Automated Spam Shredder

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The “invention of the day” award definitely goes to this guy. He built a complete system dedicated to getting spam, automatically printing and shredding it as soon as it arrives.

"Spamtrap" is an interactive installation piece the prints, shreds and blacklists spam email. It interacts with spammers by monitoring several email addresses I have created specifically to lure in spam. Because I know that all email sent to these email addresses are spam, I have set the installation to print and then shred each email as it
Wait, wait, wait...

So this guy prints out stuff that nobody wants, using paper, ink, and electricity, and then destroys it immediately? To what end? To be thrown out physically instead of simply clicking "delete" after receiving the crap? How is this a good invention? :confused:
Umm, dude, save a tree. :rolleyes:

You do know that paper comes from trees specifically grown for the production of paper right? The more paper you use the more trees that will be planted. There is no net harm done to the environment by wasting paper, it only BENEFITS us (unless you want to count the slight change in energy usage from the increased production/transport of the paper itself).
This guy is an idiot. I get at mad stores using massive amounts of paper for receipts...this tops even that.

what a tard :(
You do know that paper comes from trees specifically grown for the production of paper right? The more paper you use the more trees that will be planted. There is no net harm done to the environment by wasting paper, it only BENEFITS us (unless you want to count the slight change in energy usage from the increased production/transport of the paper itself).

That's true if all paper came from new growth trees, sadly they don't. And yes, I know all about paper... my grandfather, and great grandfather ran a paper company. There is still plenty of environmental harm from destroying a forest and replanting it. Not to mention the chemicals necessary for paper production aren't exactly the cleanliest things in the work.
regardless of its invironmental impact, this invention is just plain retarded.
I guess he feels that by shredding it he is somehow sticking it to the spammers.

You do know that paper comes from trees specifically grown for the production of paper right? The more paper you use the more trees that will be planted. There is no net harm done to the environment by wasting paper, it only BENEFITS us (unless you want to count the slight change in energy usage from the increased production/transport of the paper itself).

I guess when it gets dumped in the landfills theres "no harm done" either. I wish I had the time and money this guy has to make worthless crap,
You do know that paper comes from trees specifically grown for the production of paper right? The more paper you use the more trees that will be planted. There is no net harm done to the environment by wasting paper, it only BENEFITS us (unless you want to count the slight change in energy usage from the increased production/transport of the paper itself).

Precisely. For every tree cut down for paper, more are planted. Plus, the tree used for that paper is already cut down, so how exactly is it saving a tree?
Precisely. For every tree cut down for paper, more are planted. Plus, the tree used for that paper is already cut down, so how exactly is it saving a tree?

I guess the same reasoning is there for SUV's. It's already built so why not just buy it. The less paper purchased/used the less demand = less tree's cut down. There is a ecological impact for every tree removed/planted. Pollution from large machinery, chemical used, CO2 released into the air from holes being punched into the earth.
I guess the same reasoning is there for SUV's. It's already built so why not just buy it. The less paper purchased/used the less demand = less tree's cut down. There is a ecological impact for every tree removed/planted. Pollution from large machinery, chemical used, CO2 released into the air from holes being punched into the earth.

It takes an immeasurable amount of people to start or stop doing something to make a significant difference. It doesn't exactly pertain to SUVs since mpg and cost of gas is an issue; they're a lot more worrisome than the long-run costs of printers and ink.

Heh, my company apparently went paperless, but all paperwork we send to the District office is copied and filed at our branch. District then copies and files before sending it off to Corporate.
I like it. despite what all you HATERS think. Its Art IMO. a physical representation of the war we wage on spam. I think its cool. good job, and dont listen to all these haters!
Peace ! day of spam here would be 800 - 1000 a day, EASILY. The rainforest would be gone in a month if I did the same thing. :D
You do know that paper comes from trees specifically grown for the production of paper right? The more paper you use the more trees that will be planted. There is no net harm done to the environment by wasting paper, it only BENEFITS us (unless you want to count the slight change in energy usage from the increased production/transport of the paper itself).

i usually dont comment on these sorts of things but....

Ask yourself how many trees it takes to supply the paper used in one day in the US. Then find out the growth rate of trees that are planted in their place.Factor in variables such as new growth mortality, natural disasters,soil depletion...etc. When you find out that what we use can never be replaced by those trees that were planted,give yourself a pat on the back. Then read up a little on importation of paper products from South America(cheaper wood/greater volume). Maybe research paper companies such as Glatfelters(dont ever work for them! long story..), International Paper...etc. Youll soon understand that, as good as these companies are at rejuvenating growth, they are even better at Public Relations.
Precisely. For every tree cut down for paper, more are planted. Plus, the tree used for that paper is already cut down, so how exactly is it saving a tree?

LOL, Yeah, it was cut down to make paper..:)
I'm going to put it this way...

Global warming is a farce because temperatures changed long before man was here, and they will continue to long after he is gone.

By the same token:

Trees existed without man altering the number of ones planted, and will continue to exist after man no longer can alter the number of ones planted.

We're insignificant in the manner of planting and re-planting.

Now, regardless...

I think is supposed to be like another piece of "performance art" or something.

And is another clear reason why performance art sucks. (unless it has boobies)
I like it. despite what all you HATERS think. Its Art IMO. a physical representation of the war we wage on spam. I think its cool. good job, and dont listen to all these haters!
Peace !

The only other person that gets it? It's an art thing.
One of the parts that surprised me is that he's feeding the info into spam blacklists. (I dont know much about how Spamcop operates or how the data is used after they get it though.) He's also recycling the leftovers. Yes there's still the energy/chemicals used in the production & recycling of the paper, but it's nice to see that thought went into minimalizing the impact of the work.

