Urgent PS3 Client info


[H]ard|DCer of the Month - February 2006
Jun 11, 2003
Red alert, Red Alert!!!!!

Client update status, err the status for the update for the client (ok, I'm confused) has been upgraded from "soon" to:

VJ Today said:
There will be an announcement with more details "very soon."

So there you have it, from soon to very soon. Soon there might be something... :D

Ok, so anyways, who here would actually buy on of these things if they did say 500 PPD? 1000 PPD?

Availability of these things still in short supply? What do they cost? Did they stop selling the cheaper one? WTF is the difference between soon and very soon? Why must moose talk about his tool on a daily basis? Did I feed my cat this morning?

I'm thinking abot buying one (I frigging hate consoles) just for FAH so I can run all the various clients. Ok, that's a dumb reason....
They were never in short supply. :D

60gb-$600, 20gb-$500



Because he knows you get excited about it.

Down with Chrises, Krises, Chris', crisises, and all things Chris!
Some might think your were stalking me Chris....

Jeeesh Marty. You REALLY need to work on your comebacks here, and elsewhere. Perhaps zim could give you a few pointers? :p

AtomicMoose said:
His name is Chris too?

Must be a common denominator. I'm sure you and Marty get along well here. Bans are nice, or so I have witnessed. :D
Nothing wrong with being named Chris. :)

On topic: About time the PS3 was good for something

Fold on people! For tuxedoedShrimp

Sweet, great news. I have a PS3 (well, my friend's, I wouldn't buy a PS3) waiting for the folding client to come.
Hey Macaholic, make yourself useful for a change and let us in on the PPD from the PS3!

Because of the NDA, VJ wouldn't give us an early crack at the Cure@PS3 client. :(


Way to go Carl... you just got added to the "we hate FCF mod's list" along with the rest of you... All you had to do was be honest here and not pull a Mac....


I'm kidding, my latest excuse is I bet my nephew would have fun with it.
I wish I was not being honest. :(

You'll know when I get my hands on the client, watch for a little spike in my stats. ;)


I thought spikes went up not down? :eek:

I always think of Mac when these come in from CERT:

Hash: SHA1

National Cyber Alert System

Technical Cyber Security Alert TA07-072A

Apple Updates for Multiple Vulnerabilities

Original release date: March 13, 2007
Last revised: --
Source: US-CERT

Systems Affected

* Apple Mac OS X version 10.3.x and 10.4.x
* Apple Mac OS X Server version 10.3.x and 10.4.x

These vulnerabilities affect both Intel-based and PowerPC-based Apple
Availability of these things still in short supply? What do they cost? Did they stop selling the cheaper one? WTF is the difference between soon and very soon? Why must moose talk about his tool on a daily basis? Did I feed my cat this morning?

No, they never were.

$600 for 60GB

Yes (Just ignore Ben, he knows NUTZING!)

How close you are to dying of old age.

There's something to be said for hung like a moose.

I hope so. <3 cats!
Guess that depends if you just got blown or in your case also suck :rolleyes:

That's it! A little spunk! Some fire! Nice! :D

"Here comes old zim hes looking mighty fine
Here comes hot marty hes steppin right on time
There go the street lights bringin on the night
Here come the men faces hidden from the light
All through the shadows they come and they go
With only one thing in common
They got the fire down below"

I see the PS3 client. Its release very soon. I predict Marty getting buried under the weight of its massive PPD production. Whatever will he do?! :eek:
WooHoo!!! Now the wait begins for the update. Can't wait to see this thing perform.
It would probably cause me to take my 20GB one off my FS/T post :)
look like end of the month deal.

Shameless copy/paste from FCF


Tokyo, March 15, 2007 – Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. (SCEI) today announced that PLAYSTATION®3 (PS3™) computer entertainment systems will have the capability to connect to Stanford University’s Folding@home program, a distributed computing project aimed at understanding protein folding, misfolding and related diseases. Stanford University is leveraging PS3’s powerful Cell Broadband Engine™ (Cell/B.E.) – and what will be an even more powerful distributed supercomputing network of PS3 systems – to help study the causes of diseases such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, cystic fibrosis and many cancers.

Because the process of folding proteins is so complex, computers are used to perform simulations to study the process. Since these simulations can take up to 30 years for a single computer to complete, Folding@home enables this task to be shared among thousands of computers connected via the network, utilizing distributed computing technology. Once the data is processed, the information is sent back via the Internet to the central computer.

The Cell/B.E. processor inside each PS3 is roughly 10 times faster than a standard mainstream chip inside a personal computer (PC), so researchers are able to perform the simulations much faster, speeding up the research process.

“Millions of users have experienced the power of PS3 entertainment. Now they can utilize that exceptional computing power to help fight diseases,” said Masayuki Chatani, Corporate Executive and CTO Computer, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. “In order to study protein folding, researchers need more than just one super computer, but the massive processing power of thousands of networked computers. Previously, PCs have been the only option for scientists, but now, they have a new, more powerful tool—PS3.”

“We’re thrilled to have SCE be part of Stanford University’s Folding@home project,” said Vijay Pande, Associate Professor of Chemistry at Stanford University and Folding@home project lead. “With PS3 now part of our network, we will be able to address questions previously considered impossible to tackle computationally, with the goal of finding cures to some of the world’s most life-threatening diseases.”

With the latest system software update expected to become available at the end of March, Folding@home icon will be added to the Network menu of the XMB™ (XrossMediaBar). PS3 users can join the program by simply clicking on the Folding@home icon or optionally set the application to run automatically whenever PS3 is idle(*1).

Starting with Folding@home, SCE will continue to support distributed computing projects in a wide variety of academic fields such as medical and social sciences and environmental studies through the use of PS3 and hopes to contribute to the advancement of science.

(*1) To run the application automatically in idle state, PS3 must be connected to the network with both main power switch and power button turned on. Option setting must also be changed as this automatic feature is off at default.
i hope this turns out to be cost-effective, because it would be cool to have a stack of these running in parallel.
Hmmmm, I was a day away from tossing my PS3 on eBay. I'm sick of the lack of good games and the HORRIBLE PS2 emulation...I guess this will have me keeping it. (I also hate that the damn controllers will not turn themselves off after awhile.)
Thought #2...I hope they don't stack all the PS3 clients onto one team...If I can't block these in with my personal stats I'm gonna be pissed.

Thought #2...I hope they don't stack all the PS3 clients onto one team...If I can't block these in with my personal stats I'm gonna be pissed.
They will. It will be called the ``sony, omfg we are so great'' team ;)