store

    ^^ I was thinking the same. Must have been because it was in SF....not exactly the kind of people with any brains(or guns) in the first place.
  29. C

    MySpace Hosting “Town Hall” Events For Candidates

    What % of myspace users actually vote? I'd have to imagine it is even less than that of the general population. breakdown must be something like: half the population are too young to vote one quarter of the population are felon child molestors Besides the cops pretending to be...
  30. C

    Automated Spam Shredder

    Couple questions for you: How old do you think the trees are that they use? (I'll give you a hint, some trees grow faster than others, and therefore work better for mass-production) Is it possible to stagger the planting of trees so you constantly have a steady stream of trees coming into...
  31. C

    The Problem With DRM Is The Name?

    wow, please excuse my grammer etc. the sabres game is about to start...........:D
  32. C

    The Problem With DRM Is The Name?

    well, I'd say he is half right. I see WAY too many people having hissy fits because some software has the DECODING of DRM media, where I'm sure they would be even more pissed off if they couldn't play their new dvd's or whatnot because their player is "DRM FREE!" (No CSS/macrovision) and...
  33. C

    Automated Spam Shredder

    You do know that paper comes from trees specifically grown for the production of paper right? The more paper you use the more trees that will be planted. There is no net harm done to the environment by wasting paper, it only BENEFITS us (unless you want to count the slight change in energy...
  34. C

    93% of New Games Fail, Reviews Don't Matter

    I would say word of mouth gets more sales than any review does. My recommendation of Company of Heroes to friends probably sold more copies among the group of people I game with than the outstanding ratings the reviewers of the game gave. And that's even with CoH getting game of the year/RTS of...
  35. C

    EVGA 650i Ultra @ [H]

    Why do all the reviewers seem to have a different board than I do? I have the MB you reviewed here sitting right next to me (my proc won't be here till next week so all I can do is look at it right now). My board only has the 4 pin extra power plug while the one you reviewed has an 8 pin one...
  36. C

    Java Goes Open Source

    This is LONG overdue. Should have been done before open-sourcing solairis.
  37. C

    $10.00 Laptop?

    Let me try and understand this logic: $100 laptop found to be impossible to make one that cheap Therefore, we should be able to build a $10.00 laptop. PLEASE tell me there is something I am missing.
  38. C

    CD Purchase Gap Not Filled By Music Downloads

    I was thinking more like the last 15 years.........but maybe that is just me.:p
  39. C

    Researcher To Demonstrate Vista Attacks

    So does this "prominent security researcher" happen to work for a company that plans on offering software for sale that is supposed to protect you from these attacks? Looks like the need to create a market otherwise unsellable software.
  40. C

    New Toys Read Brain Waves

    Just as long as the toy can't fight back, when it senses anger, I'm ok with it.:p Don't want a preemptive strike by some killbot directed at me.