Loud Pop?


Jan 30, 2006
So about 10 minutes ago a loud pop eminated from my computer at least im pretty sure it did, anyways no one else in the whole house heard it and it was loud as hell and my house echoes like a mother, there is no visible damage and the system is running fine right now, just checked all temps and they look good, anyway this pop was in my head...It scared the crap out of me though and my heart jumped I've heard of people hearing pops but its usually when they're trying to sleep, any ideas?
You might consider checking the capacitors on your motherboard real close to see if there is any signs of bursting or leakage. If one has popped, I don't know what affect it could have on your motherboard. When one popped on my old MSI board, it leaked and killed the video card.

If one of the caps has blown, your system might run for a short time before...the end:(

Hope it wasn't your system,
-HK sends
Also be wary of the PSU. Check for any funny smell coming from the exhaust fan from it. Caps go bad on PSUs as well.
no funny smells, no smoke and no visible damage, what exactly am I looking for in a mb cap,BTW these are the reinforced solid capacitators on the DS3
Are you sure it was your computer? Most times when things go "pop" like that, your computer won't work well at all afterwards ;).
I suppose it could've been my monitor but thats working fine to:confused: I guess since everythings running fine I shouldn't be so worried
nah, my tv is a crt hdtv though, but im pretty sure it came from my computer, what should I look for in a busted MB cap?
Are you sue you didnt drop a Pop corn kernel inside the case?;)

Hope it there isnt anything wrong with your machine dude:)
I've had my monitor do that twice. Sony FW900 24" CRT. Screen blanked for maybe 1/20th of a second only, but the noise was like what you're describing