SMP client on dual-core


Feb 13, 2005
I just added a C2D box to my farm.
I was wondering about the SMP client on dual-core. The Stanford people recommends running the SMP client on at least four cores, and there may be problems running on dual-core.
Is it better to run two separate clients vs the SMP client?
if i remember past threads correctly, SMP takes some process power to run so you wont be seeing a benieft to it unless you have 4+ cores.

running 2 instances > 1 SMP on dual core
1 SMP > running 4 instances.

and i might just be talking completely out of my happens ;)
if i remember past threads correctly, SMP takes some process power to run so you wont be seeing a benieft to it unless you have 4+ cores.

running 2 instances > 1 SMP on dual core
1 SMP > running 4 instances.

and i might just be talking completely out of my happens ;)

you truly scare me some days...

If your a points type of guy, fold SMP on that rig. Serious PPD off them buggers, 1000 PPD +. 24/7.

Yea, you will get the occasional high PPD WU on regular clients but the 100 PDP WU's will kill your average. All SMP WU's have high PPD's.

Even for the science aspect, 1x SMP returns results quicker (1x larger result) then 2x normal clients--- Stanford wants results back quickly above most other aspects.

Down with pagien.
if i remember past threads correctly, SMP takes some process power to run so you wont be seeing a benieft to it unless you have 4+ cores.

running 2 instances > 1 SMP on dual core
1 SMP > running 4 instances.

and i might just be talking completely out of my happens ;)
SMP runs just fine on all 4 of the dual cores I have in installed on. PPD's on all machines are 900+ and the WU's always take less than 1 day (14-16hr average). Stanford wants work fast and SMP is the way to do it. There is no way to get this amount of work done (and get those point counts) running 2 single instances on a dual core. SMP,SMP,SMP.
Is anyone running this on a Mac (OSX client?). Reason I ask is I have one running windows with 2 normal clients and 1 running the SMP version on OSX. I however cannot find any reference to a fahlog file anywhere so I have no idea other than it is using CPU syslec to know if it is functioning correctly or not

Is anyone running this on a Mac (OSX client?). Reason I ask is I have one running windows with 2 normal clients and 1 running the SMP version on OSX. I however cannot find any reference to a fahlog file anywhere so I have no idea other than it is using CPU syslec to know if it is functioning correctly or not

Yes. You should be able to locate the standard FAHlog.txt in the folder you created when setting up the SMP client in OS X. Use Spotlight to find it. ;)
Thanks for the info. after looking at this It is not apparent that the Mac Mini is incapable of doing the SMP client as I am getting didn't make the deadline errors
Actually it may have helped if I had set the mini to not go to sleep after 15 minutes.. it appears to be doing much better now. I will reinform if it actually completes a work unit
Ok well it finished it's first SMP WU in less than 24 hours and is well on its way to finishing a 2nd. So apparently just turning off the sleep mode made a lot of difference. More folding to go!

Ok well it finished it's first SMP WU in less than 24 hours and is well on its way to finishing a 2nd. So apparently just turning off the sleep mode made a lot of difference. More folding to go!

Excellent, I asked about smp on core 2 duo macs a few weeks ago and didn't get a response. Time to get a macbook for the wife. She's been complaining about me not letting her get a ipod and I told her itunes will never touch any of the pc's, so now I have to get her a mac. Atleast now I know it can do something productive. :eek:
Well the 2 minis that I have aren't Core2's but they seem to be chugging along just fine (although I need to sell one of them...anyone interested?)
