Extra-large WUs and Core i7 users

I have to wait till I can change my WB. I had mine OC'd to 4.2 before my MoBo fried because of my WB. I'll order the new WB in a couple of weeks and then I'll give it a try. Sounds interesting. I had read the thread before and was very curious about it.

I was just wondering if anyone is currently running the work units described in this thread on a core i7 and what your results have been: http://foldingforum.org/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=10697 ...Can you complete a WU in >3 days?

Unless they update their GPU clients to work on linux I can't find a reason to try...

Yes you can if it is a dedicated folding box. Here is the terminal output from a stock Core i7 920 running Ubuntu 9.0.4;

Writing final coordinates.

Average load imbalance: 6.6 %
Part of the total run time spent waiting due to load imbalance: 3.2 %
Steps where the load balancing was limited by -rdd, -rcon and/or -dds: X 0 %

   Parallel run - timing based on wallclock.

               NODE (s)   Real (s)      (%)
       Time: 290381.000 290381.000    100.0
               (Mnbf/s)   (GFlops)   (ns/day)  (hour/ns)
Performance:    314.214     17.100      0.298     80.661

gcq#0: Thanx for Using GROMACS - Have a Nice Day
A few people reported getting better PPD with multiple VMs. If it's primarily the science you're interested in, then this might be better.
I think I'll just stick with the my VM-Ware setup then...as I'm running multiple GPU clients and don't want to worry about Linx/Wine...

Not to mention I'm only moderately linux-literate and remember banging my head against my keyboard over seemingly simple issues when I was running it before :D
I think I'll just stick with the my VM-Ware setup then...as I'm running multiple GPU clients and don't want to worry about Linx/Wine...
That's the primary reason I don't switch to the big WUs. Also, my clock frequencies aren't that high and I don't think I can find a dual-socket compatible software OC utility that works in Linux. I might not make the short preferred deadline with lower clock frequencies...

Apparently, there are two values to these WUs, IIRC. Making the initial 'deadline' will grant you big bonus points, but if you don't make the first deadline, the PPD effectively drops. So, even if you have a fast enough system, if there's any down time and your client misses the initial deadline... Someone confirm if this it true. I remember reading about the bonus points for these WUs on the FF. It's mostly worth folding them if you want a simple single client solution and don't have GPU clients, meaning dedicated recent server type setups.

Not to mention I'm only moderately linux-literate and remember banging my head against my keyboard over seemingly simple issues when I was running it before :D
Same here. I'd like my Linux configs to be as simple and hands-off as possible. I still enjoy learning other environments though. :cool: