Search results

  1. M

    Removing FAH from a Mac

    Best thing to do is use the OSX uninstaller pkg found at the bottom of the page. That should do the job for you.
  2. M

    Ideal GPU Folding Rig

    ^^^This^^^ Looks like... Well, it no longer has GeForce 9800 GX2s in it, but you get the picture. ;)
  3. M

    News from PG re GPU benchmarking

    Listen to the voices of the past; Progress, far from consisting in change, depends on retentiveness. When change is absolute there remains no being to improve and no direction is set for possible improvement: and when experience is not retained, as among savages, infancy is perpetual...
  4. M

    Are stats servers down?

    New builds are being pushed towards fresh air cooling. Looks like it works quite well. ;)
  5. M

    Are stats servers down?

    A wee bit more complicated than that.
  6. M

    New bigadv project 6904

    Deadlines on these units have just changed. Pande Group announcement link; Keep on folding!
  7. M

    Extra-large WUs and Core i7 users

    Yes you can if it is a dedicated folding box. Here is the terminal output from a stock Core i7 920 running Ubuntu 9.0.4; Writing final coordinates. Average load imbalance: 6.6 % Part of the total run time spent waiting due to load imbalance: 3.2 % Steps where the load balancing was...
  8. M

    The [H]orde 9800GX2 Club

    Sale. Sale. Sale. Sale. Well holy carp! It does! Looks like 10 in all! WOOOOHOOOO! Bonus! Did I mention I like things on sale? ;)
  9. M

    The [H]orde 9800GX2 Club

    It was on sale! Do I NEED another reason?! :p
  10. M

    The [H]orde 9800GX2 Club

    Still in the embryonic stage. Hopefully Santa and his elves will stop slacking and get the darn thing put together. :D
  11. M

    Change to the F@H EULA

    Excellent. This would certainly make things cut and dry in future situations.
  12. M

    Mac SMP Client Eating WUs

    Be sure to check out the known bugs list. As mentioned, it may likely be an issue with the pause on battery that you are doing. Keep in mind that it can take up to 10 to 15 seconds to stop the client when you simply Control-C in terminal. Pausing and quickly starting back up again may be...
  13. M

    Installed PS3 Folding client

    Don't forget ChelseaOilman. He played his part to a tee! He had only one line in the script, but boy was it a show stopper! Thanks man! We owe you one dude! ;) Fish in a barrel! I dare say an Oscar™ winning performance! Meryl Streep has got nothing on you pal! Ebert and Roeper...
  14. M

    Windows SMP client is now open beta.

    Announcement here. Usual beta material warnings apply. Please read the fine print. Enjoy! :)
  15. M

    We need....

    With friends like you, who needs enemas?! :D
  16. M

    Urgent PS3 Client info

    That's it! A little spunk! Some fire! Nice! :D "Here comes old zim hes looking mighty fine Here comes hot marty hes steppin right on time There go the street lights bringin on the night Here come the men faces hidden from the light All through the shadows they come and they go With...
  17. M

    Urgent PS3 Client info

    Ouch! I'm reeling with pain from that glancing blow! This coming from a Windows whore! Wait? Isn't that kind of repetitious? :p
  18. M

    Urgent PS3 Client info

    Very soon makes perfect sense. The EU release of the PS3 is March 23rd. The Mac is glad to see you know your role! :p
  19. M

    Urgent PS3 Client info

    Jeeesh Marty. You REALLY need to work on your comebacks here, and elsewhere. Perhaps zim could give you a few pointers? :p Must be a common denominator. I'm sure you and Marty get along well here. Bans are nice, or so I have witnessed. :D
  20. M

    Urgent PS3 Client info

    That's quite alright then. You're an obtuse person, so it's a perfect match! :p
  21. M

    Angry Moosie takes on helicopter -- both lose

    Um. Yeah. Feel free to throw yourself into the mix. :D
  22. M

    Angry Moosie takes on helicopter -- both lose

    No problem. Just PM me the address. I'm sure it can't be too far away from me. I've got my "little black bag" all ready to go. Just think "Marathon Man" and you'll get the picture. Is it safe? IS IT SAFE?! :eek:
  23. M

    OCAU...whoever they

    Oh sMarty! You're such an Outcast! You must like that glass midtower case you live in?! :D
  24. M

    Help - Am looking for PPT Slides

    Google is your friend. :)
  25. M

    Tiny WUs?

    Nope. Just means that gives me more options when I need to switch clients due to server downtime at Stanford. I love being able to boot into Windows XP, Linux, and OS X on the same machine if I want. Don't you? Oh wait! You can't if you don't use a Mac! That's a damn shame sMarty! A damn...
  26. M

    Tiny WUs?

    A 12 pointer is a bona fide p1491_Membrane unit that is part of the newly released GROMACS33 core for Windows. Which puts the SMP client for Windows one step closer to reality. Enjoy! ;)
  27. M

    Where is the PS3 Client??

    Ever heard of a NDA? Sorry you feel you were "sucked in" to buying a PS3. Stanford University doesn't run on zim time. Patience is a virtue. Some folks are just more virtuous than others, I suppose. But you already know everything and apparently have all the answers. My bad. :)
  28. M

    Where is the PS3 Client??

    Proof that the PS3 client will be here soon enough. EDIT - Well, soon enough for some. But apparently not for others. ;)
  29. M

    Loud Pop?

    Also be wary of the PSU. Check for any funny smell coming from the exhaust fan from it. Caps go bad on PSUs as well.
  30. M

    Where is the PS3 Client??

    So, just because it's not here when you demand it means its not coming out anytime soon? Patience is a virtue. Plenty worth the wait to make sure everything is up to snuff before releasing it to the masses, but then you would probably wail and gnash your teeth if it did not work to perfection...
  31. M

    SMP client on dual-core

    Yes. You should be able to locate the standard FAHlog.txt in the folder you created when setting up the SMP client in OS X. Use Spotlight to find it. ;)
  32. M

    Anyone folding on a C2D iMac?

    Just wait for the C2D Mac mini that will arrive at Macworld. Or, better yet, make your own right now! Quiet little SMP folding beast it is. Happy will you be. ;)
  33. M

    marty/zim01 moving on thread

    Gosh. I'll sure miss Siegfried and Roy around here. What ever will happen with all the amazing tigers?! ;) :p
  34. M

    FAH SMP Client

    Sorry to have stolen the meaningful thunder that comes from the posting of zim01 (Lloyd Christmas) and Mary (Harry Dunn). Again. Sincerest apologies. :p ;)
  35. M

    FAH SMP Client

    Tsk, tsk. Tell me what you see here? Hmmm. Maybe I can fit SOMETHING in those spaces? Slots 1 and 3 perhaps? What could I use? Hmmm. Active cooling? Hmmm. I'm not sure? What do you think? I'm just a nOObie. ;)
  36. M

    FAH SMP Client

    Wanna race? Bet I can beat you to it! Or, maybe I already have and YOU just don't know it?! <insert evil genius laugh here> :p
  37. M

    FAH SMP Client

    I could tell you, but then 7im would have to kill you. That would upset your friends and enemas. Er, enemies. ;)
  38. M

    FAH SMP Client

    Simply buy a Mac Pro with a couple of 5160s in it. Simplify folding and your life. Just ask me how. :p
  39. M

    Anyone actually running the dual GPU client?

    One little problem that confronts you Got a folding monkey on your back Just one more fix, Lord might do the trick One hell of a price for you to get your kicks Ooooh that smell Cant you smell that smell Ooooh that smell The smell of SMP surrounds you Ooooh that smell Cant you smell...
  40. M

    Anyone actually running the dual GPU client?

    I don't think Mary could handle the news, 7im. Take it easy on the old bean. How about we just waft a little of the aroma his way? No? OK. You didn't see anything. Smile and wave boys. Smile and wave. :p