LG GGC-H20L Blu-Ray/HD DVD Combo 272.28+shipping

Okay I just checked tracking again. I just got a "picked up scan" that looks like its point of origin. Pretty hard to get from Washigton State to Milwaukee overnight... Man I wish they would quit dicking around. The estimated delivery date has been pushed to 25th. I guess I don't give a shit as long as it arrives, but my new HDTV came TODAY grrrrrr. Stop fuckin' with us though...
I finally got a shipment notice with a tracking number that actually shows a real package in FedEx's hands.
Oct 22, 2007
5:41 PM Left origin BELLINGHAM, WA
3:43 PM Picked up BELLINGHAM, WA
I finally got a shipment notice with a tracking number that actually shows a real package in FedEx's hands.

My Fedex tracking number finally updated yesterday night also. I think NCIXUS didn't get any shipped out last week even though they said they did. I called yesterday and the rep said they had shipped mine last week. :rolleyes: Shocking, an internet company that lies.
My Fedex tracking number finally updated yesterday night also. I think NCIXUS didn't get any shipped out last week even though they said they did. I called yesterday and the rep said they had shipped mine last week. :rolleyes: Shocking, an internet company that lies.

Yep. I was right. They held onto your package while you recieved a tracking number... then they ship at a later date.

This is scary, I want to order from them, but based on your experiences, I don't think I want to.
I'm happy to take this drive off anyones hands who decides they don't want it, just pm me :), or tell NCIX to go ahead and ship straight to me :p
I'm happy to take this drive off anyones hands who decides they don't want it, just pm me :), or tell NCIX to go ahead and ship straight to me :p

LOL me too...almost wish I ordered a handful of these. I bet I could turn around and sell them on E-Bay for a comfortable profit. By the sound of it, stock is going to be limited/non-existant for most of next month! (Perfect time for people starting their Christmas shopping!)

Mine was picked up Monday although it was claimed it was shipped Friday. I suspect what they consider "shipped" is when it is boxed up and scanned by the meter. The box probably sat in a bin till the Fed-ex truck arrived the next business day as it most likely left before hand. (Unless LG put a hold on the product for them not to ship it out for a day or something)
I'm getting mine today. I've got a new cpu/mobo/video card to go with this that will be in on Thursday so I'll let you all know how that goes. I may start a project log. :D
Received mine - installing Cyberlink suite now.

Comically, I don't have any BD or HD-DVD to try it with.. perhaps a run to the store is in order. ;) The drive isn't terribly loud. We'll see how it goes.
If anyone doesnt like theres I have a xbox external hddvd drive I could trade plus some $$$ :)
Thank God for this. I was getting soo sick of all the idiots shouting about (insert HD|BR) have won the "format war".
hey if anyone want's cheap hd-dvd or bd to test with check your local eb,gamestop store. I goto SJSU and they had very few of both dvd's. I got King Kong for $10 used on HD-DVD.
I got mine. I know someone had a question about the PowerDVD version number. It's 7.3, which I think is current. :D
Received mine - installing Cyberlink suite now.

Comically, I don't have any BD or HD-DVD to try it with.. perhaps a run to the store is in order. ;) The drive isn't terribly loud. We'll see how it goes.

Lucky you I bet the Planet Earth series in 1080p is absolutly stunning. Probably the first thing I would buy if I could afford one of these drives.
I finally got a shipment notice with a tracking number that actually shows a real package in FedEx's hands.

Lol, whoa, i live in Bellingham, didn't know they shipped out of here. wonder if i'll get dinged for sales tax when i do order :(
Mine just came.....Fed-Ex delivered a day earlier than they claimed they would. Sweet! I love it when that happens! :D

Now I'm in a conundrum.......do I open this baby and fire it up........or do I slap it on ebay and see if I can turn a profit and re-buy it in a month or so?