Also, check the video. It's pretty cool to see it in action.
Speaking of performance art or some kind of art. Apparently some guy's been pooping into jars and keeping it. That's all I know, I swear. And it's about all I care to know.
i usually dont comment on these sorts of things but....

Ask yourself how many trees it takes to supply the paper used in one day in the US. Then find out the growth rate of trees that are planted in their place.Factor in variables such as new growth mortality, natural disasters,soil depletion...etc. When you find out that what we use can never be replaced by those trees that were planted,give yourself a pat on the back. Then read up a little on importation of paper products from South America(cheaper wood/greater volume). Maybe research paper companies such as Glatfelters(dont ever work for them! long story..), International Paper...etc. Youll soon understand that, as good as these companies are at rejuvenating growth, they are even better at Public Relations.

Couple questions for you:

How old do you think the trees are that they use? (I'll give you a hint, some trees grow faster than others, and therefore work better for mass-production)

Is it possible to stagger the planting of trees so you constantly have a steady stream of trees coming into 'prime'?

Besides this guy wont even put a dent into the supply of paper.
Haha, this is funny, lets send this guy some more spam... make sure you have a lot of text or even pictures... waste his ink, power, and paper.
I like it. despite what all you HATERS think. Its Art IMO. a physical representation of the war we wage on spam. I think its cool. good job, and dont listen to all these haters!
Peace !

QFT!!! It is a statement in art form. I like it. I don't like the waste, but I hope it does get recycled. I did laugh at the video too. Freaking awesome!
cant you guys get it, it was built as a JOKE, i mean come-ON people get a damned grip :rolleyes: i love it, thats funny as hell
Have you all ever seen a tree farm, its no forest. Forests are full of diversity and multiple layers of life. when you cut down a forest and plant only trees to replace it you are only replaceing 10% of the life that was once there and can never again be replaced. and you also have lost all of its natural beauty and randomness.
One person said it best, the only thing a paper company is better at then cutting down trees is Public Relations!

Even if he sends the paper in to be recycled, theres still alot of energyand chemicals involed, such as bleach, solvents, and alot of other nasty crap thats needed to recycle paper into a useable product.

As for the artistic aspect of this, its not very pleasingot the eye, power strip, wires, open computer case, its just plain ugly. is he trying to make a statment or something, i dont know, but I got to agree, its just plain stupid.
Wheres the damn edit button? this is no forest but at one time there was one here, another big problem with tree farms is Erosion problems, as theres no layer of undergrowth to help control soil erosion, this is something that takes hundreds of years to develop, yet these tree farms are only left to grow for a few years before there completly chopped down and replanted. They only plant a single type of tree, thats fast growing and takes alot of nitrients out of the soil, so chemical fertalizers must be used to keep them growing at a fast rate, all the trees are the same size also, so it is very unpleasant to look at. face it, a tree farm can never be a forest, no matter how big it is!
Get educated about something before you start spitting out something you heard on some paper commercial, its scarey to think people actually believe that crap!
This thing was definitely made as a statement, not as anything practical.

Who knows, maybe the guy is using it as a visual representation to plea with his superiors to upgrade their firewall and e-mail servers.

Or maybe what the inventor was trying to say is that "Spam is just as pointless as this invention. Nobody ever looks at spam, it just get trashed immediately." He's giving a visual representation to the whole thing.

Either that, or he's using the machine as a means to say "Fuck You" to spammers. Unfortunately, spammers probably won't give a shit anyways.

I think its a brilliant idea, as long as he only uses that printer for show, otherwise its a huge waste of money.
He makes his own packing material duh : )

still seems a bit dumb, i'll stop trying to justify wasting paper
I cant possibly see how printing spam, and then shredding it is any sort of useful invention. Now.. adding spam to a blacklist, that has some potential. The rest is just like sending spam to the garbage man. Literally. This guy would have been better off inventing a waste of time. One that was more ecologically and financially sound. Couldnt be too hard considering his current invention.
I'm going to put it this way...

Global warming is a farce because temperatures changed long before man was here, and they will continue to long after he is gone.

By the same token:

Trees existed without man altering the number of ones planted, and will continue to exist after man no longer can alter the number of ones planted.

We're insignificant in the manner of planting and re-planting.

So I guess the billions of gallons of CO2 we release into the atmosphere has no effect?

The world population has grown more in the last century than in has in the previous 10000 years combined. In 1900 there where only 1.6 billion people, compared to 2000 where we've reached 6 billion. How could this growth in population not impact our environment?
So I guess the billions of gallons of CO2 we release into the atmosphere has no effect?

The world population has grown more in the last century than in has in the previous 10000 years combined. In 1900 there where only 1.6 billion people, compared to 2000 where we've reached 6 billion. How could this growth in population not impact our environment?

Count up all the other animals on the planet that breathe, thereby releasing CO2. Then count up all the trees on the planet that process our CO2. Then count up all the volcanoes on the planet and various types of geothermic fissures that release CO2. Don't forget the underwater ones that release what you would probably refer to as "thermal pollution" if it were coming from a nuclear reactor. Then add up all the CO2 released every time a natural fire begins a forest fire, and imagine the amount that would be released if humans were not there to hinder the fire. Do all that then explain how the "hole in the ozone layer" (anybody notice this barely is mentioned any more?) has SHRUNK despite the increased use of those horrible life-extinguishing SUVs and air conditioners.

Then realize it would take the earth, and all its potential, a matter of minutes to wipe the human race off itself. Hurricane Katrina? Tsunami in Indonesia? Earthquake in China? Yeah, we're really able to alter our environment. Remember that when we're under 100 feet of ice when the Earth decides another ice age is due.