Dual monitor question


Jul 20, 2007
I have a 24" LG and a 20" LG that I use in a dual monitor setup. The 24" is the primary, the 20" the secondary.

There are some games I prefer to play on the 20" versus the 24". There any way to quickly designate which montior should be the primary display for a specific application?

I don't really want to have to unhook the DVI cables from each monitor and swtich them everytime I want to do certain things.

I'm using an 8800GTX btw. Thanks!
While I havn't used a dual display ever cant you just go into your display settings where you change the resolution (not in the nvidia control panel, the windows built in tool) and right click on the monitor you want to use as your primary monitor? You can choose the indentify under the menu when you right click on the monitor to know which is which.
You can change it in the Nvidia control panel.

Click on the Set up Multiple Displays and you should see the option to select what monitor you want to be the primary.