Search results

  1. W

    Trouble steering in NFSMW

    I use and xbox controller on my computer and it works GREAT. Analog triggers for brakes and acceleration -- nice! If you get the XBCD drivers you can even change the size of the dead zone on both analog sticks. Very cool and works very well.
  2. W

    $500 graphics card or a next-gen console?

    My vote is for the video card. Wait on the 360 until the market has matured a little bit and see if you actually like it without all the hype. You know PC games rock, and PCs are fun - let the early adopters drop the cash figure out if the 360 kicks ass or not. I wouldn't spen more than 350...
  3. W

    Website Critique?

    The Good: -Header Design -Footer Design The Bad: -Horrible sound when the page first opens. (annoyed the crap out of me - and my coworkers) -FRAMES?? What the -- no. bad. The Ugly: -Tables for layout - need I say more. -Horizontal scroll bar at 1024x768 -Vertical scrollbar in the...
  4. W

    1Million+ hits/day hosting

    I'm looking into A slew of high end design sites use (mt) - they seem to be pretty serious. I'm pretty sure that there's not a restirction on hits/visits a day, just bandwidth usage.
  5. W

    Website Critique - The Peoples Vehicle

    Yeah -- But I'm thinking it's only a 10px difference or so -- shouldn't be too hard to shrink down.
  6. W

    Website Critique - The Peoples Vehicle

    Fixed and will now validate to strict if you force it -- kept it transitional as the target attribute of the a tag has been depricated? I checked and you must be running in 800x600 or at least have your browser windows that small -- as 1024 works like a charm -- Haven't decided if I'm going to...
  7. W

    Website Critique - The Peoples Vehicle

    I just finished up a new site of mine called "The Peoples Vehicle ". I was hoping to get some feedback design wise. It's one of those pixel pushing sites ala with a twist. Colors? Layout? hmm? :)
  8. W

    Dungeon Siege 2?

    Yeah... I've got to admit -- it was a bit weak of him to be busting out the timeline like that... :D
  9. W

    Studio 8 products available for trial download

    Offtopic: cuemasterfl -- "SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0 0 rows returned" I was wearing that thinkgeek t-shirt yesterday! :)
  10. W

    Studio 8 products available for trial download

    Downloaded the trial's for Studio (dw, fw, fp) yesterday here at work and only had a few mins to play with them. Initial impressions are good -- but I don't like the new splash screens/branding -- a minor nit-picky thing to say. :) Perhaps they will grow on me who knows. I'll be using 8 all...
  11. W

    Problems...problems...proprietary problems...

    First of all -- kudos on the site -- I really like it! As for the weird blackness during image loads on IE, perhaps you could use some kind of image preloader of sorts as it seems to only have a problem on the first load -- if you go back once the images have been loaded it seems fine. btw...
  12. W

    Website Critique and Quicktime Help Needed

    Ditch the intro movie and the rollover caps effect.
  13. W

    Clear HTML file

    Oh... and before anyone else confronts you -- you may want to hit up google for answers before posting to forums... Just a kind suggestion as it may save you a flame or two in the future. :) Sixth down on the search results.
  14. W

    Clear HTML file

    Open the file with "notepad" and then chose "Edit -> Select All" and hit "Backspace" or "Delete" on your keyboard. Save changes. You could also just create a new text file and change the extension to .htm or .html -- this will do the same thing. Html files are human readable with any...
  15. W

    Design critique? (some one please make me cry!)

    Ditch the blue-dotted line around the border of the site. Also -- you may want to take a look at for some new colors. Take a look at the palettes. That site has helped me quite a bit in the past couple of weeks.
  16. W

    Dungeon Siege 2 Framerate Problem on Nvidia

    I created a profile for it a couple of days ago and changed some settings on my vid drivers and it worked like a charm.
  17. W

    Dungeon Siege 2

    There should be an option in the game menu that will display it in the upper left hand corner.
  18. W

    Dungeon Siege 2

    I was able to improve my framerate significantly (from 8fps to above 30fps -- at the lowest) by updating my video drivers to version 77.77 and creating a settings profile for Dungeon Siege (display properties advanced). I turned off a bunch of crap and now i can max the settings in the game...
  19. W

