Angry Moosie takes on helicopter -- both lose

I guess the raffle has gotten moosie a little more stressed then normal. tsk tsk, charging a helicopter? maybe he just wanted a ride.
[BRO]Alaskan;1030735210 said:
Moose if you really want to fly that bad I could come up and give you a flight in my plane

How many PPD does that thing get?
That old guy there? Yes thats me. I was taking some kids up for flights around the city (Ft. Wayne, In.)and one parents was taking photos and videos.
[BRO]Alaskan;1030735902 said:
That old guy there? Yes thats me. I was taking some kids up for flights around the city (Ft. Wayne, In.)and one parents was taking photos and videos.

You've got to be up there with Mary and Dim...

How do you feel about that?
I don't live in Ft Wayne. I was visiting. I live in Clarksville Tn. Pilots cannot hide their private info. You can google my planes tail number (I wish I could do this with an auto license plate) and choose the FAA site and get my name and address.
[BRO]Alaskan;1030736699 said:
I don't live in Ft Wayne. I was visiting. I live in Clarksville Tn. Pilots cannot hide their private info. You can google my planes tail number (I wish I could do this with an auto license plate) and choose the FAA site and get my name and address.

I was referring to the "that old guy there" :p
QFT. I was sorely disappointed at the lack of illustrative detail.

Why all we have to find is the following:
1 Picture of helicopter
1 Picture of a moose

Place helicopter in picture, chop the moose in the picture of the propellor blades. Simple in a way.
(note to self).....plan trip to take care of viperette

No problem. Just PM me the address. I'm sure it can't be too far away from me. I've got my "little black bag" all ready to go. Just think "Marathon Man" and you'll get the picture. Is it safe? IS IT SAFE?! :eek:
I vote BRO picks up zim01 in DC, flies over to NJ and throws zim01 out of the plane w/ zim01's body landing on moose killing them both then shoots over into Chicagoland crashing his plane head long into vipers house while Mac is there pulling vipers head out of pH's ass.

Anyone there I forget to kill off/insult?

I vote BRO picks up zim01 in DC, flies over to NJ and throws zim01 out of the plane w/ zim01's body landing on moose killing them both then shoots over into Chicagoland crashing his plane head long into vipers house while Mac is there pulling vipers head out of pH's ass.

Anyone there I forget to kill off/insult?


Well... that sure was creative :p
I vote BRO picks up zim01 in DC, flies over to NJ and throws zim01 out of the plane w/ zim01's body landing on moose killing them both then shoots over into Chicagoland crashing his plane head long into vipers house while Mac is there pulling vipers head out of pH's ass.

Anyone there I forget to kill off/insult?


Somebody has issues
I vote BRO picks up zim01 in DC, flies over to NJ and throws zim01 out of the plane w/ zim01's body landing on moose killing them both then shoots over into Chicagoland crashing his plane head long into vipers house while Mac is there pulling vipers head out of pH's ass.

Anyone there I forget to kill off/insult?


Luv the Moosie!