marty/zim01 moving on thread


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - February 2006
Jun 11, 2003
I'm switching teams.

In an effort to not have this post deleted or edited I'll try and keep things short...

I just figured I'd post and ensure anyone who cared heard it from me straight up.

Reasons: A few... Most of which just don't belong in a public forum post.

Please feel free to drop me a PM @ the offical forums and swear at me there.

Same user ID over there.

I'm sure I'll be around these parts here and there.

Good luck Marty. Thanks for all the help you have provided in the past, and for the computer you sold me.

As long as you continue to fold it's all good.

I also have decided to leave the team.

Folding is in my blood as it is in all the

I wish you all the best as you
continue to grow the number one team

You and Zim are like Yin and Yang around here. Without you to banter with he'll have to find someone else to pick on. And I enjoy your little insult-fests back and forth.

Well if you're gonna do it, good luck!

Has something happened that I didn't hear about. First Marty now you?
Good luck...hate to see ya go.....I'm sure you have your reasons so keep on matter who its for :)

Your a HUGE producer, so your are gonna be missed big time....
There's going to be a lot less drama here on the team now that you and Marty are gone. Why can't people just leave the ego bullshit at the door and Fold on?
Bill Clo said:
There's going to be a lot less drama here on the team now that you and Marty are gone. Why can't people just leave the ego bullshit at the door and Fold on?

And a lot less points too.....

I don't know that I ever saw any drama anyway......But I do see 2 good folders leaving the [H]orde...and I have NO IDEA why.....

What is wrong?

Why are you leaving?

I don't understand.



Marty, you're one of the reasons I joined the team, thanks for you contribution and keeping us on our toes.
what just happened?

damnit why do i ALWAYS miss the drama :mad:
wtf? where is everyone going? :confused:
Who knows, maybe their ranting at each other forced people to take action and they don't like it.....doesn't matter. Good luck and keep on folding Zim. Research for the cause, not the team, is what matters.
Wow... talk about a blow. Sad to see you go Marty. I hope you are happy wherever your headed.... were gunna miss ya. Keep on folding!
As was it for marty, its sad to see you go. Hopefully you are happy wherever you end up, and keep on fighting the good fight!
I've only really been folding with the [H] for a little while, but I'm sorry to see you go. :( Good luck and don't be a stranger.
I will also be sad to see you go even though I've only been folding with the [H] for a short while. But good luck wherever you end up and fold on!
Lol. He and zim both moved there :)

Their affair here was too public.
It's Thanksgiving - not April Fool's!!
I'll miss you - now I'll have to visit another board to find great advice:(
I don't visit the official forums because of some particularly anal moderators that surpress information depending on the butt they are kissing.
Keep in touch!!
Fold On!

Time to roast the turkeys, oh I mean the turkey.
So does this mean midnightfreak and relic is coming back to take the empty hole both of you 2 left us with?

I'll miss you 2, Matry9876 and Zim.
gnewbury said:
It's Thanksgiving - not April Fool's!!
I'll miss you - now I'll have to visit another board to find great advice:(
I don't visit the official forums because of some particularly anal moderators that surpress information depending on the butt they are kissing.
Keep in touch!!
Fold On!

This is news to me. What are they suppressing?
Hito Bahadur said:
Lol. He and zim both moved there :)

Their affair here was too public.

Gosh. I'll sure miss Siegfried and Roy around here. What ever will happen with all the amazing tigers?! ;) :p
Well, at least now you can voice your opinion of Moose once and for all :p
why would these two guys leave us
both join the same folding team elsewhere?

the outcasts? WTF?