    Dungeon Siege 2

    Hey! You've got an AMD and a 6800 -- what are you getting for framerates?
  20. W

    Dungeon Siege 2 Framerate Problem on Nvidia

    Just discovered another mult-page thread regarding nvidia performance issues.
  21. W

    Dungeon Siege 2

    BF2, HL2, D3, NFSU2, etc all run flawlessly -- smooth as glass max settings all day long. Defrag'd after install as usual. No such luck -- I've heard many other nvidia owners complaining about it as well... *edit* -- not to thread hijack but I just posted a complete description of my issue...
  22. W

    Dungeon Siege 2

    I love the game -- I'm having a great time playing it -- except for the framerate... I've got a sweet setup -- but I'm getting LOW framerates -- like low... 10fps-30fps flux...
  23. W

    Dungeon Siege 2 Framerate Problem on Nvidia

    I'm hoping someone can shed some light on my framerate situation... My framerate TOTALLY BLOWS. I go down to 10fps on occasion. Usualy hover around 20-30fps. Which is total crap. I have tried changing the graphics settings to no avail -- I keep getting the same framerate whether I'm maxed on...
  24. W

    Is there a way to buy/convert a PS2 controller for PC? Don't like GTA:SA PC controls.

    I have two of these and they ROCK. Drivers are good too. You can even use them for Stepmania (open-source DDR clone) as it has a mode specifically for dance pads... -- if your into that... but I wouldn't know anything about that...
  25. W

    We need a really cool racing game...

    Excellent! I had totally forgot about that game. That game was great! The announcer and cutscenes were cool. Didn't they come out with Megarace 2?
  26. W

    Critique this site...

    Major "spillage" in Firefox. Goto "Parts -> Differentials" and the footer does not stay below the content -- it stays in one spot and the content overlays and keeps on "truckin" :) The layout is not vertically fluid on Firefox. Also the "F.A.Q." is just nasty. It spills over the bottom...
  27. W


    I believe all of the songs in the retail DDR games are copyrighted and cannot be downloaded "legally". So unfortunately it would require a visit to the dark underbelly of the internet which is not a topic that can be discussed here. There are many good free songs out there to be downloaded...
  28. W

    Analog Controler for PC Question

    I purchased a USB to Playstation 2 Controller adapter called the "SmartJoy PLUS". Every button on my PS2 controller works flawlessly. It's pretty tasty -- retailing around 12 dollars. Images
  29. W

    Easiest Programming Language to Learn?

    Quick off topic reply... I need to update my sig -- I sent that XFX 6800GT back as it died on me the 2nd week I had it. In it's place resides a BFG 6800GT (only one DVI /sad panda). I saved my cash for a couple of months and decided to splurge -- as I'd been living off a laptop for the past 5...
  30. W

    Can you help me to build a cheap NAT/Firewall?

    ( p2 350 + 128MB Ram + 6GB HD + 3 NICs ) * [ IPCop | Smoothwall ] = Profits Been running for months and loves it.
  31. W vs.

    I agree with the general consensus on being good. Used the free part for years personsally and now using the pay part at work. Refer to my previous recommendation: Post #4.
  32. W

    Easiest Programming Language to Learn?

    I found that once I had learned my first language and was comfortable with programming concepts and methodologies -- most of the other languages I tried were relatively easy to pick up. The key is understanding the concepts and methodologies behind programming. Once you have that, you can...
  33. W

    Need a little help with setting up my WebServer

    We use (the non-free part) for DNS here at work. It's actually quite good.
  34. W

    Design Debate -- Opinions Requested

    Hahahaha -- I got a kick out of that one! :p Thanks for all the comments! I totally understand that the contrast sucks but that's what my friend wanted. I was only the facilitator of the css layout as he is not a "code monkey" as he put it in the first post. My sites tend to be white with...
  35. W

    Design Debate -- Opinions Requested

    My friend is working on a personal website and has come up with two versions -- "site 1" and "site 2". I assisted on design 1 and he came up with design 2. He thinks design number two is the better version. I'm thinking not. We need the opinions of a 3rd party to settle this matter, but...
  36. W

    Mx700 w/ another Keyboard

    I have a couple MX700/Wireless Keyboard combos and they both use just a single base -- they came that way. I purchased them as a bundle.,CRID=2162,CONTENTID=6831