Researcher To Demonstrate Vista Attacks

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
According to PCWorld, a prominent security researcher is set to demonstrate new ways for hackers to invade Windows Vista, including ways to defeat BitLocker drive encryption and the use of rootkit techniques on Microsoft's new OS.

Rutkowska recently announced she will be running a training session called "Understanding Stealth Malware" during the Black Hat Briefings and Training event in Las Vegas, which runs from 28 July to 2 August. The training session, which will be co-presented by researcher Alex Tereshkin, promises to demonstrate new rootkits developed for Vista, ways of defeating hardware-based forensics systems and other techniques Microsoft would probably prefer the world didn't know.
My only question is this..."why doesn't she work for Microsoft yet?"

Seriously, with the resources they have, this woman needs to work FOR them, not giving demos on how to beat their security to other companies.
Actually, this took a lot longer to appear than I thought it would. Kudos to MS, I think almost six months without a vulnerability is a world record. Windows XP was like what, less than a week?
The target will be Windows and specifically 64-bit Vista, including new kernel attacks against the latest 64-bit Vista builds.

dammit lol
And then after she instructs hackers how to get around security, massive attacks will be found in the wild. She will then say its not her fault and that we should thank her for making it more secure. Its the holier than thou people like this who do more to hinder security than help it.
Okay I know some may feel like I do....but... why show the whole world?
Anything is hackable or killable. :rolleyes:

Old argument I know. But it make mad dammit!!! :p
If I could show a room full of people how to kill a person with one hit...should I?

True to make Vista or any OS better we need to find out their issues .but dirty laundry for all? Same thing goes for those guys who point out weak points in powerplant security to the world. "Hey Terrorist/Cyberterrorist attack here!!"

I get mad dammit!!

:mad: :D


Sorry needed to vent a little....dammit!!! :mad: :p
This should only be done inside Microsoft's labs and under complete control.

This is nothing more than grandstanding...
So does this "prominent security researcher" happen to work for a company that plans on offering software for sale that is supposed to protect you from these attacks?

Looks like the need to create a market otherwise unsellable software.
you think this person is the only one with the knowhow to manage this?

also, lets see whether these are unattended attacks or not. an attack that would require the user to click on the uac doesnt count imho.
Actually, this took a lot longer to appear than I thought it would. Kudos to MS, I think almost six months without a vulnerability is a world record. Windows XP was like what, less than a week?

2 months...6 months...who cares. You knew it was going to happen.

Why bother with it?
i think most of us are hoping she let MS know about the hacks before she demonstrates them...that way they have time to get them fixed. least, i wish that was the case. otherwise this is bullshit. if i could hack an OS for a living and letting whichever company know about the hacks, I would...but i don't have that kind of time lol.