Nope couldn't do it......couldn't escape the smell of new electronics....opened it up and screwing around with it now (just wish I had an HD movie right now :p). First impressions seem to be nice. It definitely has the touch of a more expensive drive (something I couldn't say with my old plextor drive that I bought back when they were the only 8x drive in town) This weekend I'll go rent some HD movies and try this baby out!
Lucky you I bet the Planet Earth series in 1080p is absolutly stunning. Probably the first thing I would buy if I could afford one of these drives.

Ironically, that IS the first thing on my to-buy list. :)

Subsequently, 300 / Transformers.
My wife tells me mine got delivered today. Unfortunately I'm out of town and won't get to play with it until tomorrow at the soonest. :(
That's a must if u own either one of of the players. I was about to buy it bight i am on a short budget after getting this drive. Maybe Christmas;)
lol, I love people on a power trip. They come into a thread acting all up tight with the rolley eyes and say they know of a better deal, but then they refuse to share it until people beg on their knees. Oh powerful god LawGiver, please share the deal. We will kiss your feet and feed you grapes for all eternity. rofl, pathetic dude. Get a life. :p:rolleyes:
Well, I got the drive plugged in and it works. I'm able to play back both HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. :cool:
I just installed mine and I'm wondering if I need a new driver. I'm using WinXP SP1. I guess if it plays an HD-DVD or Blu-ray I'm OK, but the driver being used is an old Microsoft one from 2001 according to Device Manager. Is there a new driver in the disk that came with it?

Woops, put a DVD and HD-DVD in and can't read any files. I guess I do need a driver!
I just installed mine and I'm wondering if I need a new driver. I'm using WinXP SP1. I guess if it plays an HD-DVD or Blu-ray I'm OK, but the driver being used is an old Microsoft one from 2001 according to Device Manager. Is there a new driver in the disk that came with it?

Woops, put a DVD and HD-DVD in and can't read any files. I guess I do need a driver!

well the box says right on it that system requirement is SP2.
Woops, put a DVD and HD-DVD in and can't read any files. I guess I do need a driver!
You need to install a UDF 2.5 driver to view what's on the disc in Windows Explorer. However, you don't need that driver to play the discs.
The Ebay link below has over 90 instock for the same price. I am going to buy one now.


To bad the seller doesn't accept buyers from Hawaii or Alaska, Guam or Puerto Rico for that matter. :mad: I hate when they treat us as not part of the United States. The funny thing is that I just found out recently that UPS offers ground shipping from here to the 48 states! I guess I have to wait until NCIXUS has it in stock again. :(
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To bad the seller doesn't accept buyers from Hawaii or Alaska, Guam or Puerto Rico for that matter. :mad: I hate when they treat us as not part of the United States. The funny thing is that I just found out recently that UPS offers ground shipping from here to the 48 states! I guess I have to wait until NCIXUS has it in stock again. :(

Try and see if you can buy it right from there site and ship to you. Or email them and say you have a Paypal confirmed shipping address. Good Luck.

Major thumbs up on this drive btw. I've been getting every penny out of it each night. I've picked up about 10 movies (if you count Heroes HD-DVD and Planet Earth as one each), and the results are brick inducing.
Major thumbs up on this drive btw. I've been getting every penny out of it each night. I've picked up about 10 movies (if you count Heroes HD-DVD and Planet Earth as one each), and the results are brick inducing.

What kind of rig do you have?
Alright, I've finally got my drive working 100%. I rebuilt my HTPC around this drive. Here are my components:

e2140 Intel proc @ 2.8Ghz and stable right now Might try for the 100% overclock tonight
abit IP35-e motherboard
Gigabyte HD 2400 pro video card
the GGC-H20L
1 Gig of DDR2 Ram

Once I finally got the right video card drivers installed the Blu-ray I have play like a dream on my Vizio GV42LF (1080P LCD) using it's d-sub input. I have a DVI to HDMI cable on order from Monoprice but I won't use it unless I have to. Unfortunately I don't have a surround system right now but the picture is still amazing! :D
Thanks DBZ33!! Just ordered one :D Can't wait to toss this in the HTPC and get my bluray writer back in my pc.