Google Trails In Asian Markets

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
Believe it or not, Google is not the most popular search engine overseas. The company is actually trailing Yahoo and Microsoft in countries such as Japan, India, China, Australia and New Zealand.

Despite the popularity of Google's Web sites elsewhere in the world, it failed to attract the most visitors in any of the 10 Asian countries surveyed in May by comScore Networks.
I think the reason being was that Yahoo offered multilingual services for quite some time. Google will catch up.

Also, another interesting point, the Asian cultures do not mind so much the ads as much as we do... hence for the googles success over here with just the search box.
I've been using google less and less. Their searches seem to not work very well for all but the simplest of queries. there have been quite a few times where one search under google provided no relevant results but the same exact search at altavista gave the result I wanted as the very first hit.
I'm surprised Google isn't the top websearch New Zealand, but it kind of make sense since the biggest ISP in NZ (Xtra) used to be MS partner and their homepage is using MSN search. Now they are partnering with Yahoo; it should be interesting if there is any shift in usage.