Tiny WUs?


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 29, 2005
So I'm looking at my stats, and I have 10 points credited for 1 WU last night. The project summary page doesn't list any 10-point projects (although there's a 12-point one), but I know it can't be an EUE. If I were getting EUE's, there would have been another WU shortly before the 10-point one, and likely many more after it.. And besides, I haven't had an EUE in a very long time.

Is anyone else getting mini WUs?

Okay I'll say it. Its an EUE. :p

What he said :) Seriously tho. I have been getting EUEs on multiple boxes that dont EUE at the beginning of the WU. Sometimes I will get to frame 90+% complete before it EUE so that could be why you aren't seeing a point dump recently before the 10 points. It could be as long as 5-6 hours before I am getting a EUE (on a C2D 2.13Ghz). This seems to be happening (for me at least) only on the 3302 proteins. It isn't the box causing it it is the unstable proteins that seem to be part of this subset.
The thing is that if I only got 10 points for it, assuming I got partial credit, that means that the machine crunching that WU was only crunching it for a few hours. Which means that I should be seeing a full (or at least partial) WU turned in a few hours earlier. hmmm. I'll have to take a look at my boxen at home tonight to see if any of them got it.
I have had ones that I crunched for 90% of the WU and I only got 4 points for the unit that was turned in and was worked on for 6+ hours.. The EUE points seem to be pretty random. Check your logs but pretty sure that you had one blow up on a EUE. It doesn't mean the machine isn't stable especially just that it tanked one. I had a PC that got like 25 of the 3302s in a row and had a string of EUE that had me worries till I saw that they were all on the same protein and that there were issues with that protein according to stanfords forums.
Well, I found the culprit--my work laptop sitting in front of me. It was p3038, and it got 83% done before hitting the EUE.

So I'm looking at my stats, and I have 10 points credited for 1 WU last night. The project summary page doesn't list any 10-point projects (although there's a 12-point one), but I know it can't be an EUE. If I were getting EUE's, there would have been another WU shortly before the 10-point one, and likely many more after it.. And besides, I haven't had an EUE in a very long time.

Is anyone else getting mini WUs?

A 12 pointer is a bona fide p1491_Membrane unit that is part of the newly released GROMACS33 core for Windows. Which puts the SMP client for Windows one step closer to reality. Enjoy! ;)
A 12 pointer is a bona fide p1491_Membrane unit that is part of the newly released GROMACS33 core for Windows. Which puts the SMP client for Windows one step closer to reality. Enjoy! ;)

from that post it looks like your looking forward to finally being able to dump those Mac's you've been using!
from that post it looks like your looking forward to finally being able to dump those Mac's you've been using!

Nope. Just means that gives me more options when I need to switch clients due to server downtime at Stanford. I love being able to boot into Windows XP, Linux, and OS X on the same machine if I want. Don't you? Oh wait! You can't if you don't use a Mac! That's a damn shame sMarty! A damn shame! :p
That's funny, seeing how someone could have separate partitions and boot into Linux/XP if they wanted. Hell, you could probably add Vista there too.

Back on topic... I hope they do something about these units that seem to guarantee a EUE.