Studio 8 products available for trial download

downloaded it, gonna check it out now...

EDIT: downloaded it twice and it keeps saying the file is corrupted when i double click on the .exe file....hmmm wierd, guess i'll try it out some other time... :(
You can also buy and download the full product. DW8 will be here a week from today, I guess.
I have to say, so far I really like the new Dreamweaver. I've been wanting to make the switch to CSS layouts and this is really helping me. :)
hmmm....had to use IE in order for it to install...that's a first for me...anyways i'm gonna go mess with it now :D
Downloaded the trial's for Studio (dw, fw, fp) yesterday here at work and only had a few mins to play with them. Initial impressions are good -- but I don't like the new splash screens/branding -- a minor nit-picky thing to say. :) Perhaps they will grow on me who knows. I'll be using 8 all day and will try to get back here and post my thoughts.

Initially though -- I like dw's improved CSS support.

cuemasterfl -- "SELECT * FROM users WHERE clue > 0
0 rows returned"

I was wearing that thinkgeek t-shirt yesterday! :)
My box arrived today, so I eagerly installed it on my laptop.

The upgrade went fine; the product installed itself and imported all my sites, including the cheked-out file lists. When I tried to start it the first time, it hung. I killed the process, and it started fine the second try.

The DW 8 setup left Dreamweaver MX 2004 installed. I would've appreciated the option to upgrade and remove in one step.

I started fooling around to see what was new. In particular, I'm eager to see which of my annoyances have been fixed.

Get Dependent Files. It still simply says "get dependent files", and doesn't tell you which specific files it will download. I can't find an option to make it do so. This is really annoying; if I click OK, will I download a single file? Which one? Or several really large files?

Pasting. Pasting into controls in the property pane works! In MX 2004, I would paste into the "Link" edit conrol, for example, by pressing CTRL+INS. The old product would inject the text into the document I was editing. Now, when I do so, it actually works!

Wheel Mouse targeting. Run a report, like "Extenral Links". Click the mouse on the list of the report. Scroll with the wheel. This should scroll the report, but it ends up scrolling the "show" dropdown box. Oddly, other boxes don't scroll even when you click on them, such as the "Style" or "Format" dropdowns on the Property pane.

Duplicate Mnemonics. There are still duplicate mnemonics on the Edit menu. I can't understand why, in 2005, we have programs that still have this kind of bug. ALT+E, ALT+T is cut. It's not anything else, like "Code hint Tools". Yeah, I know i can customize it; why can't it be correct out of the box?
downloaded DW8 yesterday.. still playing with it.

i can see how the CSS tab could be helpful, but i actually find writing CSS by hand to be much faster than clicking through a bunch of dropdowns.

code collapse is kinda neat, but seems a little cumbersome to use right now, i think i'm going to end up using it a lot though.

the rendering of CSS layouts in design view is improved over MX2004, but still somewhat disappointing.

Copy/Pasting from Office documents seems improved, i'll need to test that more though.
There wasn't an option. It's just installed; I haven't used DreamWeaver since I rebooted, but MYSQLD-NT.EXE is loaded and running with a working set of about 18 megabytes of memory.

I think I'm going to go back to DW2004.